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早报记者 张少杰发自湖南凤凰
After a vote of storm,A collapsed bridge,Again pull phoenix back into the public eye.
Behind the accident,It is worth asking government regulation failure.Wooden bridge in the construction/In the process of operation,Who is the bridge of the regulators?Reporter asked several units in fenghuang county,But are expressed"Don't know".Nearby villagers said,The wooden bridge"No one tube".
In addition,Phoenix tickets for the New Deal or suspected illegal.Fenghuang county government said,After got approval price bureau of hunan province,But according to[Hunan tourism regulations],Phoenix tickets for the New Deal for a present,Deprive the visitors the option,Or suspected of illegal.
"Price bureau approval is to determine the price of tickets,Mainly to determine reasonable ticket price is not reasonable,But the ticket policy itself is legal,Also need to be further identified."Shanghai zhong Yin law firm lawyers LiuBaoLiang told reporters.
凤凰在去年的统计公报中声称 “瞄准国际一流旅游目的地,全力打造中国最美丽的小城”,但目前来看,凤凰离这个目标还有点远。
Phoenix during last year's statistical bulletin said "Aiming at the international first-class tourist destination,To the most beautiful town in China",But for now,The order is still a little far away from the goal.
塌桥谁监管?“不清楚” Who regulates bridge collapse?"Don't know"
Who is the bridge of the regulators?Fenghuang county transport for/Construction bureau/Send to office/Pledges inspect bureau/Tourism, as well as the county party committee propaganda department, are called"Don't know"
On May 1, 9 p.m,Peach blossom island in fenghuang county of a steel rope plank bridge steel strand of sola hook/Loading columns appear rupture,Lead to 37 tourists fell down.As of yesterday,In addition to the one person because of fracture is still in hospital,The rest of the injured have been discharged from hospital.
凤凰当地政府称,桃花岛篝火晚会全称“桃花岛风雨苗疆篝火晚会”,为个人独资经营,经营范围为“民俗表演”, 2011年9月由县文化局颁发《营业性演出许可证》,法定有效期为2年。该人行便桥于2010年5月由其私营业主自行出资修建,2012年8月重建。
Phoenix, the local government said,Peach blossom island bonfire party full name"Peach blossom island scenic zone rain bonfire party",As a sole proprietorship business,Scope of business for"Chinese show", In September, 2011, issued by county culture bureau[The commercial performance license],Legal and valid for 2 years.The pedestrian auxiliary bridge in May 2010 by private owners built by themselves,In August 2012.
Fenghuang county culture bureau officials said,"Peach blossom island scenic zone rain bonfire party"For phoenix local businessman ma, head of the blue sea.But more than cotton village village villagers confirmed,The bridge is really to the bonfire party manager ma blue sea,The original was built in 2010 in May,After flooding last year,The business will rebuild according to the sample,Phoenix local contractor for a construction group.
Peach blossom island is located in the east suburb of the ancient city of phoenix,Originally cotton village village belongs to a desert island,The reporter understands,In 2005, its tourism development,The fenghuang county landscape tourism co., LTD. Is responsible for the development,Legal representative for Chen Jie.After changed hands several times,Transfer in a few years ago to the phoenix local businessmen hemp blue sea.
Around the city,Distribution of multiple bonfire party,They do not belong to the ancient city of scenic spots,Also don't belong to rural tourism routes.Cotton walled village king beautiful flowers said,Peach blossom island bonfire party doing good business,When the fire can do two a day,"Highway 20 or 30 vehicles parked buses and other visitors."
Peach blossom island bonfire party of morning paper reporter confirmed that several workers,After the incident,Hemp blue has been the public security department and detained.A staff in declined to be named said,Because only in the evening have a visitors pass,The bridge at ordinary times and no daily maintenance and repair.
Bridge collapsed after the incident,Fenghuang county government said detained bonfire party chief,Compensation for tourists to drowning.A fracture of the shenzhen tourists trichet won 20000 yuan in compensation.But it is a problem that nots allow to ignore,In the peach blossom island bonfire party construction/In the process of operation,Who is the bridge of the regulators?
