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    2月20日,徐磊(右一)在宁夏中宁县白马镇白路村一户村民屋外和村民打招呼,准备到村民家中推介招工岗位 2 months and days,XuLei(right)In ningxia ZhongNingXian white horse town white road village a household villagers outside and the villagers say "hello",Going to the villagers to promote equal position in the home.

    春节过后,宁夏各地工厂企业陆续复工。为了在本地招足劳力,宁夏地方劳动就业部门和企业各出奇招,有的提高薪资水平,有的为工人提供公租房,还有的将招聘场所搬到农村基层,将岗位信息送到农民手中。2月20日,记者跟随中宁县当地一家企业的工作人员前往县内白马镇的几个村庄,用镜头记录下进村招工的全过程。     After the Spring Festival,All the factories and enterprises have return to work.In order to recruit enough local labor,Ningxia local labor employment department and the enterprise the surprisingly recruit,Some increase wages,Some provided for workers and renting a house,And will be moved to the place for rural grass roots,Will post the information to the farmer.2 months and days,Reporters followed ZhongNingXian a local enterprise staff to the county town of white several villages,Use camera to record into the village to the whole process of recruitment.

    徐磊是这家企业的人事专员。今年他们企业计划招聘1万名工人。春节前,公司在宁夏各大网站和学校张贴了招聘信息,还在县城组织了几场招聘会,但招工情况并不理想。为此,春节过后徐磊决定转变招工方式,直接进村选才,“送岗上门”。“其实这也是没办法的办法。”徐磊笑着说,“几年前招工根本就没这么复杂,我们直接把岗位薪酬张贴出去,不少人就直接来找我们了,我们还可以层层把关挑选。但这两年工人越来越难招。”     XuLei is the enterprise's human resources specialist.This year they enterprise plan for 10000 workers.Before the Spring Festival,Company in ningxia major website and school posted recruitment information,Also in the county town organized several field job fair,But recruitment is not ideal.therefore,After the Spring Festival XuLei decided to hire way transformation,Directly into the village to choose,"Send duty to"."In fact, this is also have no choice."XuLei smiled and said,"A few years ago to hire didn't so complicated,We direct salary posted out,Many people come to us directly,We also can choose cengcengbaguan.But these two years more and more difficult to recruit workers."

    2月20日一大早,徐磊带上招聘资料,和县劳动就业服务局的工作人员一起来到白马镇彰恩村,在村广场上组织了一场专场招聘会,直接向当地农民介绍企业的招聘内容和岗位信息。结果当地村民反应平平,只有20多个青壮年劳动力登记报名。“其实真心想来的也就七八个人,春节一过,村里不少劳动力都涌到外地打工去了,要在本地招是有些困难。”徐磊说。     2 month and day early in the morning,XuLei take recruitment information,And county labor employment service staff come together white horse town village subgroups of grace,In the village square organized a special job fair,Directly to the local farmers introduce enterprise recruitment content and position information.Results the local villagers reaction go,Only more than twenty young labor registration."Actually really want to be also seven or eight others,The Spring Festival,The village many labor all repaired to elsewhere to work to,In local recruit is difficult."XuLei said.

    看到彰恩村的招工情况不理想,在下一个目的地白路村,徐磊改变了策略。这次他和就业部门的工作人员带着材料走家串户,去农民家里现场推介岗位。这一招还真有点作用,刚走了两户村民,就有3个人报名,徐磊他们有了点信心。     See all the village of grace hire condition is not ideal,The next destination white road village,XuLei changed strategy.This time he and employment department staff going with material,To promote the farmers' home position.This recruit also really a little effect,Just walk two household villagers,There is three people sign up,XuLei they have a little faith.

    半天过后,徐磊在两个村庄初步招到30多个人。“这个成绩并不理想。”徐磊坦言,“现在很多农民工找工作并不完全看薪酬,他们会考虑工作环境和工作地点,甚至是每个人的生活习惯都会影响他们的选择,所以我觉得我们这些企业的招工方式也应该变一变了,再坐在办公室里等人家来报名是不现实的。”新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     After half a day,XuLei in two villages preliminary recruit more than 30 people."This result is not ideal."XuLei said,"Now many migrant workers, looking for a job is not see salary,They will consider working environment and working place,Even everyone living habits will influence their choice,So I think we these enterprise's recruitment mode should also be a change the,Sitting in the office to register them is not realistic."The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation



   2月20日,在宁夏中宁县白马镇彰恩村,一位村民在询问招工人员相关的岗位信息。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 2 months and days,In ningxia ZhongNingXian white horse town village subgroups of grace,A villager in inquiry hire personnel related position information.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation
