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    广西钦州市街头的树木被风雨吹倒(8月17日摄)。今年第13号台风“启德”累计造成广西126万余人受灾。18日10时,广西壮族自治区防汛抗旱指挥部启动防汛IV级应急响应,各地正全力展开救援,抗击“启德”。据广西壮族自治区民政厅救灾处介绍,截至18日16时30分统计,广西玉林市、北海市、防城港市、钦州市、南宁市、崇左市等6市26县(市、区)受灾,灾害累计造成受灾人口126.15万人,已紧急转移安置人口6.86万人,因灾死亡1人,失踪2人。统计还显示,广西共有134.47千公顷农作物受灾,678户1912间农房倒塌。新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄 Guangxi QinZhouShi street trees be wind and rain down(August 17 perturbation)。No. 13 typhoon of this year“Kai tak”Accumulated caused more than 1.26 million people affected by guangxi。18 10,The guangxi zhuang autonomous region flood control and drought relief headquarters start flood control level IV emergency response,All are trying their best to rescue,fight“Kai tak”。According to the guangxi zhuang autonomous region bureau of civil affairs disaster relief office is introduced,By 18 and 30 points statistics,Yulin city of guangxi、BeiHaiShi、Fang cheng、QinZhouShi、nanning、ChongZuoShi six city and county(city、area)affected,Disasters caused by the total population of 1.2615 million people,Has the emergency to relocate a population of 68600 people,One death due to disasters,Missing two people。Statistics also show,Guangxi 134470 hectares of crops the affected,678 m between 1912 crackage collapsed。Xinhua news agency reporters HuangXiaoBang perturbation



    8月18日,市民在严重积水的广西防城港市防北路上骑行。新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄 August 18,,Citizens in the serious water prevention on guangxi fang cheng road bike。Xinhua news agency reporters HuangXiaoBang perturbation



    8月18日,广西防城港市广场北路一片汪洋。新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄 August 18,,Guangxi fang cheng square north road a vast expanse of water。Xinhua news agency reporters HuangXiaoBang perturbation



    8月18日凌晨,武警广西总队防城港市支队官兵在河堤路转移被困群众。新华社发(符先文 摄)   In the morning on August 18,,Armed police corps in guangxi Wilson team officers and men in the riverbank road transfer trapped the masses。The xinhua news agency hair(FuXianWen perturbation)


    8月18日,武警广西总队钦州市支队官兵在钦北区大直镇灾区转移被困群众。新华社发(李斌辉 摄)     August 18,,Armed police corps in guangxi QinZhouShi team officers and men in the qin north big straight town area trapped mass transfer。The xinhua news agency hair(LiBinHui perturbation)


    8月18日,武警广西总队钦州市支队官兵在钦北区大直镇灾区转移被困群众。新华社发(李斌辉 摄)     August 18,,Armed police corps in guangxi QinZhouShi team officers and men in the qin north big straight town area trapped mass transfer。The xinhua news agency hair(LiBinHui perturbation)