On the issue,Reporters asked the transport in fenghuang county/Construction bureau/Send to office/Pledges inspect bureau/Tourism, as well as the county party committee propaganda department,According to the reply"Don't know".
Reporters call transport in fenghuang county,A male staff member said"Don't know",Then hang up the phone.
The county construction bureau Liao Xing staff said,In general,Highway Bridges need to send to department for examination and approval and regulatory,No explicit provisions for such a small wooden bridge,"I don't know which department tube".Send to agency and tube pledges inspect bureau says don't belong to the same department.
The bridge is mainly tourist traffic,Is that the bridge should be responsible for by tourism sector?Tourism office director Yang expressed,"Specific situation is not clear,Propaganda department to counseling".Which department is over but the bridge,Propaganda department said"Don't know".
In fact,Similar wooden bridge in the local is not rare,"Some of these Bridges the government building,Some built,Build as if no one tube",Cotton village village king beautiful flowers told reporters.
客栈投资者开始降温 Inn investors begin to cool
The inn of the ancient city of phoenix, about 1, 500,Outsiders proportion accounted for about half,Mostly to the phoenix after 2008
Tickets for the New Deal after,Along with the passenger flow down,Ancient city inn investment boom.
"Today I again is zero."LiuGuangPing sitting in a small restaurant,Some wryly, told reporters.From May 3 to May 6,Her inn has zero occupancy for four days.
LiuGuangPing in henan before doing building materials business,In 2009,,I heard that phoenix traffic is large,And the investment is not high also,Life is safe,Phoenix investment to open the inn.Decorate cost more than ten thousand yuan,Annual rent of about 100000 yuan.LiuGuangPing said,Since 2009 after the order of the phoenix,Income has been stable,Net income of 80000 yuan a year.But the tickets after the New Deal,Business slumped.This year,Her inn rent every day/artificial/Cost of water and electricity, etc, a total of about 300 yuan.This means that,Zero occupancy rate over the last few days,She will lose 300 yuan every day.
Fenghuang county chamber of commerce Long Zhiming told reporters,Phoenix's inn is about 500,In which the proportion of outsiders to open accounts for about half,Mostly to the phoenix after 2008.
Phoenix inn boom is not alone,As the holiday economy and growing tourism boom,Because of low input and high potential reward,And live at ease,phoenix/lijiang/Ancient city of Dali, and other all appeared"Hotel investment".These foreign investors has also changed the formats of the ancient city,The ancient city of phoenix shawan area a hotel manager zhang told reporters,Three years ago, the inn of the rental fee is more than 10, ten thousand yuan,Is fired to nearly 300000 last year.
Foreign investors and location out-of-the-way inn for passenger flow is more sensitive,After the tickets for the New Deal implementation,They is one of the biggest groups of interests is damaged.LiuGuangPing said,At present there are many ancient town has transfer the innkeeper storefront.
Fenghuang county government has said,The phoenix ancient town housing rents and commercial market,Of state-owned assets shall be cut rents to evaluating price,Reasonable guide other homeowners regression rational rents.Will also set up a special reward 2 million yuan funds,Used for supporting the family hotel/Inn quality upgrade.
But for LiuGuangPing,These measures can't boost passenger flow.She also moved away from the phoenix,"I don't want to simply carrying out,Go home ok,But the landlord does not agree."
凤凰县常务副县长赵海峰曾表示:“新政阵痛是必然的。”这一说法引来许多争议,多名商户对记者表示不相信这个“阵痛说”。一位饭店老板表示忧虑:“我们怎么知道游客什么时候能恢复?”但是“阵痛说”获得了部分专家的认可。“旅游者最佳的选择是花最少的钱、最少的时间获得最大的旅游体验。” 曾在凤凰长期调研的学者、广西经贸职业技术学院旅游系副主任谭华云表示,钱只是影响游客选择的因素之一,如果能提升凤凰的旅游体验,长期来看,门票新政对于凤凰的旅游市场影响不大。
Fenghuang county deputy magistrate Zhao Haifeng has said:""New Deal" pain is inevitable."Cause many disputes the claim,Many merchants told reporters don't believe this"Pain said".A restaurant owners concerned:"How do we know when visitors can resume?"but"Pain said"Get the recognition of some experts."Tourists the best choice is to spend the least money/The least amount of time to get the biggest tourism experience." In phoenix research scholars for a long time/Guangxi Tan Huayun deputy director of the department of tourism, economic and trade professional technology institute said,Money is just choose one of the factors that influence tourists,If can improve the phoenix travel experience,In the long run,Tickets for the New Deal for the phoenix of the tourism market.
