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浙江长兴管涌导致5千亩土地成泽国 2300多人安全转移--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

浙江长兴管涌导致5千亩土地成泽国 2300多人安全转移

    被淹没的吴山村(8月10日摄)。受今年第11号台风“海葵”带来的强降雨影响,浙江省长兴县境内的西苕溪大堤(和平镇段)8月9日出现管涌,导致该镇吴山村5千亩土地被淹,长兴县7千户家庭停电,目前吴山村2300多名群众已经安全转移。目前管涌暂时得到控制。新华社记者 徐昱 摄      Submerged westlake village(August 10, taken)。This year by typhoon no. 11“Sea anemone”Heavy rain from influence,ChangXingXian zhejiang province within the territory of the west shao dam(Peace town section)August 9, the piping appears,Westlake village in the town of 5000 mu of land are flooded,ChangXingXian 7 households power outages,Westlake village now more than 2300 people have been evacuated。At present the piping temporarily under control。The xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation 

浙江长兴管涌导致5千亩土地成泽国 2300多人安全转移

     8月10日,武警战士带领被困群众转移到安全地区。新华社记者 徐昱 摄       August 10,,Armed police soldiers lead trapped people is transferred by security area。The xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation 

浙江长兴管涌导致5千亩土地成泽国 2300多人安全转移

     8月10日,武警湖州支队的战士在被大水淹没的吴山村搜寻需要转移的群众。新华社记者 徐昱 摄      August 10,,Armed police huzhou team, the soldiers of the covered the westlake village to the search for transfer。The xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation

浙江长兴管涌导致5千亩土地成泽国 2300多人安全转移

    8月10日,武警战士在吴山村搜寻被困群众。新华社记者 徐昱 摄     August 10,,Armed police soldiers in wushan trapped people search for the village。The xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
