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赴日游走出地震阴影 沈阳至北海道包机出团火热--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Reporter in more than 30 days of travel agencies found in an interview,Including Tokyo、Hokkaido、Osaka, hot line more than 7、The period between August group has almost sold out。
A travel agency launched the first direct flights of shenyang Hokkaido tourist charter flights,The plan has been top of the group on August 21,,Every Tuesday、Each class six,A chartered plane accumulated during the 10 to fly to Japan。“Each class passenger plane can carry more than 100 visitors to Japan,The group has reported full quota”,The travel agency vice-president zhang jie told reporters。
According to understand,At present, the main line to swim in Tokyo、Mount Fuji、Hokkaido, etc,,Avoid the Japanese earthquake disaster area。
A big earthquake in Japan in 2011,China, once suspended to swim。After a period of time,Travel agency launched their low price discount,But nuclear shadow to Japan to tourism slow thaw。Winter begins from last year,Swim to Japan by“Hot spring season”and“Sakura season”Gradually warming,And in this summer's comprehensive“outbreak”,Even more than 2010 years before the earthquake level。
From a domestic professional tourist site data shows,This year July、August,This web site to the number of organization, nearly ten thousand people,Increased 130% compared with the same period last year,Over the same period before earthquakes growth of 100%。
A local travel South Korea department chief told reporters,To swim in summer, this year“all-around”,On the one hand and travel agency in the past year to more than the price of the relevant,Also halted after Japan released the tourist demand plan collective。
In recent days the swim“hot”,Leads to a group of prices“rising”,Many travel agencies launch project price in 5000 to 10000 yuan are between the yuan。And in the same period last year,To swim, low prices at the agent to 3000 yuan。
Go to day to swim the hot market demand,China southern north branch recently increased significantly, shenyang flew to Japan flight density。Since July 15,China southern flight to Tokyo in shenyang by the original every week 3 class 1 class to daily。July 21, to August 21,,China southern new shenyang to Sapporo course,Every Tuesday、Six two。July and August,Shenyang to fukuoka routes for weekly increase class 3,Every Tuesday、four、Six execution。China southern north branch said,The additional flights is mainly in order to meet the need to travel season。
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