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  晨报讯(记者 颜斐)因妻子私自动用父母七万块养老钱,李某怒打妻子,公婆见状一起将儿媳打致轻伤,并逼迫她写下欠条。近日,通州法院以故意伤害罪判处李父有期徒刑八个月,缓刑一年,李某和母亲则被判处有期徒刑六个月,缓刑一年。

Morning news(Reporter YanFei)By his wife who use parents seventy thousand pieces of endowment money,Li mou anger dozen wife,Sees her daughter-in-law to play together to minor injuries,And drove her to write down ious。recently,Tongzhou court sentenced to imprisonment intended harm blame LiFu eight months,Probation a year,Li mou and mother were sentenced to imprisonment for six months,Probation a year。


March 10, early,Xiao li in the home for his wife's parents use a quarrel with his wife endowment money,With their parents after the spiked、Or with the hand will become his wife minor injuries。trial,Li mou said,Do not understand why his wife always wanted to divorce him,Home is her tube of money,But this seventy thousand dollars is parents of endowment money,The money with a wife not consulted with himself。The old couple admitted that playing daughter-in-law wrong,But say each other always to scold the old couple rao,They really angry,Will move hand。In view of the case by the inner contradictions within the family,3 the defendant guilty plea step to repentance,Court to light punishment and probation for them。

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