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民营社区卫生中心药品“零差价” 百姓拿药得实惠--亲稳舆论引导监测室

民营社区卫生中心药品“零差价” 百姓拿药得实惠 


    这是民营荷叶地街道社区卫生服务中心药品销售“零差价”价格的公示栏(8月14日摄)。去年7月以来,安徽省合肥市蜀山区所有民营社区卫生服务中心通过药品销售价格补贴政策,实现了药品进销“零差价”。据介绍,蜀山区内社区卫生服务中心多半为民营性质,这一政策使得社区普通百姓看病拿药进一步得到了实惠。“虽然我们现在药品利润没有了,但是来门诊就医拿药的居民却在逐步增加。”民营蜀山区荷叶地街道社区卫生服务中心主任陈文胜介绍说。新华社记者 郭晨 摄     This is private lotus leaf to street community health service center in drug sales“Zero spread”Price GongShiLan(August 14 perturbation)。Since July last year,Hefei in anhui province of shushan region all the private community health service center through the drug sales price subsidies policy,Realize the drug into pin“Zero spread”。According to introducing,The community health service center of shushan mostly for the private property,The policy makes community ordinary people see a doctor may or may not prescribe medicine for further gained。“Although we now drug profit have no,But to outpatient service go to a doctor of medicine residents are gradually increase。”Private of shushan region lotus leaf to street community health service center director ChenWenSheng said。The xinhua news agency reporter guo Chen perturbation

民营社区卫生中心药品“零差价” 百姓拿药得实惠

    8月14日,社区居民在民营蜀山区荷叶地街道社区卫生服务中心内就诊。新华社记者 郭晨 摄     August 14,,Community residents in private of shushan region lotus leaf to street community health service center in clinic。The xinhua news agency reporter guo Chen perturbation
