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顺天湾自然生态公园 The day bay natural ecological park
壁画村 Mural painting village 弥勒山 Maitreya mountain
木浦F1赛道 Mokpo F1 tracks
  随着歌曲《江南style》风靡全球,韩国再一次吸引了全世界的目光,很多游客也因此打算去韩国旅行,近距离接触韩国的风土人情。首尔、釜山、济州岛都是中国游客常去的地方,但这次的韩国南海岸之行,却让我感受到了最淳朴的韩国风情。 Along with the song[Jiangnan style]Became popular in the world,South Korea once again attracted the eyes of the world,Many tourists so going to South Korea trip,Close contact the local conditions and customs of South Korea.Seoul/busan/Jeju is Chinese tourists go place,But the HanGuoNa coast trip,But let me feel the most simple South Korea amorous feelings.


顺天:生态观光圣地 Along the day:Ecological sightseeing holy land


Morning light obey,Winding stretch on the wooden bridge,Then place oneself in the endless golden in the reeds.look,Long coastline surrounded with large tidal flats and the lush reeds……This is one of the five major coastal wetland of"Paramagnetic day bay".


The day bay is South Korea's leading wetland nature reserve,Located in the HanGuoQuan ronan way along the day city."Along the day"means"The fate".In the long history,The day bay were not human too much bother,Has been naturally live development,This is also the day bay save so intact one of the important reasons.


Walk in the long wooden bridge,Eyeful is one person's much taller reeds,In the sea breeze blows down,Reed like the sea waves as,spectacular,Along with the sound of sasha vujacic,Like sounds of nature.Great reeds group not only shows the day bay of beautiful and mysterious side,There are important environmental significance.According to introducing,There have never been red tide,Reed powerful purification function,For here to construct a natural barrier.


Due to the wetland away from pollution,Many birds here habitat/wintering.According to introducing,Hoary head crane at present in the world only live only 10000 or so,And the day bay good safe habitats,Every year to attract hoary head crane.According to locals is introduced,Hoary head crane like in alpine meadow/Marsh or lakes/Rivers activities/Perched and reproduction,They each year in the qinghai-tibet plateau breeding,To the day bay for the winter,The second year on April and fly back to kekexili.


At the end of the bridge is the top deck,Here overlooking the whole nature reserve.look,One is the long coastline,On one side is the lush reeds,Winding channel through the middle from,Will beaches divided into one piece,Tracts as,In the golden sunset glow in the set off of,Like a continuation of thousands of years of colorful picture scroll,Let a person can't help exclamation,It's human nature to precious gift.


In the spring of 2013,South Korea will the day in city held the world horticultural exposition the day bay world horticultural exposition.This is the first South Korea to host the world exposition,According to the garden expo chief introduction,The meeting will be built to connect the day bay and the buffer zone,City residents to provide rest area at the same time,To prevent urban blind expansion,The purpose is to permanent protection along the day bay.By hosting the garden expo,The city will build downtown to shun day bay ecological shaft,The day city will be constructed into a ecological sightseeing model city.Person in charge told us,the,The day bay will show to the world the most beautiful landscape garden.


统营:东方那不勒斯 System camp:Oriental napoli


System camp town is located in the southwest South Korea is still way,Is a port city,Back castle peak,Faces the sea.The sea strewn with more than 140 islands,therefore,The sea is also called many island sea.


The system of the most famous scenic spots of the maitreya mountain,Although not a high mountain,Only 461 meters,But the mountains in addition to YuCang woods and limpid streams outside,There are many odd rocks and ancient caves,South Korea is one of the one hundred large famous mountains.Take South Korea the longest(1975 meters)Sightseeing cable car,It is only 10 minutes to get to the top of the hill.Along the wooden footway ascend the stairs,The top platform,Overlooking the sea,The island is scattered among them,Unaware tiancheng beauty will let you amazing.When the sun slowly fall,The harmony of sea and sky scenery present in front of that moment,The beauty of the afterglow camp system to achieve perfection.The sunlight spreads in the sea,Red and bright,Let a person get drunk.Perhaps this is the camp system called"Oriental napoli"Reason it.


In addition to maitreya mountain,System camp mural village is also very famous.The very small villages,It is said that has faced the situation to be demolished,After a few students started in the village in the wall of the painting,The local government feel very meaningful,The village so be preserved,Now gradually developed into system camp is representative of the tourist attractions.


Into the mural painting village,The first feeling is like into the fairy tale world,Because the whole village building external walls or courtyard wall are all painting on the colourful exquisite frescoes.Surprisingly,Every household wall painting theme is different,And every household murals and and surrounding environment bring out the best in each other,Or by the characteristics of the residents.Visible creator really spent a lot of thoughts.


Seoul and jeju doesn't mean all of South Korea.Travel to South Korea must to system camp to see.Coveted snacks and gorgeous along in the setting sun,Will give you leave unforgettable memory.


木浦:速度与闲适融合 mokpo:Speed and leisurely and comfortable fusion


Mokpo, South Korea is in the southwestern end a port city,Membership YuQuanLuo south road,Population more than 20.Compared with big cities to scramble for people,As a partial small and medium-sized cities,Mokpo offer people is quiet/Comfortable and time stagnation of the languid is lazy.And let mokpo city the rise to fame,Is for the first time in South Korea last year held the F1 competition.

  F1韩国锦标赛的举办地是在木浦市以南约20公里的灵岩县,灵岩首先建成了KIC(Korea InternationalCir-cuit)赛车道,赛车道所经之处,不是面向灵岩湖,就是处于灵岩防潮堤和西海之间,有着韩国最美丽的自然风光。形似韩式房屋的主看台融入了韩国的建筑设计风格,将现代与传统完美地结合。据介绍,整个区域做了整体规划,将按照蓝图逐步建设成一座赛车城,未来将成为与摩纳哥蒙特卡洛相媲美的世界性景点。

South Korea is the site of the F1 championship in mokpo city 20 km south of the county resentments,First built KIC resentments(Korea InternationalCir - cuit)track,Track through place,Not facing lake resentments,Is in the western coastal levee and resentments between,South Korea has the most beautiful natural scenery.Like Korean building Lord stands in the south's style of architecture and design,Will modern and traditional perfect combination.According to introducing,The whole area made overall planning,Will be in accordance with the blueprint gradually building into a car city,The future will be and Monaco monte carlo comparable world attractions.


攻略 strategy


accommodation:Compared with Seoul and so on big city,HanGuoNa coast many cities keep a strong Korean traditional culture,In the hotel accommodation is to sleep on the,Because is warm,Qiu dong season sleep up will be very warm.


food:In the system the city can enjoy the most fresh oyster food,Because here is rich in oyster,Beef oyster rinse boiler/Oyster pancakes/Sweet and sour oysters are worth tasting.


play:If there's no way to get mokpo watch F1 season game,Common to experience the circuit also have not cannot,According to the introduction of staff,Next year there will be launched specifically for visitors to experience F1 project.
