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钟馗传说遭吐槽 网友斥:跟发神经有什么区别--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


The 1987 edition of the《Journey to the》And the 1990 edition of the《been》,The creation of the modern drama lay the god benchmarking。But in the past 20 years,Now god what is drama?You might as well see are hunan satellite TV broadcast of the popular theatre alone platinum drama《Chung kuei legend》,Chung kuei past catch ghost tianshi image were overthrown,The characters of network of all the popular language,The imagination......through、magic、farce、Modern language, etc“Mix build”。There is no doubt that,The screen of the fairy tales are being alienation,Folk legend is being abused,Screen full of bad taste to cater to......Such as《Chung kuei legend》The god of this drama screen is not alone,《Any living buddhas 3》、《The TianZhiHen xuanyuan jian》、《Happy day peng commander-in-chief》......A than a make up well wide。Netizens reprimanded,The god of this drama with crazy have what differentiation。


钟馗出场口吐英文 Play chung kuei vomit a English


仙女跳起了钢管舞 The fairy jump up steel tube dance


Chung kuei,In the China traditional culture is“Bless town curtilage saint king”。He is born to ancient book records BaoTou HuanYan,Fair Qiu head,Looks strange,But brilliant、Wisdom in the mind of man,Usually upright formidable,Them right,The credit。In the Spring Festival、Dragon boat、start、opened、Open to、opening、Open temple、Costs nt $、Thank soil、moved、Superior qinfeng、Marriage life、Prayers and important celebration activities,People will hang picture and chung kuei exorcism dance dance performance at chung kuei,Meet on a happy auspicious、Good life、Except pray and、Town house on the meaning of Ann。

  《钟馗传说》在剧情上大玩穿越,钟馗要帮包青天断案、替窦娥申冤、与武大郎对峙、在梁祝里谈恋爱。当看到《钟馗传说》钟馗一出场竟然口吐英文“see you later”,花魁唱的是费翔的《冬天里的一把火》,拿着话筒……神仙成立“广寒宫歌舞团”,仙女跳起了钢管舞,表演曲目从《泰坦尼克》主题曲到民族小调《四季歌》,横贯中西。天庭开发出了各种高科技装备,“赛神脑”、录音的“拾音石”,“时空穿梭机”……如今,似乎没有古装剧不玩穿越,要么借用神仙的力量时空穿梭,要么嘴巴里蹦出大量千年之后的网络流行语……一些电视剧剧情弱智,就像小学生写的。

《Chung kuei legend》In the big play on through,To help BaoQingTian zhong kui took his judgment、DouE right themselves for、And wu3 da4 lang2 confrontation、Fall in love in the butterfly lovers。When to see《Chung kuei legend》Chung kuei an appear unexpectedly vomit a English“See you later”,HuaKui sing is kris phillips《In the winter of a fire》,Took the microphone......Fairy was established“GuangHanGong song and dance troupe”,The fairy jump up steel tube dance,Performing repertoire from《Titanic》The theme song to national ditty《Four seasons song》,Crosses the Chinese and western。Forehead developed all kinds of hi-tech equipment,“"ShenNao”、Recordings of the“Sound pickup stone”,“Time and space shuttle”......now,There seems to be no period drama not to play through,Or use the power of the time and space shuttle,Either the mouth of a single after one thousand in popular network...Some TV drama weak-minded,Like the pupil writes。


in《Chung kuei legend》The first story“Decline demon killed the tiger town”in,Pan Yangtze river to actor identity appear,Pan Yangtze river expression eerie、Action exaggerated,Return often throw network vocabulary,Plus pan Yangtze river of baldheaded buckled a top small pot modelling,The small taste real performance style too exaggeration。


This is the period drama?《Chung kuei legend》Too much content and easy to cross、Low-level plot,The audience was reviled。Fairies busy“Affection dispute”,Fabricated made a,Waste of resources,Optional compilation myth legend,All show absurd extraordinary,Lack of active ideological significance,In traditional culture and at the same time misreading,Also misled the vast audience especially teenagers on traditional culture understanding and the understanding。


It's more about today's social tasteless please,If is catered to a high level some can accept,But the story looks are be fudged,In the creation of the serious before attitude,Only the creation of the differences and attitude differences。Cao xueqin's dusty girl,Shy naih-an's dozen river's lake,Luo guanzhong's historical perplexing,WuChengEn's legendary... that...brilliant,But to their advantage of gain and loss between them is not irrelevant topics,But they agree on different degree of creative attitude。


上古神物竟然是iPad Ancient sacred unexpectedly is iPad


猪八戒成了励志帅哥 Pig eight quit became inspiring the handsome boy


《Chung kuei legend》Will our country folk traditional art character“modernization”,wulitou、non-mainstream、The bag with black sunglasses,Unconstrained imagination,Can a shocking through make farces。


Talking about the folklore“modernization”,Still for example《Any living buddhas 3》,In addition to any decline demon in addition to evil and love...《The TianZhiHen xuanyuan jian》From the ancient sacred HeLuo unexpectedly is a iPad;And the wind mobile phone called crow,Even appear crow wind 5 suggests the mobile phone faster than the iPhone update......

