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体验海鲜诱惑力 看韩国人怎样吃海鲜(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  漫步釜山札嘎其海鲜市场,闻到空气里飘来鱼腥味,同时夹杂着海腥味和土腥味;听到韩国妇女的叫卖声,无非是“来一来,瞧一瞧,买一买,尝一尝。 Stroll the busan Zagreb honk the seafood market,To fishy smell in the air,Mingled with the sea smell and earthy taste at the same time;Hear the cries of south Korean women,Is nothing more than"Come to a result,A look at,Buy a,Have a taste.

海鲜海鲜,要多鲜有多鲜,而且这新鲜的腥味是有诱惑力的。 Seafood, seafood,More little more fresh,And the fresh smell is tempting.

The market is very big very long,There are several buildings,There are several layers of each building,On the first floor to buy,To the second floor processing,Steaming br/cook/Fried,As far as possible keep the original flavor,With XianYan/Drinking the wine.

琳琅满目,海参、鲍鱼、海肠、海蟹、海蛎子。 Full of beautiful things in eyes,The sea cucumber/abalone/The intestine/Sea crab/oysters.

South koreans don't go home from work,In the seafood market will be friends,Don't pay attention to dining environment,It is this feeling,See how alive seafood has been processed into its own rules of table.

纷纷乱乱的,男男女女的,吵杂一片,却很享受。 Have thinks,Men and women,A noisy,But very enjoy.

Korean women are the most hardworking,Which is the most beautiful to love.The eldest sister-in-law pushed us to her home,But come back but I didn't find it.

我们被这家诱惑进入,原因是他家有凳子,这样我不必盘腿坐在炕上。 We are into the temptation,Because his house has a bench,So I don't have to sit cross-legged on kang. 我们的餐桌,炸过的鲜鱼和一堆泡菜,米饭、酱汤之类,两人份合计人民币不到200元。 Our table,Fried fish or a pile of kimchi,The rice/Miso soup and so on,Two people together is less than 200 yuan. 血豆腐酱汤是腥的。 XieDouFu miso soup is red.

像腌制泡菜一样腌制的臭鱼烂虾。 Like pickled kimchi pickled smelly fish shrimp. 一路上,到处是煎鱼的味道。 Along the way,Is full of the smell of fish.

Always like to flaunt of South Korea one of the largest in the world,Without the busan fish said to the world market,But this time I feel it is in the world,In many ways.

釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market

釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market

釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 要多长有多长的海鲜市场。 How long it would take how long seafood market.

釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 劳累了一天,休息的休息,数钱的数钱。 A tired day,Rest of the rest,Count the money money. 这边的工作还在继续。 This work continues. 酱些、泡蟹,也是原始的腥味。 Some sauce/Bubble crab,Is the original smell. 市场,里里外外的市场。 The market,In the market.

釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market 釜山海鲜市场 Busan seafood market(来源:新华网)

