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重庆旅游手机被盗走 表妹手机拍下盗贼样子--亲稳舆论引导监测室
Yao Jing and Xu Jia two table five sisters from Shanghai to chongqing tourism.The day before yesterday afternoon,Two people in magnetic device mouth play,Yao Jing iphone4s mobile phone stolen,They try so hard to magnetic device mouth police station.Let them surprise,Police unexpectedly from cousin Xu Jia phone found important clues in the photo.Less than ten minutes,Police will be two thieves stealing mobile phones captured.
正玩得高兴,手机丢了 Is have a good time,Cell phone is lost
Yao Jing and Xu Jia are Cousins,People in Shanghai.Five a small long holiday this year,The sisters meet to chongqing tourism.
On May 4 in the afternoon,The sisters came to the magnetic device mouth town.That day is Saturday,The weather is sunny,Ancient town, a lot of tourists,A little crowded streets.The sisters talking and laughing all the way,stop-and-go,And pictures to each other.
Around two o 'clock in the afternoon,The sisters came to the magnetic device mouth town high cross wall culture art street in dong hai.Yao Jing attracted by the roadside a cornucopia,Pull the cousin went over to look.Many tourists are around the cornucopia,They are scrambled to use both hands to rub the cornucopia of two edges.They listen to other visitors,Bowl waves of spray is higher, the better luck,They also wanted to try it.
"I am going to rub,You take a picture for me."Yao Jing Xu Jia said,To go to the cornucopia,Began to use both hands to rub the cornucopia.Xu Jia out his phone and take pictures.Two people after taking photos and cornucopia,Continue to go forward.
"ah!Mobile phone was gone!"Don't go two minutes,Ready to use their phones to tweeting Yao Jing suddenly cried.The sisters turned over several times in the bag, did not find cell phone,Magnetic device mouth police station rushed to the anxiously.
无意拍到了两个可疑人 Inadvertently captured two approaches
In the police station,Yao Jing quick nasty cry.She told the police,His is a white iphone 4 s.Police learned that the,White-collar Yao Jing is a Shanghai company,In addition to her own personal phone photo,There is the company's financial information and important customer information.Police let Yao Jing recall ever suspicious characters close to her."In possession there seems to be two people around me,Stick is also very near."Yao Jing woke up.
"At that time, I also took photos for you."Aside Xu Jia said,And the picture turned out of the cell phone."The two men is very suspicious!"By occupation sensitive,Police found the key clues in this photo.
Police notice,One of the photos,Yao Jing two doubtful men standing around you.Take one of the men dressed in black arm with a piece of clothing,Eyes are staring at the Yao Jing hand,His nature.Another man wearing black-rimmed glasses white eyes looking at the people around.Police speculated,White man probably is hand cut Yao Jing shoulder bag.
Police immediately lock the two suspects,And a quick search.
不到十分钟小偷就被抓 Less than ten minutes the thief was caught
"A black man,Flat head,Age 40 or so;A white man,Flat head,Wearing dark glasses,About thirty years old,Characteristics is very obvious!"Police through walkie-talkies shall notify the case and the suspect's appearance in the ancient town of patrol police,Using mobile phone MMS will be the key photo spread to the patrol police on the phone.
Less than ten minutes,Patrol police on magnetic device mouth town near the door,Found the two doubtful men."Take out your mobile phone!"Police rushed forward.The two men began to nervous,Opened his mouth wide in surprise.Two people are beginning to stolen phone does not recognize,But they are back to the police station soon,It admitted stealing mobile phones.
"There is no monitoring,How did you find us?"Two men were puzzled.They never thought their heist process by tourists filmed.
Police investigation found that,Suspect zhang and Li Quan,Both unemployed,Have been treated by public security organs due to theft.
Zhang lei, metasomatism,After they had with the mobile phone,Immediately sold for 2200 yuan.then,Police information provided according to zhang,In a second-hand mobile phone found Yao Jing phone vendors.
At present,The case is under further investigation.
(The figures for the alias)
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