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  这个美幻得如同绘画的榉树隧道被当地人称为“黑暗树篱”,距今已有大约300年的历史。据称在18世纪,詹姆斯·斯图尔特种植下了150棵山毛榉,以在路途中向前来他庄园的宾客炫耀。如今这里已成为北爱尔兰的著名景点。图片来源人民网 The magic like painting the elm tree was known locally as the tunnel"Dark hedge",It has a history of about 300 years.Allegedly in the 18th century,James Stewart 150 under beech tree planting,In the journey to guests to show off his estate.Now it has become a famous attractions in Northern Ireland.photo:People's Daily online   这或许是世界上最浪漫的一条火车道,位于乌克兰西部的小城Kleven。该隧道长约2英里,是一个伐木工厂的运输铁道。当地人称该隧道为“爱的隧道”,许多情侣来到此地许愿。图片来源:人民网 This may be the world's most romantic a train on the way,Located in Kleven Ukraine in the west of the town.The tunnel is about 2 miles long,Is a timber factory of the railway transport.Locals say the tunnel"Tunnel of love",I wish many lovers came here.photo:People's Daily online

  鲜艳繁盛的紫藤花盛开在日本北九州的河内藤园。樱花季节过后,随之到来的是紫藤花,其枝蔓如同葡萄藤。每年的紫藤节日,东京、静冈和冈崎都会隆重庆祝。足利花卉公园是欣赏各种不同品种紫藤花的最佳场所。图片来源:人民网 Bright blooming wisteria blossom in Japanese Kitakyushu river park.Cherry blossom season,Follow the wisteria,Its tendrils like vines.Wisteria festival every year,Tokyo/Shizuoka and okazaki will celebrate.Ashikaga flower park is the best place to enjoy all kinds of different varieties wisteria.photo:People's Daily online   银杏树在日本文化中备受尊崇。有六棵银杏树在广岛轰炸中幸存下来,并生长至今。日本人将银杏视为“希望的承载者”,而银杏也常被称为“活化石”。如今在东京市共有大约65000棵银杏树,遍布街道和公园。上图中的银杏树隧道位于明治神宫。图片来源:人民网 Ginkgo trees are revered in the Japanese culture.There are six ginkgo survived the bombing of Hiroshima,And grow up to now.The Japanese consider ginkgo"Hope the carrier",And ginkgo is often referred to as"Living fossil".Today in Tokyo, a total of about 65000 tree, ginkgo tree,Around the streets and parks.Above the ginkgo tree in tunnel is located in the pilgrimage.photo:People's Daily online   每年春季,德国波恩的这条街道就会变成让人陶醉的樱花隧道。其实波恩的樱花隧道有两条,其中位于赫尔斯特拉伯的最受游客欢迎。樱花花期通常为7到10天,因天气条件不同而有所差异。图片来源:人民网 Every spring,Bonn, Germany this street will become a let a person enchanted the cherry blossoms of tunnel.There are two actually Bonn sakura tunnel,Which is located in the hull Stella "one of the most popular with visitors.Cherry blossom season is usually 7 to 10 days,Differences due to different weather conditions.photo:People's Daily online

  嵯峨野竹林位于日本京都的国家指定古迹岚山。上图中的小径长约500米,从日本国内最著名的竹林中穿过,也难怪日本文化厅会将岚山誉为“风光秀美”之地。驻足在竹林中,你可以听到风吹过竹叶发出的天籁之音,这一声音也被评为日本100种最值得保留的声音之一。图片来源:人民网 Cragginess wild bamboo forest is located in Kyoto, Japan, countries designated sites lanshan.Above the path about 500 meters long,Through the bamboo forests of Japan's most famous,It is no wonder that Japan operations will be hailed lanshan"Scenery is beautiful"The land.Stop in the bamboo forest,You can hear the wind blowing leaves from the sounds of nature,The voice also has been voted Japan 100 one of the most worth keeping sound.photo:People's Daily online   南非的约翰内斯堡拥有世界上最大的人造森林,超过一千万棵树生长在这个南非最大城市。世界上有至少49种蓝花楹,其中大部分原产于南美和加勒比海地区。图中的蓝花楹隧道位于比勒陀利亚,当地拥有70000多棵蓝花楹,盛开时使整个城市到处呈现出绚烂紫色和蓝色。图片来源:人民网 Johannesburg in South Africa has the world's largest artificial forest,More than ten million trees grow in the South Africa's largest city.There are 49 kinds of jacaranda, at least in the world,Most of them are native to South America and the Caribbean.In the figure jacaranda tunnel located in Pretoria,With more than 70000 local jacaranda tree,When in full bloom around the whole city presents gorgeous purple and blue.photo:People's Daily online   2006年,当时的阿雷格里港市长签署了一项法令,宣布这条美丽的街道成为巴西的历史、文化、生态和环境遗产的一部分。图片来源:人民网 In 2006,,At the time of Porto alegre the mayor signed a decree,Announced this beautiful street to become Brazil's history/culture/Part of the ecological and environmental legacy.photo:People's Daily online

  这是秋天最典型的颜色,秋叶之美摄人心魄。一开始,国家公园北部的树叶开始变色,之后随着深秋来临,炫目的颜色也逐渐向南扩散。图片来源:人民网 This is the most typical color in autumn,Autumn beauty is breathtaking.At the beginning,National park in the north of the leaves begin to change color,As autumn approaches,Glaring color also gradually spread to the south.photo:People's Daily online

  该街道上有超过100棵的紫檀木,枝叶茂密遮盖了天空,也使街道两旁建筑物的空调使用量减少了30%。图片来源:人民网 The streets there are more than 100 rosewood tree,Leaves thick covering the sky,Also make the buildings that lined the street air conditioning usage decreased by 30%.photo:People's Daily online(来源:人民网)

(source:People's Daily online)
