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  由马尔代夫钓鱼运动协会(MGFA)组织的第二届马尔代夫钓鱼挑战赛于2012年11月23日至26日成功举办。比赛场地设在马累以及瓦夫环礁(Vaavu atolls)的纯净水域,为期三天令人振奋的比赛吸引了不同级别的垂钓选手一同劲钓。

The maldives fishing sports association(MGFA)Organization of the second session of the maldives fishing challenge in November of 2012 23 to 26 held successfully.The playing field is located in the horse tired and tile husband atoll(Vaavu atolls)Pure water,The three-day exciting games draw a different levels of fishing with players with fish.


The game fishing atmosphere compared with more increase last year,In fact the first maldives fishing challenge has been the international fishing sports association(IGFA)praise,It was established for near the maldives fishing sports association, was a huge success.

  马尔代夫钓鱼运动协会副会长Ahmed Nazeer先生表示:“马尔代夫钓鱼挑战赛不仅是一次让国际垂钓选手认识马尔代夫的机会,也是马尔代夫向钓鱼界展示自身令人惊艳的海洋环境的极好途径,更重要的是通过举办比赛,本地渔业的可持续发展也得到了很好的强调和促进。”

The maldives fishing sports association vice President says Mr Ahmed Nazeer:"The maldives fishing challenge is not only a let international fishing players know the maldives opportunities,Also the maldives to fishing bound to showcase its breathtaking a great way to the Marine environment,More important is through holding the match,The sustainable development of the local fishery also got very good emphasize and promote."

  传统的马尔代夫家庭通常会有一位靠打鱼为生的家长,钓鱼是深植于马尔代夫人血液中的东西。它与马尔代夫人的生活是如此的密不可分,以至于每次钓到大鱼家里便会庆祝一番,而若是餐桌上少了鱼吃起来也不尽兴。 渔夫们随着岛上雄鸡清晨的啼叫醒来,在附近的礁石上收集鱼饵,然后开始一整天的深海钓鱼工作,巧妙地运用钓竿和钓线的捕鱼方式。

The traditional maldivian family usually have a fish for a living by parents,Fishing is rooted in the maldivian blood things.It and maldivian life is so inseparable,Every time that catch big fish home will to celebrate,And if the table little fish tasted not to one's heart's content. The fishermen along with the cock in the early hours of the morning wake up to cry,In the nearby rocks collected bait,Then start the deep-sea fishing work all day,Smart use of rods and fishing line fishing way.

  钓鱼也是在马尔代夫度假必玩的项目之一!若想体会亲自捕鱼并烹调“战果”的满足感,欢迎来马尔代夫感受在至清海水中垂钓的体验,更有极具挑战性的夜间垂钓之旅供你选择(很多度假村均提供此项目)。 届时,你的渔船将在黄昏前离岸,在礁石附近找到合适的垂钓地点,船员们会向你示范如何使用钓线、吊钩和下坠球,大约一个小时后,你的烧烤架上就能排满鱼儿香味扑鼻了。

Fishing is also in the maldives on holiday will play one of the project!If want to experience personally fishing and cooking"victory"satisfaction,Welcome to the maldives feeling in the clear sea fishing experience,More challenging night fishing trip for your choice(Many resort provide the project). the,Your fishing boat will before nightfall offshore,In the rock area to find the right fishing site,The crew will ask you demonstrate how to use fishing line/Hook and drop ball,About an hour later,Your barbecue frame can full tangy smell the fish.
