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    12月2日,观众在国家博物馆参观复兴之路展览。当日,北京许多市民利用周末到国家博物馆参观复兴之路展览。《复兴之路》基本陈列共分中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会、探求救亡图存的道路、中国共产党肩负起民族独立和人民解放历史重任、建设社会主义新中国、走中国特色社会主义道路5个部分,通过1200多件(套)珍贵文物、870多张历史照片,回顾了1840年鸦片战争以来中国人民在屈辱苦难中奋起抗争,为实现民族复兴进行的种种探索,特别是中国共产党领导全国各族人民争取民族独立、人民解放和国家富强、人民幸福的光辉历程。新华社发(王全超 摄)     Dec. 2,,The audience at the national museum[renewal]exhibition.On that day,Many Beijing residents used the weekend to the national museum[renewal]exhibition.[renewal]Basic display is divided into China a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society/To explore the way of save the nation from extinction/The communist party of China take the national independence and people's liberation historical mission/The construction of socialist new China/Walk the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics five parts,Through more than 1200 pieces(set)Precious cultural relics/More than 870 zhang historical photos,Reviewed since the opium war in 1840 the Chinese people in suffering humiliation in the stand and fight,To realize national rejuvenation sorts of exploration,Especially the leadership of the communist party of China the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to fight for national independence/People's liberation and the country's prosperity and strength/People's happiness of the brilliant course.The xinhua news agency hair(WangQuanChao perturbation)


    12月2日,观众在国家博物馆参观《复兴之路》展览。新华社发(王全超 摄)     Dec. 2,,The audience at the national museum[renewal]exhibition.The xinhua news agency hair(WangQuanChao perturbation)
