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政府欲十年解决如厕问题 改变印度旅游形象--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  “脏、乱、差”,似乎成了印度一个不光彩的标签。《环球时报》记者在印度工作数年,感觉印度犹如一本蒙着灰尘的宝书,只有耐心拭去表面的蒙尘才能品味到内里的斑斓和美丽。 "dirty/disorderly/difference",India seems to become an ignoble label.[Global times]Reporters to work in India, for years,India is a feeling this is covered with dust treasured book,Only those who have patience to wipe the surface dust can taste inside the colorful and beautiful.


When foreign tourists through the rubbish dump/Around the street level of sewage/Cover your nose to escape the corner excrement……Came to the taj mahal/Red fort and mena g and the temple,Grand buildings although fascinating,But the heart of romance is running out.


Reporter discovery,India's scenic spots/The hotel/Public institutions and private house, etc,Are clean and neat,And the wall/Outside the building/Outside belong to public management part is dirty/disorderly/Difference of the world.


Indian health condition bad mainly embodied in three aspects:Environmental hygiene difference,Garbage litter and not clear in time;Water quality difference,The water arsenic content exceeds bid,Often foreign tourists after drinking the local water having happened,In recent years, was still is contained in drinking water"Super bacteria"news;The situation of defecate indiscriminately everywhere,City street corner/wall,Country in the field of the/field,And bank/lake……Everywhere all can be"Public toilets".


India[Economic times]says,India plans to the committee admits,Indian independence 60 years later,There are still half the population open solve problems urine.Population census showed that,India's now more than 1.2 billion,And live in the housing is the toilet of only 46.9%.AFP said,India about 130 million families without toilets.The world health organization and the United Nations children's fund, in a new report shows,More than 58% of India's population in outdoor relieve oneself,Global accounts for about 3/5 of the population in the outdoor urine.Indian rural development cabinet minister jie lhamo · ramesh also said,India has become global"The defecate indiscriminately",Every passenger capacity 11 million people of railway system is"The world's largest open toilet".


Two factors that India is difficult to get rid of public environmental sanitation the trouble of field.The public health field is insufficient investment for many years,Cause health poor infrastructure.The Indian government from 2012 to 2013 fiscal year budget display,Military spending increased by 17% than the last fiscal year,But in public health and family welfare budget accounted for only 0.34% of GDP.Statistics show that,Across India now about the 1.5 million public toilets.In the economic center mumbai some poor areas,An average of 81 people sharing a toilet,Individual place 273 people sharing a toilet.The second is the traditional idea influence,Public health consciousness weak.Thousands of years of civilization and religious heritage that Indian caste system and grade idea thorough popular feeling.garbage,Especially the size is unclean,Superior caste people never touch even avoid talking about these things.Responsible for transporting waste/Clean the excrementitious is generally low caste of Dali characteristic,They are in social bottom,With the top of head is worn knitting basket, transporting waste/Hand cleaning excrement.Work beneath/Income poor,Of course nobody are willing to engage in sanitation work.


The Indian government to improve public health backwardness,Take measures to increase investment/Improve the facilities and awareness.The Indian government also launched"National sanitation campaign",Key is to increase health facilities/To improve environmental health,Create a clean public environment.[Times of India]Quoted jie lhamo · ramesh as saying,The government intends to use 10 years to completely improve India's health status.The next two years with more than us $28 million in the country to establish 100000 ecological toilet,Costs about $120 million, the railway system in section 50000 of the train carriages crouch hole type toilet into new ecological toilet.


In improving health consciousness/Advocate health ideas,India really did a lot of effort.To advocate toilet culture,Haryana launch"No toilet no wife"activities,Encourage women can't refuse to provide with a bath house suitors.Bihar also put forward the slogan:House toilet is for her daughter's best dowry.
