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中国坚决维护国家核心利益 妥善处理热点问题--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
新华社北京8月10日电(记者 孙奕)2011年9月,一部1.3万字的《中国的和平发展》白皮书在北京发布。白皮书中,有一句话庄严铿锵、掷地有声,即:“中国坚决维护国家核心利益”。
Beijing August 10 (Reuters)(Reporter SunYi)September 2011,A 13000 words《China's peaceful development》The white paper released in Beijing。The white paper,A word was solemn、ZhiDeYouSheng,namely:“China resolutely safeguard national core interests”。
In the white paper,Not only China the core benefit can be clearly defined,China also expressed“Fully respect the interests of all countries for safeguarding the rights”、“Put the interests of the Chinese people and the peoples of common interests together”Will and determination。
Since the 16 th CPC national congress of 10 years,China has always firmly safeguard the interests of the state,Properly handle the hot issue,Committed to work with all nations committed to the heart,In promoting the construction of lasting peace、Prosperous and harmonious world constantly on the journey of new strides。
August 4,,A more than words of the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said that the outside world especially attention。Comment in,The Chinese side of the islands and reiterated that the waters around has indisputable sovereignty,For the United States in the south China sea issue of the inappropriate words said“Strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition”。
This comment is China defend involving state sovereignty、Territorial integrity, a miniature of the national interest。Data shows,So far,China solved and most of its neighbors of the land border problems left over by history,Already has signed with the countries concerned 19 border treaty、Agreement and 22 demarcation、Joint inspection protocol,Delimit intercession about 20000 kilometers of boundary。
Not only that,Ten years,China in hiding in、The smoothness of the、Problems in xinjiang powerful voice,Powerful safeguard the interests of the state。
When western leaders Arsenal against China with the dalai,China are in the first time to say against,And through diplomatic channels claim。Tibet“3 · 14”After the incident,China use history and the facts to the international community that,The event is the dalai group organized、premeditated、Masterminded incite,Domestic and overseas“Tibetan independence”Separatists in collusion with the beat of the manufacturing、hit、rob、Burn serious violent crimes。The Tibet issue is completely China's internal affairs,Any foreign and international organizations all has no right to interfere。
2009 years,xinjiang“7 · 5”Beating to burn violent crimes after the incident,The Chinese side has also repeatedly stern said,The incident is by remote control with overseas、command、incite,Domestic actual implementation,premeditated、Organized crime of violence。Any foreign and international organizations shall have no right to interfere in China's internal affairs。
For the United States in the arms sales to Taiwan, repeated on sportsweek、Trample the in the three china-us communiques,China has urged the United States immediately take effective measures to correct mistakes,To avoid further damage to relations between China and the United States and stable development of cross-strait relations and peaceful development momentum。
Analysts say,Involved in the diaoyu、The south China sea and related issues,China also adhere to safeguarding the sovereignty、At the same time not let China and the surrounding environment deterioration of the treatment principle。
“China defend the interests of core two core:On the one hand,An indomitable struggle;At the same time,Don't let our country reform and open policy the reverse environment。Although some problems cannot be in short-term inside get thoroughly solved,China still points to promote the gradual steps。”China international problem of institute of QuXing said。
Look back ten years,Analysts believe that,China in the definition of the core interests on more and more clear,Defend the interests of the state means more and more fully,The achievements of the big stage。
Note the,China in foreign processing related problems,Not seek against,But actively promote cooperation、The proportion of reduce differences、With proper control of differences。Ten years,Chinese leaders in many occasions advocate mutual trust、And mutual benefit、equality、A new security concept of collaboration,Strive for to realize comprehensive security、Common security、Cooperation security。
From the bilateral diplomacy at state level,In the development of China with the United States、The European Union and made many efforts in relation,Accumulated the crisis management of success。China also by the system innovation,Use the u.s.-china strategic and economic dialogue、Central high level strategic dialogue, and other platform equal exchange,For establishing a mutual respect for each other、Mutually beneficial and win-win new power relations on the way。
In the framework of multilateral diplomacy,China is also active participation in regional and international security cooperation,Efforts to promote a peaceful resolution to hot issues,For maintaining regional and international peace and stability and development has played an important role。
China-asean strategic partner relationship、The Shanghai cooperation organization、The China, Japan and South Korea leaders meeting...China and neighboring countries maintain frequent communication,Always adhere to the good-neighborly and friendly,Mutually beneficial and win-win;g20、Apec......In international cooperation platform,China has repeatedly is the world economic situation make positive initiative,To add to the international economic power,Promote global economic governance mechanism is perfect。
In the hot spots,China actively endeavoring to encourage talk,Efforts to advance nuclear issues on the Korean peninsula six party talks process;In the diplomatic means a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear issue play a constructive role;China actively participate in Afghanistan rebuild,Support Afghanistan achieve stability and development;China and asean nations signed the《The conduct of parties in the south China sea declaration》Has passed through ten years of development,2011 years,Both parties will carry out《The conduct of parties in the south China sea declaration》Guidelines to reach a consensus,Start declaration under the framework of practical cooperation......
Since the problem after the outbreak of Syria last year,The United Nations security council has three vote is Syria,China's three times rejected the draft related。See China move outside the so-called appears unavoidably“murmurs”and“Don't understand”,China should obey what“righteousness”Or should we continue to implement“justice”?
QuXing said,China never interfere in the internal affairs of Angle,veto。At the same time,China is also not stand by、inaction,Put forward the suggestion at six,Dedicated to promote political process。China is ever the principle of state sovereignty and the people's choice should be respected。
“Speaking from the concept,China's core interests and international society is in the interests of the fusion,China values is actually common values。”QuXing said。
No doubt,China's interests and the interests of the people of all countries in the world closely intertwined,China actively realize in their own development at the same time,Taken into full consideration other legitimate concerns and interests,Never do Roman holiday、Begger-my-neibour things。
Look back ten years,China adheres to the road of peaceful development,Adhere to the opening of the mutually beneficial and win-win strategy,Maintain our interests。Looking to the future,China will continue to promote the building of together with other countries in the world of lasting peace、Prosperous and harmonious world!
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