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Scenic spot visit
>>十渡 >>ShiDu
遇难者遗体顺流漂下 Remains of the drift downstream
Due to be warning,ShiDu scenic spot of the villagers and tourists in the flood peak before arrival,Is timely evacuated to safety area,At present have not yet found tourists were killed。
But refused to MaHe upstream of regional not optimistic。“These days,The river was washed down and there”,ShiDu evening ground valley village villagers Kui full name,The village committee had buried a person to help。
KuiQuan said,July 22, at noon,Flooding back a little,He went to see the village west bridge,But found a man in bridge pier head out of the water。That afternoon,The village committee director CAI plump took four HuiShui to the man,They will force a man never of leg ministry mire fish it out。
“This man is not the villagers,We suspected that he was rushed to YeSanPo upstream。”CAI plump said,Because 11 across and 17 across all were cut off from access,Flat valley village became a trapped island。“Even if families to find,Estimates that in the short term also cannot reach us here。”CAI plump fear the hot weather will let body corruption,A man will be buried。
The day before yesterday afternoon,China railway group a project of the three found CAI plump。“They said,They YeSanPo in near the resources of the highway,Seven segment of some workers were floods swept away,They want to see buried person is missing workers。”
CAI plump carry a pot of water,And come and go the scene。The body was buried to dig out,rinsed,The three chief recognize,This is HuangAnJie their workers,45 of shaanxi man。
HuangAnJie is not the only in ShiDu found the dead,The villagers say,On July 21, the process of eleven across,Also have found a girl's body,After 999 away;To this without any of the glorious told reporters,His brother and two friends in the gorge in missing,I heard that in the downstream ShiDu found that remains,As far as the,ShiDu police station have given her four bodies photo identification,It says these are rushing down from the upper body。
>>野三坡 >>YeSanPo
景区宾馆2/3被淹 Scenic spot hotel two-thirds are flooded
YeSanPo scenic area is located in MaHe rejected upstream,yesterday,Into the scenic spot mountain roads still deposits a feet of mud,The villagers from then on through your feet often sank in the mud can't pull it out,Several difficulty and pull it out,But naked feet,Shoes stuck in the it。
The villagers liu yuan in YeSanPo opened a hotel。Liu yuan said,In five hours before the flood comes,Local communication and water and electricity is totally cut off。“No one notice we flood to come,Be ready to。”Liu yuan watched the ground of the hotel,Like BaoTuQuan at the same to the water,And originally to MaHe drain out drainage,Also be the flood fill,To flow backward in their houses。Built for backing,The mountain water also like a waterfall to surge。Because were hit with a double whammy,Liu yuan hotel soon a vast expanse of water。
Flooded after,The hotel is the foundation of the soaking water sink,Wall body appear the finger large crack,Liu yuan said,“This house is not possible for people,Has become a dangerous”。
compared,LiuYuanGu situation which is less,A ground of flooded the supermarket,Appeared huge pools pit。“Ground subsidence is very obvious,We are now can't go in。”Supermarket boss says。
According to the statistics of the scenic spot the villagers,YeSanPo more than 300 hotels,The affected up to many 200。yesterday,Every family in the cleaning up inside the hotel of the deposition black mud。In low-lying square,Was attacked by the flood of vehicles,A bus all broken glass,The window hung branches aquatic plants。About half a metre thick silt will roadside flower bed all submerged。
Hotel owners say,YeSanPo scenic spot the whole to a standstill,Tens of thousands of tourists were evacuated after go out,The whole town is almost empty city,“Never so quiet”。
现场亲历 Field experience
村民再次紧急撤离 The villagers evacuation again
Six o 'clock yesterday afternoon,Reporters are YeSanPo interview,A police car in YeSanPo in every street patrol,At the same time use the big trumpet said:“The flood will to,All people just get out。”The villagers along the river to the highlands of reckoned,Part of the direct drive to the scenic area looking for hotel high living。At 10 p.m.,The villagers have been evacuated YeSanPo basic。The villagers say,The weather forecast says that night will have rain,So again have been told to leave。
