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The state council has issued major holidays will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls policy,Holiday travel drive the cost will be greatly reduced,Let many enterprises more valued leading car rental market,Car rental industry not only,Many tourism enterprise would also like to take this opportunity,Accelerated the“The Denver nuggets”The pace of the leading car rental market。
政策为租车自驾游带来利好 Policy for car rental bring good navigator
On August 2,,The Chinese government network release《The state council on circular traffic department of transportation departments major holidays will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls implementation plan of the notice》,The state council has agreed to the Spring Festival in the future、Tomb-sweeping day、Labor day、The National Day this“Four holidays”,From car toll。
A personage inside the tourism calculate a bill,Leading the cost of the transportation cost accounting for the largest number,Mainly includes the tolls and oil cost two parts,Generally speaking,The toll fee per kilometer about 0.6 yuan,Oil fee at 0.8 yuan,Toll-free can save 30% ~ 40% of the transportation cost。
Toll-free can be greatly reduced people's drive travel cost,This policy for drive travel is no doubt bring great benefit。In some tourism website,Not a few net friend said,The future will travel car rental into his consideration scope,Save the toll,Can subsidies car rental。Can say,Car rental industry become the whole auto industry the most benefit in a ring。
In addition,The expert inside course of study thinks,Automobile purchasing policy also will further promote the leading car rental market heating up。With the Beijing、Shanghai and guangzhou city car purchasing policy implementation,Consumers buy more difficult,Leading car rental for those who want to drive to travel but suffer from does not have the car the donkey friends provides a new choice。
各方企业加入租车自驾游大战 The parties enterprise join car rental leading war
Along with the toll-free policy announced,Tourism enterprise take this time to have increased the investment of leading the market。A lot of online travel service provider through and car rental companies to cooperation,Were also involved in the rental market leading the race。
Ctrip recently launched drive car rental one-stop service platform,Comprehensive coverage hotel、Car rental、tickets、Shuttle machine、expenses、Leading insurance and other products,And with a hi、AnFei and waiting for a line car rental companies,In the nationwide launch car rental service and opening zero rent activities。
Ctrip is expected to,Thanks to the good toll free,Leading in the second half of the growth will be more rapid,With team leading to swim、Freedom ride、Bus tour coordinate,Become a mainstream tourism product form and way to travel,Also will further promote the development of the car rental industry。
meanwhile,A series of international financing trade to make car rental industry to“Capital operation”Attitude into public view。
此前,全球最大的租车集团Enterprise Holdings宣布战略入股一嗨。一嗨租车董事长章瑞平表示,外资入股,资金支持只是基础部分,双方合作推出的国际租车频道上线后,会员可以直接享受到北美相关网店的租车服务,全球其他网络也会逐渐推出。
after,The world's largest car rental group Enterprise Holdings announced strategic invest a hi。A hi car rental ZhangRuiPing said the chairman of the board,Foreign capital contribution,Financial support is just part of the foundation,The cooperation of both sides launch international car rental channel after online,Members can enjoy directly related to North America online car rental services,Other global network will also gradually introduced。
International cooperation will make the car rental industry in the resources sharing、Technical exchange、Staff training, etc to realize integration management system,Will also for Chinese tourists in foreign car rental navigator brings great convenience。
行业服务体系待提高 Industry to improve the service system
recently,Related enterprise for rental for the leading market dozen have a price war。It is understood,Some car rental company rent down to five fold,So preferential car rental price is stunning,Also caused the car rental market prices the phenomenon of chaos。
In addition,Car rental industry's overall service level needs to be improved。The author was browsing a hi car rental official site to see,According to Shanghai's Mr. Shaw reflect,This should be returned two days of car rental,But tow was more than a week haven't to account;And the city of shenyang, Mr Xu complaints,Take the car display with 1/4 box gasoline,But after open soon found the car couldn't start,The original fuel meter is bad,Display is not correct。From the complaint information can be seen in,A hi car rental service makes some customers feel sorry。
The expert inside course of study suggest,Perfect price system of car rental industry,The state is required to give a standard specification。At the same time,Car rental enterprises also need to improve the service level,To consumers in the nationwide provides the omni-directional service。
It is understood,Abroad have simple、Standard service process,And pointed out the“Immediate car”service,The convenience of our customers of the whole trip。This is our country car rental industry still cannot reach and a need to further improve the important aspects。
Comprehensive to perfect our car rental industry service system is the leading driving car rental development important means,To provide good services to get more recognition,Will also push for car rental industry to internationalization。
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