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    2月6日,在娘子火车站岩会警务区的辖区内,马海忠在给沿线村民王春林(左一)及邻居宣传安全知识。今年47岁的马海忠是北京铁路公安局石家庄铁路公安处娘子火车站岩会警务区的一名普通铁警。在18年的驻站生活中,马海忠巡线总里程超过8万公里,每3个月就走烂一双警务胶鞋。由于山区地形复杂,为确保行车安全,他必须随时处于戒备状态。岩会站是太行山腹地、石太铁路线上的一个四等小站,在警务区管辖的13公里线路上,有1个线路所、8座隧道、8座桥梁,线路巡视全凭一双脚。辖区内铁路两侧没有隔离网封闭,因此,确保列车安全的任务格外繁重。马海忠经常到沿线村庄进行爱路护路宣传,村民亲切地称他为“马公安”。常人看来辛苦、平淡的驻站工作,马海忠有一种执著和认真:“小站民警工作虽枯燥,但是必须有人做。只要有需要,我会一直干下去!”新华社发(王晓 摄)      On February 6,,In the maiden off the station of the rock will JingWuOu within its jurisdiction,The MaHaiZhong along the WangChunLin villagers(Left a)And neighbor publicity safety knowledge.47 years old this year MaHaiZhong is Beijing railway public security bureau of shijiazhuang railway public security office lady off the station rock will JingWuOu an ordinary iron p.In eighteen years of station in life,MaHaiZhong patrol, stretching over 80000 kilometers,Every 3 months go rotten a pair of police rubber shoes.Due to the mountainous terrain,In order to ensure safety,He must be on the alert at any time.Rock will stand is the hinterland of the taihang mountains/Stone TaiTie route on a small four etc,In JingWuOu under the jurisdiction of the 13 km on the line,One line have/8 a tunnel/Eight Bridges,Line patrol all by the feet.Within their respective jurisdiction on both sides of the railway contains no closed,so,To ensure the safety of train more onerous task.MaHaiZhong often to villages along the love road section propaganda,The villagers affectionately call him"The horse public security".Ordinary people it seems hard/Is the work station,MaHaiZhong there is a persistent and serious:"Police station job is boring,But someone must do.As long as there is need to,I will always go on!"The xinhua news agency hair(Weiren perturbation) 


2月6日,在娘子关火车站岩会警务区,马海忠在检查列车安全。新华社发(王晓 摄) On February 6,,In the maiden off the station rock will JingWuOu,MaHaiZhong inspecting train safety.The xinhua news agency hair(Weiren perturbation)


    2月6日,在娘子关火车站岩会警务区,马海忠在一处铁路桥梁上巡逻。新华社发(王晓 摄)     On February 6,,In the maiden off the station rock will JingWuOu,MaHaiZhong in a railway bridge on patrol.The xinhua news agency hair(Weiren perturbation)
