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    12月26日,在移民村的学校里,孩子们在吃免费午餐。 On December 26,,In YiMinCun schools,The children are eating free lunch.


    时值寒冬,素有“贫瘠甲天下”之称的宁夏西海固大地刚刚经历了2012年最寒冷的日子,田地里处处覆盖着薄薄的积雪,记者来到位于西吉县震湖乡的孟湾移民新村,刚刚从大山深处搬迁到这里的100余户移民将度过他们搬迁后的第一个冬天。 As winter,Known as"Poor enjoys"In Tanzania, solid earth have just gone through 2012 years the most cold day,The field is covered with thin snow,The reporter comes to XiJiXian ascends in shock of saemaul undong MengWan immigrants,Just from the mountain in moving to the more than 100 households spend their immigration will move first winter.


    孟湾村是一个以劳务输出为特点的移民村,村里家家户户的青壮年劳动力基本都外出务工,村里的村民以妇女、儿童和老年人为主。在村民史腊月宽敞明亮的新居中,卧室门边已经挂上了迎接新年的红辣椒装饰,史腊月和几位邻居正在炉子边烤火聊天,进入冬季之后,搬迁来的移民家家户户都领到了冬季取暖用的新炉子和1吨煤。史腊月的儿子正在村里的移民点小学上课,虽然离家很近,但是因为中午学校有免费午餐,所以她儿子每天中午都留在学校吃午饭,“他总说学校的饭更香!”史腊月笑着说。 MengWan village is a labor output for YiMinCun characteristics,The village families of young labor basic are migrant workers,The village villagers to women/Children and old people give priority to.In the history of the winter capacious and bright new,Bedroom door has hung up the New Year red pepper decoration,The history and several neighbors are the hearth warming himself chat,Enter winter after,Move to immigrant families are to the winter heating with new stove and 1 tons of coal.History of the son is the village primary school class immigration point,Although close to home,But because schools have free lunch at noon,So her son at noon every day in the school lunch,"He always say school rice more sweet!"S winter said with a smile.


    眼下正是农闲时节,在村里,记者走访了好几户,都没有看到村民们聚在一起打牌喝酒,反而在村部的农家书屋内,记者见到了几位正在翻阅牛羊饲养方式书籍的村民,一位村民告诉记者,到明年,他家就要开始收拾牛棚养肉牛了,所以来搜集点资料。 This is the slack season,In the village,The reporter interviewed several households,Didn't see the villagers get together to play CARDS to drink,But in the CunBu farm in the bookstore,Reporters saw several was thumbing through a cattle and sheep breeding way books of the villagers,A villager told reporters,Next year,His house is about to start up the bullpen a beef,Since the collection point material.


    位于村东侧的小学是专门为当地的移民子弟建设的,学校里大部分孩子都是随父母搬迁过来的,他们每人每天早上都能领到一枚鸡蛋,中午学校还提供免费午餐,教室里专门安装了炉子,中午吃完饭后,老师领着这些孩子在炉边烤火聊天…… Is located in the east village primary school are designed for the construction of the immigrants' children,Most children are in school with the parents move over,Each of them every morning can receive a egg,The school also provides free lunch at noon,The classroom was installed in the stove,Noon after eating a meal,The teacher took the children in a fireside chat warmed himself...


    据了解,从2011年开始,宁夏开始实施35万生态移民工程,计划投资105亿元,利用5年时间把近35万生活在不适宜居住、不适宜发展环境里的贫困群众搬迁出来,帮助他们脱贫致富。截至目前,宁夏今年生态移民已完成搬迁定居7.04万人,建成移民住房2.1万套,从南部山区搬迁至北部川区的移民已经逐步开始正常生产工作。 It is understood,Starting from 2011,Ningxia started 350000 ecological immigrant project,Plans to invest 10.5 billion yuan,Use five years nearly 350000 live in not suitable for living/Not suitable for the development environment of the poor people move out,Help them to poverty.So far,This year has been completed in ningxia ecological migration move settled 70400 people,Immigrants built housing 21000 sets,From the southern mountains move to the northern sichuan immigration has gradually began to normal production and work.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


12月26日,在孟湾移民新村,一位村民在自家牛棚内喂牛。 On December 26,,In MengWan saemaul undong immigrants,A villager in their feed cattle in the bullpen.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


12月26日,在移民村的农家书屋内,两位村民在看书。 On December 26,,In YiMinCun farm in the bookstore,Two villagers in reading.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


12月26日,村民史腊月在家中和父亲一起从新建的水窖里打水。 On December 26,,Villagers' s winter at home and father together from the new in the cellar to draw water.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


位于宁夏西吉县震湖乡的孟湾移民新村外景(12月26日摄)。 Located in the seismic assessment index-system ascends MengWan immigration xincun outdoor scene(On December 26 perturbation).新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


    12月26日,在村民史腊月家中,几位邻居和史腊月的父母(左一、左二)一起围炉烤火聊天。     On December 26,,In the history of the winter home,Several neighbors and history of the parents(Left a/Left two)Chat together round the fire warming himself.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


12月26日,村民史腊月(左)在家中和母亲一起做午饭。 On December 26,,The history of(left)And at home with my mother cook lunch.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


    12月26日,村民史腊月(左一)在家里和父母、邻居一起看电视。     On December 26,,The history of(Left a)In the home and parents/Neighbors watch TV together.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation


12月26日,在移民村的学校里,孩子们在上课。 On December 26,,In YiMinCun schools,The children in the class.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation
