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春夏亲子游 DV拍宝宝入门教材--亲稳网络舆情监测室


A good time to spring and summer as a family outing,Parents are too busy with work at ordinary times,Rarely have the opportunity to accompany the baby to travel together,While the temperature right,Must enjoy the relaxation.As a parent,Baby must be very want to visit the process of all recorded,Then a powerful/Lightweight and convenient DV is indispensable,In order to help the parents to better capture"Get the lead"- a lovely baby,Small make up to sort out the DV shooting of primer in a family,Hope help each netizen:


要领1:将宝宝放在画面的“视觉中心”位置 Main point 1:Put the baby in the picture"Visual center"position


"Visual center"Is a time when we watch TV picture,The position of the eyes rest habits.Is often the case,When we looked at a picture,The center of the visual center is not in the picture,But on the picture is horizontal, respectively/Vertical after the trisection of four intersections.so,You should put the image of the baby as much as possible,Or who you want to highlight area.

  要领2:在宝宝的运动方向或视线方向上留些余地 Main point 2:In the movement direction of the baby or leave some leeway on the gaze direction

  如果宝宝是运动着的,你要做的就是平稳、准确地追踪宝宝,力争让他始终保持在画面的固定位置上。同时,请在宝宝未来运动方向的一侧多留一些空间。这样做,一方面会使视觉上更加舒服,另一方面可以避免你的动作跟不上小家伙,造成他“跑”出镜头。佳能宝宝DV HF R46拥有智能光学影像稳定系统,能够根据不同的拍摄条件,在动态防抖、强力防抖、微距防抖与三脚架模式之间智能切换,有效的减少摄像机的偏移和抖动,特别适合一边行走,一边拍摄宝宝。

If the baby is moving,You have to do is stable/Accurately track baby,Strive to let him remain in a fixed position.At the same time,请在宝宝In the future运动方向的一侧多留一些空间.To do so,On the one hand, can make visual more comfortable,On the other hand, can avoid you can't keep up with,Cause he"run"Out of the camera.Baby Canon DV HF R46 have smart optical image stabilization system,According to different shooting conditions,In the dynamic image stabilization/Powerful image stabilization/Intelligent switch between macro stabilization and tripod mode,Effectively reduce the camera offset and jitter,Especially suitable for walk,Making babies.

  要领3:与宝宝平视的角度最真实,也最舒适 The point 3:From the perspective of baby heads up the most real,Also the most comfortable


Baby video shooting,Squatted down to serve her best,Keep level with his eyes.It can be more complete/More accurately capture baby's facial features/Facial expression and manner,The proportion of accurate response to the baby and the surrounding environment.At the same time,Because it is different from our real life habitually view overlooking the baby,Will let the picture of the appeal is stronger.

  要领4:运动镜头的时间长度以宝宝开始和结束的时间为准 The point 4:Sports lens length of time will be subject to the baby start and end time

  如果拍摄是为了记录宝宝正在进行的一项活动,比如追一个皮球或唱一首歌,那么镜头的时间长度就应该以宝宝这项活动的时间为准了,原则上只要宝宝没有停止,摄像机就要坚持工作,否则也就失去了记录的意义。佳能宝宝DV HF R46拥有可在开始按下拍摄键之前3秒就可以开始录制影像的“预录制模式”,可以灵活应对宝宝的即兴表演,不用担心错过任何一个精彩画面,其影像也可自动保存至“婴儿相册”中,按顺序可轻松查看某年某日宝宝去了哪里游玩,留下珍贵记忆。

If your baby is to record an ongoing activity,Such as chasing a ball or singing a song,The lens length should be the baby of the event's time shall prevail,In principle, as long as the baby didn't stop,The camera will be kept on working,Otherwise will lose the meaning of record.Baby Canon DV HF R46 have taken in began to press the button for 3 seconds before you can start recording video"Prerecorded mode",Baby can nimbly to improv,Don't worry about miss a wonderful picture,The images can also be automatically saved to"The baby photo album"In the,In order to easily view the some year one day baby went to where to play,Left precious memory.

  要领5:通过局部特写镜头突出细节 Main point 5:Through the local close-up to highlight the details

  如果摄像机永远固定在一个距离、一个角度上,会使画面单调冗长。为了增加趣味性、真实感,体现摄像机镜头和肉眼的区别,应该多拍摄一些局部特写镜头,这样会给以后的观看带来很多乐趣和身临其境的感受。佳能宝宝DV HF R46的还具有强大的涂鸦功能,不仅在拍摄中,在拍摄后也可以加上喜欢的星星、气泡、图章等有趣的效果,可以在拍到的特写镜头上加上一些装饰涂鸦或者文字,能让游玩的视频更加有趣。

If the camera is fixed forever in a distance/A point of view,Picture is tedious.In order to increase the interest/Sense of reality,Reflect the difference between camera and to the naked eye,Should be more shooting some local close-up,This will cause a lot of fun and immersive after viewing experience.Baby Canon DV HF R46 graffiti also has powerful functions,Not only in the film,After filming can also add favorite stars/Air bubbles/Stamps, etc. Interesting effects,Can add some decoration on photographed close-up graffiti or text,Can let the video play is more interesting.

  宝宝DV HFR46 涂鸦功能 Baby DV HFR46 graffiti function

  佳能宝宝DV HF R46针对目前年轻父母拍摄宝宝的需求,为不太擅长操作IT产品的妈妈设计了简易操作和多种人性化功能,让家用DV变成了“拍宝宝神器”,外出拍宝宝,家长们只需大拇指按动拍摄键就可以了,剩下的工作都可以交给宝宝DV来完成。目前,这款DV正在进行促销活动,只要在佳能认证经销商店面购买,均可获得丰厚的“爱•礼包”,享受超值的惊喜礼遇。详情可登录活动官方网站www.canon.com.cn/dvp,进一步了解

Baby Canon DV HF R46 aiming at young parents filmed baby's needs,Is not very good at the IT product operation's mother, design the function of simple operation and a variety of human nature,Make household DV"Take the baby artifact",Go on baby,Parents just thumb press of a key shooting,The rest of the work can be finished to baby DV.At present,The DV is for promotional activities,As long as Canon certified dealer stores to buy,A fat can be obtained"love•Gift bag",Enjoy special surprise.Can login activity's official website www.canon.com.cn/dvp for details,To learn more about




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