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本报讯(记者 王海燕 通讯员 董海霞)城乡结合部,出租房屋的不少。同住一个屋檐下,居民与流动人口之间的磕磕碰碰也不少。出现纠纷,如何解决?海淀区青龙桥街道挂甲屯社区试点成立了房东协会,由协会制订自治章程,对出租房屋进行规范化管理,并为流动人口提供服务。
Report from our correspondent(Reporter WangHaiYan DongHaiXia correspondent)Between urban and rural areas,Many of the leased premises。Living with a eaves,Residents of the floating population and between the many bumps。Dispute appears,How to solve?Tsing lung bridge street haidian district GuaJia tuen community founded the landlord association pilot,By the association articles for autonomy,To rent houses standardization management,And provide services for the floating population。
GuaJia community is located in the Summer Palace in tuen mun、Yuanmingyuan area,Next to tsinghua、Two of Peking University institutions,Peripheral and zhongguancun、A mu garden transport hub、Metro line 4, xiyuan station,Excellent geographical position。Over the years,To the community of having a continuous stream of floating population。
Rental housing for people brought income。“Conservative estimate,A year of rental income is 12 million yuan。”Community party branch secretary AnYongLi said。With the money,can“Gets clogged”It is also the perpetrators。Have each other between the landlord demand、Battling for the tourists;Have the lessee not paying the rent and flicking;There are some landlord in sit rent season in price,Even the tenants...... driven
“These FanNan's,Only by the limited number of residents' committees of the staff member is not over of the tube,”AnYongLi said。By the end of 2010,GuaJia tuen in tsing lung bridge street agency community, under the guidance of the,Set up the leased building homeowners management association,Referred to“The landlord association”。Association members more than 40,Basically community rent large family,In part by the floating population of as“ErFangDong”Also included in the。
“Association was set up first thing is to make the rules。”55 years old incense is gold association,She said“Set rules”Is discussed through the《Rental housing management articles of association》,Then again make took counsel with the association《The lessor civilization convention》and《The lessee civilization convention》,Revised out《Rental housing agreement》model,“According to all rules,Many contradictions can dissolve in advance。”
Tenants rent a house,Two conventions and express。The landlord this do what obligations,The room people how to be agreed,Two copies of the convention the be clear at a glance。As the attachment to the convention on the tenancy agreement preservation,When a problem when dispute,By the landlord association to coordinate and solve。
“In the past,To all who rent,Give money will do,Now don't。See the suspicious,Doesn't have identity certificate,How much money to the za also not rent,This is the provisions of the association。”Gold sweet said,Association was established for more than a year,Community public security environment improved obviously,The phenomenon of petty theft less。
The landlord association held a meeting on a regular basis,Coordinate between homeowners rent house prices,According to season off-season,Supply and demand of customers rent changes,Unified price negotiation price standards。Against each other for、The phenomenon of interacting, almost dried up。Not only that,The landlord association also became free intermediary organizations,Who has not rent out of the home house,Remember to put an association;By the association of floating population to come to rent a recommendation。
“Landlord association was established,Not only service the landlord,Also the new residents service let's here。”AnYongLi introduced,Association for the tenant for all kinds of proof;Many guests had Internet not convenient,The landlord association and network company,To solve the problem of the net rent is too slow。At the same time,The landlord association also contact with police station,In the community increase more than 20 surveillance cameras,Increases the security of the household。
Such premises homeowners management association,Tsing lung bridge street has set up a file in the SAO's son of the camp、Luck reason such as the door five bungalow community established。
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