讲述 tells
多年经营一夜全毁 Many years operation destroyed overnight
Hundreds of famous attractions as YeSanPo gorge,Located in the otherwise GeZhuang village,Is the heaviest in disaster。
yesterday,DingYongKu standing in the village before his hotel,The red legs is the wounds,He says this is all in the flood relief when injuries by tourists。“The night,I take visitors to hide in the mountains,We can't see anything,Only hear"A rumbling"Sound waves,Then there is the building body of reinforced fracture"click"sound,All were the sound was trembling with fear,Is that a wave hit,We were all gone”。
The next day at dawn,They were shocked by the scene before,DingYongKu from a has more than 500 assets and developed,Once become penniless。He has more than 4000 square meters of the hotel and the supermarket,In the LouJi flood only。
Although already broke,DingYongKu still optimistic,His son and grandson daughter-in-law,All safe,For he has is a great comfort。“As long as people on,It also could start life,Started to rebuild the,No matter how difficult。”DingYongKu said。
灾情 disaster
十渡镇19条公路被冲毁 ShiDuZhen 19 highway was washed out
ShiDuZhen government announced yesterday,The total rainfall of 300 mm,A flow rate of 3300 m3 / SEC。According to the statistics,About 2300 families affected,A total of 8200 people,Economic loss of 579 million,The public service facilities damaged。The whole town 19 highway、32000 meters of DAMS flooded in such as natural disaster,Recovery needs 111 million yuan。Agricultural disastrous,But in the area of people、Tourists scenic spot safely,That is about to develop the post-disaster reconstruction work。
涞水县确定有13人死亡 Laishui county sure have 13 people dead
Hebei laishui county magistrate said in the city,By yesterday,Already identified 13 people died,16 people are missing,The county 12000 visitors safe evacuation。In addition to the tourist facilities,water、Road system loss,YeSanPo to three road at present only a way to traffic。“YeSanPo and thyme gorge is mainly rely on tourism,The flood is for tourism,It is doom,To rebuild again,Will be very difficult。”County magistrate said in。
特写 close-up
村民酒祭工友泪洒拒马河 The villagers wine offering tears spilled out MaHe workers
Located in the village XiaZhuang king laishui county town near the village resources of a high-speed seven period of building site,Is the HuangAnJie were killed。
Yesterday morning,The villagers LuoMing went to the river,Pour into the river three bottles of spirit erguotou。He said,The site has many of his friends,There are several are in 22 at flood away。Xiao li and his feeling better than most,“He often said that,And just to make money for home for daughter-in-law cover rooms”。
LuoMing eyeful restraining tears at the site was destroyed:The thick of meter cement road surface cut、twist、Pry broken,Dozens of trees uprooted trees with thick waist pole,Mining the car was hit the pier with flood enveloped become fragmented。
Originally the river built a row choi steel shacks,As the families of the workers and the site,Now there are only a be branches and flow stone hit sore holes in the shacks。
LuoMing one-sided wine side mumbling said:“Xiao li ah,Do you usually only drink half a bottle of,Today you drink some,Drink enough。”
“21 we have to inform workers site,Once said it could be,Let them out as soon as possible。”LuoMing said,The workers feel that even if hair lotions,“Most is the house into the water,Not necessary to avoid”。
22 at 2 o 'clock,YeSanPo wiped away。The next day, on the flood,LuoMing came to look at the site,“The house is wound neatly,And more than 10 workers would have gone by the floods”。
China railway group officials say,When the rise,HuangAnJie also rushed inside and saved the children and old people,“There are a dozen people are missing,Basically is to save other workers families were washed away”。
At present,Dozens of people have been washed away found three。China railway group from flat valley village HuangAnJie take the bodies,A and his colleagues years of workers in the river crying,HuangAnJie is found,But his own sister、Her husband and children are flooding away,Still missing。
(This paper LuoMingLiu yuan should be respondents requirements are aliases)
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