  《快乐天蓬元帅》剧集开篇就有一场 “两女争一男”的重头戏……彻底颠覆老版《西游记》中丑猪八戒的邋遢形象,让老猪变帅哥,成为一个励志向上的偶像人物。

《Happy day peng commander-in-chief》Show opens with a field “For a man and two women”Star of......Thoroughly subverting LaoBan《Journey to the》Ugly pig eight quit of sloppy in the image,Let the old pig is handsome,Become a motivational up images。


recent,In the commencement ceremony hengdian held a big drama of god《Bang JinChan play》,In folklore,Bang and lady conjugal love has,but,In the play the,Bang and lady fox between nine younger sister“Freak, life and death”Overall upgrade,And originally steal the fox nine sister for the cuts JinChan big fairy,Also been shaped like pursuing the fox of nine younger sister“Feeling saint”。Three types of resentment and end between are no longer around the uniting the immortality ",But for love entanglements。With multiple partners in recent years is derived and popular screen element,So will classical legends and modern social problems in the design of mix together,Obviously some not by the spectrum。


The current,More and more with the myth of the screen farce,But be again after aggressive processing,Many have recognition。from《Spring brilliant pig eight quit》to《The ha ine》,from《lamp》to《Bright spring pig nine younger sister》......Such as CCTV version《Tale of the white snake》The white niang son love x、The method sea love the white niang son、Forsythia like x、XiaoQing seduce the method sea of eucommia ulmoides in love...... and againWhat is a few partners?《Bright spring pig nine younger sister》Pig eight quit to become great beauty,Sun wukong love money,Sand net love music enlightenment,Monk tang is a terrorist killers,Even harder to imagine the pig eight quit the embodiment of nine younger sister and sun wukong pig talk about the love......

  游本昌版的《济公》的精神内核是严肃的,匡扶正义、惩恶扬善始终是《济公》的表达核心,游本昌的生动表演强化了这种表达。在一些古装神话剧中, “没营养”的现象令人担忧。很多神话剧根本不懂神话的精神内核,缺乏对神话的敬畏,一味地迎合低级趣味,助长“无知者无畏”的低俗取向。

YouBenChang version of the《any》The spiritual core is serious,KuangFu justice、Intentions is always《any》Expression of the core,YouBenChang vivid performance of the strengthened the this kind of expression。In some ancient costume drama myth, “No nutritional”Phenomenon is worrying。Many gods drama doesn't understand the spiritual core myths,Lack of the myth of awe,Pander to taste,encourage“The ignorant fearless”Vulgar orientation of。


Mr. Lu xun said,“The age of the novel,Are serious,That's not the only writer of reality to careful observation,Also refers to creative attitude。”This sentence for almost one hundred years,But still let the creator of today“materialism”。The creation of the serious attitude doesn't reject a witty humor,But refused to those who XiaoXiao speculation to please others hatted tramp;The creation of the serious attitude doesn't reject easy and lively,But refused to the generation in order to avoid the cowardice of their problems about the king;The creation of the serious attitude doesn't reject food color of desire,But refused to those clown to show no conduct the glamour of the romantic excess;The creation of the serious attitude doesn't reject pure romantic,But refused to those half old to whitewash the youth coquettishly may;The creation of the serious attitude doesn't reject sweet freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting,But refused to those who feel in order to really boring pale imaginary ills;The creation of the serious attitude doesn't reject profound analysis,But refused to those shallow to show off smart worthless wit...


Worthy of study of“good”Is that once《Screening 嬛 preach》,The whole team“The creation of the serious attitude”is《Screening 嬛 preach》The fundamental won wide praise,No sensationalistic plot,No simple to cater to the audience,But the work on the script grinding and details on the exquisite,Is worth all TV practitioners thinking。


荒诞闹剧荧屏流行 Fantastic farce screen pop


影视界迷失于“精明” Film lost in“smart”


The state administration of radio recently launched the latest regulations,One of the most intriguing is emphasized“The costume history don't create something out of thin air、Poking fun、Make bitter;Online can't change pat”Such specific rules,Don't know how to test and implemented?Some film and television play more novel writers、The modelling of weird、Flowery the same stunt、The impress of space and time lines...The myth of the film and television farce??? What???


Farce can have,But if there is filled into the mainstream。These farce let culture to return to the entertainment itself,Let people in this pressure increase gradually、The rhythm of modern society has picked up speed,GuanErYiXiao,To relax。As long as it does not cross,As long as it does not require all culture draw close to it,Everyone followed it to find happy moment also have not cannot。


In the s,In shen congwen's《Ta kung pao · literature and art》published《The literature of attitude》,Criticism of some writers created enough“serious”,He thinks that the writer must to serious attitude,Through unremitting efforts,To creating the“To endure years edify”、“Soak the lofty ideal of the life”、To have“The spirit of the age and the gain and loss of history”Outstanding works of。When the absurd commercial dispute crowd out the real the moment of creation,In the commercial tide,The real film creation seems to really smothered in writers“skilled”And the smart businessman is in,We should have how thinking?

  对于当今的影视创作不得不说,严肃的创作态度可能做不到深刻,但是不能丧失了深切,可能实现不了感动,但是不能放弃感染,可能做不到给影视创作增添光荣,但是不能出卖自己的尊严。真正的影视剧创作应是严肃而不是迎合大众的,引导和矫正观众的收视倾向,担承着传播中国文化与人格精神的不可推卸的责任。 祁建

For today's film creation had to say,The creation of the serious attitude may do less than impressive,But can't lost deeply,May not achieve the moved,But can't give up the infection,May do not add glory to the film creation,But can I betray my own dignity。The real film creation should be serious and not cater to the public,Guide and correction of the viewing audience tendency,The spread is greater Chinese culture and the personality of the spirit of the unshirkable responsibility。 QiJian
