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台媒曝高圆圆赵又廷秘密领证 赵家望女方速生子--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


According to Taiwan media reports,GaoYuanYuan and zhao and ting, two people through the cooperation of the director Chen kaige《search》Met fell in love,Two people published since since romance,He was under a lot of cross-strait net friend top of blessing。recently,Two people were more in has been in Taiwan secret marriage license。More media reports say two people flash marriage is to zhao home hope has 34, to have children GaoYuanYuan quickly。


Reports say:“28 years of age and though he told me they zhao said yourself 30 years to get married,But this year has 34, fear has GaoYuanYuan age and tide wait for no man。In march this year,Formal recognition GaoYuanYuan love with the zhao and have been good friends he has kept secret in Taiwan with GaoYuanYuan married license。The news I'm afraid to officially announced until the end of foreign。”


Two people from formally announced to marry only 2 months less than time,Let a person plaint efficiency also too fast。In fact it is reported:This is all zhao family to claim,Although GaoYuanYuan is proper maintenance,Like girl,But after all the actual age has 34 years old,Conservative home in order to guarantee their farewell to the health of blood,Also want to force GaoYuanYuan quickly get married and have children。
