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旱情如火 打井抗旱—湖北随州正遭60年一遇特大干旱--亲稳网络舆情监测室

旱情如火 打井抗旱—湖北随州正遭60年一遇特大干旱 


    8月16日,随州市随县万福店镇的简易送水车在新打的水井处装水,准备运往缺水的居民点。本该是绿油油一片的稻田,如今却是满目疮痍,稻叶有的已经枯黄,有的成片倒伏在地;正值抽穗灌浆的时候,田里的稻穗却少得可怜,随手捏一捏,瘪瘪的谷壳里感觉不到饱满的谷粒……这是记者在湖北省随州市看到的情形。这里正在经历一场跨三个年度、60年一遇的特大干旱。自2010年7月份以来,湖北省随州市持续25个月降雨严重不足,同时连续的高温、高蒸发天气,使得随州旱情持续加剧,今年截至目前,已有52万多人和16万多头大牲畜面临饮水困难,172万亩农田受旱,绝收12.3万亩。在随州曾都区、随县、广水市等地,记者看到,在不少地方,塘堰已经见底,河道干涸。防汛部门提供的数据显示,全市466条河流,已断流349条;全市699座水库,接近死水位或者到死水位以下的已有489座,占70%,有80余座小水库甚至完全见底。目前,随州市共有32个乡镇镇区供水水源不足,只能采取限时供水、隔日供水、打井取水等措施,保障居民饮水安全。在有2.6万人的随县万福店镇,该镇自来水厂从今年4月20日开始停水,全镇居民饮水出现严重困难,目前全部靠地下水保证人畜饮水。三个月来,该镇镇区新打井493口,其中大型饮用水井4口。简易的送水车每天从大井处灌满井水,在镇区连井水都打不出来的5个片区之间来回奔波送水,以保障各个居民点的饮用水供应。记者跟随送水车来到万福店镇肖家岗黑龙口村,车还未停稳,居住在周围的村民就呼朋唤友,每人提着三五个水桶围了上来。据了解,送水车一个星期来两次,他们一次要接满三到四天的生活用水。面对历史上罕见的旱情,随州市市委、市政府启动抗旱应急响应机制,带领全市人民积极开展抗旱自救。在“确保人饮安全”的前提下,自今年4月份以来,共组织24座大中型水库向灌区送水1.3亿立方米,缓解城区供水与农业用水之间的矛盾。全市累计打各种水井5291口。新华社记者 郝同前 摄     On August 16,,Draws with county hail shop in the town of simple SongShuiChe played well in the new installed in place of water,Prepare to water shortage of the residential areas。Should be a piece of green rice fields,Now is the scars,Rice leaves some have withered and yellow,Some vast stretches of lodging in the land;When tassel grouting time,The field is of little,Conveniently knead a pinch,A very skinny chaff feel less than full grain...This is a reporter draws in hubei province to see the situation。Here is experiencing a span three year、60 years of the worst droughts。Since since July 2010,Hubei province 25 months draws sustained a serious shortage of rain,At the same time continuous high temperature、High evaporation weather,Make suizhou growing drought,So far this year,More than 520000 people and more than 160000 DaShengChu face drinking water difficulties,1.72 million mu of farmland suffer from drought,JueShou 123000 mu。In suizhou had all area、Along with the county、Corp, etc,The reporter sees,In many places,At the bottom of the reservoir has been seen,Channel dry。Flood prevention department to provide the data display,The whole city 466 rivers,Already stop article 349;The whole city 699 reservoirs,Close to death to die water level or below the water level has 489 seats,70%,There are more than 80 small hill reservoir or even completely see bottom。At present,32 draws township township insufficient water supply source,Can only take limited water supply、Alternate days water supply、To dig a well water etc,Security residents drinking water safety。There are 26000 people in the county town with hail shop,The town waterworks from this year on April 20, began to cut off the water,The whole town residents drinking water appear serious difficulties,At present all depend on groundwater guarantee people and livestock drinking water。Three months,The town township new to dig a well 493 mouth,The large drinking water well to four。Simple SongShuiChe every day from the big well filled the well water,In the township even well water play not to come out of five area to and fro between the water delivery,In order to ensure each residential areas water supply。Reporters followed SongShuiChe came to hail shop town shaw's thin black LongKouCun,Car is not stop stability,Live in surrounding the villagers will HuPengHuanYou,Each carrying intimdating crowd scenes like was mobbed by his bucket。It is understood,SongShuiChe a week to two,They a minor connect full three to four days of water for life。In the face of history rare drought,Draws municipal party committee、The municipal government start drought-resistant emergency response mechanism,Lead the baishan people actively carry out self-rescue drought。in“To ensure the safety of watered”Under the premise of,Since this year since April,A total of 24 seat organization to send large and medium-sized reservoirs in the irrigation area of 130 million cubic meters of water,Urban water supply and alleviate the contradiction between the agricultural water。The accumulative total play various well 5291 mouth。The xinhua news agency reporter hao with proactive

旱情如火 打井抗旱—湖北随州正遭60年一遇特大干旱

    8月16日,随州市随县万福店镇黑龙口村的村民围着送水车接水。新华社记者 郝同前 摄     On August 16,,Draws with county hail shop town black LongKouCun villagers around SongShuiChe joint water。The xinhua news agency reporter hao with proactive
