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现实版新白娘子传奇:90后女孩漫画寻“许仙” 图片为@ Miss_Jingting寻人帖中画的图,在她眼里,只有他是彩色的。 Pictures for @ Miss_Jingting people search for painting in the diagram,In her eyes,Only he is color.


"At that age like you,Not because you have sports car have villa,Just because the rain of the night,Do you have an umbrella."yesterday,Shanghai a 90 girl drew a lovely cartoon,Post on the Internet looking for September 9 the rainy day,Open an umbrella for himself and send to the subway station kindness boy.Before that,She had to CunDian looking for,Thanks to,But many not if really.yesterday,Net friends rushed to help forward,Finally in the noon,She found the man,And the other is single."Reality version of the new the white niang son legend ah",They marvel at,The original fate really exist,But fate is to depend on the courage to promote.


漫画寻人帖子获众网友关注 Comic without post was the net friend attention

  昨天,微博上有一个非常可爱的寻人帖。网友@ Miss_Jingting说,借助微博的力量寻找一个有爱的人,她9月9日那晚在世博文化中心散步,突然天降大雨,幸好有一个小哥慷慨借伞送至八号线耀华路站,非常感谢,现在想寻找到这位有爱的人,请他喝一杯饮料。她说,这个小哥是杨浦的,晚七点半离开世纪星溜冰场,当天穿着黑色耐克上衣,卡其色中裤,蓝色球鞋,左手戴着手表,当天一行五个人,他的伞最大,送自己到耀华路地铁站后却忘记要联系方式了,还没来得及谢谢人家呢。此网友说:“好心人,你看到了赶紧吱一声,ps,他朋友是电力学院毕业的,他还在读书。”

yesterday,Micro blog has a very lovely without post.Net friend @ Miss_Jingting said,With the aid of micro bo strength find a love,She September 9 that night in the cultural center for a walk,Suddenly heaven rain,Fortunately, there is a little elder brother generous borrow the umbrella sent to the eight line yao hua road station,Thank you very much,Now want to find the love of people,Please him to drink a cup of drink.She said,The little brother is the yangpu,Late ShiJiXing left at 7:30 skating rink,The day wearing black Nike coat,Khaki pants in the,Blue shoes,The left hand wears a watch,The day a line of five people,His umbrella maximum,Give yourself to yao hua road subway station after they forget to contact the way,Haven't even thank somebody else?.The net friend said:"man,You see hurriedly zhi 1,ps,His friend is the electric power college graduate,He's still in the reading."


In addition to these details for detailed outside,@ miss - jingting also painted a picture.To carry on the detailed display.


In the picture,A little girl stumbled in the big umbrella walked under.Shows that the time/Place and identity,the,The big boy in his own eyes is color,Others including themselves,Is all black and white.


This picture is a brief strokes,Above picture a very few pen,Draw the outline of the four characters.A big boy,Stay with a big umbrella,Big umbrella,Is without a hero/A little girl.Beside the umbrella is a boy with glasses,Dozen umbrella,Wear glasses.Along with three other boy,But with three other people are"Zero communication".Pictures show,Five individuals through the site,World expo culture center/On the south road, the metro line no. 8.


The net friend said,Many hope one of the five people see the micro bo,Then well find that good-hearted person,Please drink he."This chart is I spend life drawing level ah!"Jingting laments.


Net friends see this without notice,Expressed the wish,After net friend @ back in Shanghai after the forward,Instant attracts more popularity,People have forward says blessing.so,This one without post,From the micro bo on,Spread to everyone online,Again on renren various public website spread,after,In other BBS also appeared.Attention very high,Everybody said,Sincerely look forward to the little beauty can find this person.


later,In jingting friend's suggestion,She also put a[Meant to be]Song together on the micro blog,Graphic music coexist,Of joy.


人找到啦!像是一场偶像剧 People find it!Like an idol drama


In the process of net friend forward said:Many rare meet a man love at first sight,One revolution to promote marriage.so,To noon yesterday,When this line of state in renren/Micro bo upload an uproar in the time,FaWei bo girl suddenly tell you a message:A man found!Yangzi evening news reporter contact @ Miss_Jingting,She told reporters,Thank you very much for your help,In fact that day when you didn't think it will rain,Oneself also can't believe the courage small will bravely go without,Didn't expect brave effect so fierce,Thank you to everyone.She was born in 1990 Shanghai girl,Now work,She said,Just don't want to miss this fate so he tried,The reason on the day did not start looking for,Because I have been very timid."His friends saw after micro bo told him,Later he contact me."The little girl said,He also remember the things that day,Now also is single."As for will how to develop did not know.To believe in miracles also want to create miracle."She says.

  在jingting的微博中,记者发现,她曾经去蹲点守候那个人的出现,表示“每天红着一张脸来 凉透一颗心走~杨浦少年怎么可能天天来浦东溜冰呢!”网友表示,世界因可爱的人而可爱,感谢你让我们再一次相信爱情。

In jingting micro in bo,Reporter discovery,She had to CunDian waiting for the man's appear,said"Every day with a red face to cool off a heart go to the yangpu young how can every day to pudong skating!"Net friend said,The world for cute and lovely,Thank you for let us once again believe in love.

  大家耳熟能详的白蛇传中,在西湖断桥,许仙与白娘子以伞为媒,演绎了千年等一回的缠绵悱恻的爱情故事,而jingting在网上寻人的这个小清新小浪漫的缘分,也让诸多网友赞叹,并产生无穷的想象与浪漫。很多网友表示,这完全就是现实版的白蛇传。网友Lolipop小猪说,是在拍偶像剧吗?这是一种怎样的缘分啊,爱要勇敢去追求。(扬子晚报记者 李冲)

Familiar in the tale of the white snake,The west lake in the,Xu xian and the white niang son to an umbrella for medium,Deduction for one thousand years and time of exceedingly sentimental love story,Jingting and on the Internet without this small pure and fresh and small romantic destiny,Also let many users praise,And produce infinite imagination and romantic.Many netizens said,This is exactly what real version of the tale of the white snake.Net friend Lolipop pig said,Is in the pat idol drama?This is a kind of what kind of predestination,Love must be brave to pursue.(Yangzi evening news reporter LiChong)
