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    7月23日,洪峰过后,两名技术人员在抢修位于青龙湾减河狼儿窝分洪闸附近的一处水位自记观测平台。由于上游洪水来势猛、水流急,此处水位自记观测平台出现了故障。7月21日,北京出现61年来最大降水。为全面下泄上游洪水,天津市提前开启多道闸门,全力赶潮放水。截至7月23日,超标准洪水洪峰由北京市北运河安全流经天津境内,现已汇入潮白新河入海。据了解,位于天津境内的青龙湾减河是此次洪水的必经之地,成为本次泄洪的重点河段。7月22日22时,平日水位在4米左右的青龙湾减河狼儿窝分洪闸闸上出现最高水位8.16米的记录,超过分洪水位0.06米。目前,洪峰已安全通过青龙湾减河,狼儿窝分洪闸水位降至7.4米左右。新华社记者 张超群 摄      July 23,,After the flood peak,Two technicians to repair a YuQing JianHe bay in the son of a place FenHongZha nest nearby water level since written observation platform。Due to upstream flood the breaks、Swift water,Here the water level to remember observation platform had problems。July 21,,Beijing has maximum precipitation in 61 years。For the release of the comprehensive upstream,Tianjin multi-channel gate open in advance,To catch the tide water。By July 23,,If the flood peak flood by Beijing shibei canal flows through tianjin domestic security,Now ChaoBai new river into the sea。According to understand,Located in tianjin territory of the green bay JianHe is the floods the necessary land,Become the focus of the river flood。July 22, at 22,Water levels on weekdays in 4 meters green bay JianHe Wolf son nest to appear on FenHongZha gate highest level of 8.16 meters record,More than 0.06 meters water level。At present,Flood peak has security through the green dragon bay JianHe,The Wolf son nest FenHongZha water level down to 7.4 meters。The xinhua news agency ZhangChaoQun perturbation 