湖南法规禁止强售联票 Hunan regulations prohibit strong sale coupon
Clear of hunan tourism regulations,Tourist area(point)Shall, in accordance with the provisions of the competent department of price of a single ticket and present,For tourists to choose
In addition to the bridge collapsed and passenger flow down,Phoenix tickets for the New Deal policy is trouble, too.
Fenghuang county government said,After got approval price bureau of hunan province,But according to[Hunan tourism regulations],Phoenix tickets for the New Deal for a present,Or suspected of illegal.
Effective as of March 1, 2009[Hunan tourism regulations]Article 23 the clear rules:"Tourist area(point)Shall, in accordance with the provisions of the competent department of price of a single ticket and present,For tourists to choose,It is forbidden to tourists forced sale coupon."
Visitors should have the right to choose a single ticket and present voluntarily,But in the phoenix's New Deal,Tourists have no choice,Can only buy south huashan and the ancient city of scenic spots tickets from us.
Fenghuang county government said to reporters,The ancient city of phoenix tickets legal basis for the New Deal:It is in accordance with the[Regulations on scenic areas]Chapter 5, article 37"Into the scenic spot tickets,The scenic area management organization is responsible for the sale";The second is[State council on issue a notice to the eighth batch of state-level scenic spots list]and[Phoenix, historical and cultural city protection planning text]Have made it clear that the scenic spot;3 it is the former state development planning commission[Tour stops the tickets price management approach]Tour stops tickets should implement a vote.
Reporters informed,[Tour stops the tickets price management approach]Article 9 of the regulations:"Tour stops tickets should implement a vote.Tour stops in there is must be carried out on the key protective open special stops,Require a separate set of tickets,And for the convenience of tourists,Ordinary tickets and special stops tickets or tickets for adjacent tour stops merge into the present,In the level of government price departments for approval.Joint ticket ticket price should be lower than prices combined combined.Tour stops normal ticket/Special tickets for stops and joint ticket must be published,Choice by the tourists."
对此,上海汇业律师事务所合伙人吴冬律师说: “凤凰有故意曲解的嫌疑,《办法》提到的一票制是为了解决进入景区后重复售票的问题,与凤凰面临的情况不同。更关键的是,这个《办法》中规定了游客有自愿选择的权利。”
For this,Shanghai delta Asia partner at law firm lawyer Wu Dong said: "The phoenix was suspected of deliberately misinterpreted,[Way to]One vote per is mentioned in order to solve the problem of into scenic spot after the ticket again,And the order of the phoenix face is different.More to the point,this[Way to]Visitors will be provided in a voluntary choice."
Wu Dong lawyer said,[Hunan tourism regulations]The effect is greater than the[Tour stops the tickets price management approach],"The former was passed in 2009,Is a formal, approved by the National People's Congress of hunan province local rules and regulations,The latter only documents issued by the state planning commission in 2000."
This view also Shanghai zhong Yin law firm lawyers LiuBaoLiang endorsed,"Incorporating the south huashan scenic area and the city,By a single ticket to present,Completely deprived of tourists' choice,This policy and[Hunan tourism regulations]resistance,Affirmation is to belong to the illegal."
Wu Dong told reporters:"Before the tourists around the ancient city of phoenix for free,Only to visit shen congwen's former residence/Xiong Xiling's former residence and so on nine specific spots didn't need to pay fee,Whether visitors to visit charging attractions have to choose,The New Deal for 148 yuan"Congestion charge",Have forced deals and prohibited by the supply of monopoly in the region,Deprive the tourists to choose."
Against phoenix travel New Deal may be illegal,Fenghuang county government propaganda department director of the propaganda bureaus and foreign affairs offices Huang Xiaojun statements deny it:"Now two scenic spot price is the price of a scenic spot in the past,Didn't rise in price."

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