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网曝长春虎园虐虎赚钱 园方称系表演团私自行为--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网长春5月2日电 (记者 李彦国 贺宝庆)在刚刚过去的五一假期,有到过吉林省东北虎园游玩的网友发图文帖爆料,该虎园内的幼虎遭到虐待,并供游客拍照赚钱。对此,吉林省东北虎园5月2日接受中新网记者采访时称,涉事幼虎并非虎园所有,此事系动物表演团私自行为,现已责令改正并做出了处罚。
中新网长春5月2日电 (The reporter Li Yanguo He Baoqing)In the May Day holiday just past,Have been to visit jilin northeast tigers garden net friend send by post reported,The tiger cubs at a abuse,And make money for tourists to take photos.For this,Jilin northeast tigers garden accept news agency reporters in an interview on May 2,All involved cubs are not tigers garden,It is animal performers including many renowned behavior secretly,Now they shall be ordered to correct and make the punishment.
网友发布的照片显示,A head is a rope through the east-northern tiger on wooden table of youth,There are visitors on sought to take pictures.Posting netizen rabbi asked,What's the meaning of this picture?The net friend also appealed for love/To protect animals!
2日,Jilin northeast tigers garden to news reporters,the"He who rides a tiger is taking pictures"Event system performance group behavior secretly,Tigers garden admitted there were loose regulation,Later also to the involved performance group has made the punishment.
"The cubs in the photo is not the jilin northeast tigers garden all,But belong to anhui SuZhouShi east animal."Jilin northeast tigers garden animal control department chief Wang Haijun is introduced,The tigers garden has cooperative relations with SuZhouShi Oriental animal performers including many renowned in anhui province,Oriental animal performers including many renowned rent the jilin northeast tigers garden area for the animal shows.
"On the day on May 1,Tiger park visitors are empty,当时有游人Put forward与东北虎零距离接触并拍照.Oriental animal performers including many renowned trainers agree with the demand of tourists,This just happened‘He who rides a tiger is taking pictures’event."Wang Haijun said.
据称,After the incident,Jilin northeast tigers garden to anhui SuZhouShi east animal performers including many renowned made RMB 5000 in penalties.Oriental animal performers including many renowned director Yin Fuli also written guarantee,Commitment to such incidents will not happen again in the future.
据悉,the"He who rides a tiger is taking pictures"Event has seized the attention of the state forestry administration,Jilin northeast tigers garden would be a specific writing material,Submitted to the"He who rides a tiger is taking pictures"Details of the event.
吉林省东北虎园坐落在长春市东南部的净月潭国家森林公园内,The zoo on April 26, built in 2009 and officially opened,Is the state forestry administration/Jilin provincial forestry department for wildlife rescue injuries in time,Save many endangered species and project construction.(After the)

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