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  这是一个属于王治郅的夜晚。斯杯的三战全胜是献给他35岁的生日礼物,也是为他最后一次奥运征途的最好激励——在即将到来的伦敦奥运会上,所有人都在期盼着运动生涯已近迟暮之年的王治郅,为自己职业生涯写下完美的尾声。就像大郅自己说的那样:“我不知道自己还能穿国家队球衣多长时间,但我会一直怀念它的。 ”

This is a belong to wang zhizhi night。The Davis cup three wins is dedicated to his 35 birthday gift,But for his last Olympics journey-the best incentive in the upcoming Olympic Games in London,All people are looking forward to their sports career has nearly dying of the year of wang zhizhi,For his career to write down the perfect end。As DaZhi yourself that way:“I don't know if I can wear long time England shirt,But I'll miss it。 ”

  全场齐唱生日歌 In a birthday song


Although the hair、Face and shirt with the cream cake with all,But to be extremely happy wang zhizhi smile。

  在昨晚击败俄罗斯一战的赛后 大郅坐在椅子上,周围依然是队友,孙悦和丁锦辉带领着全场三千名球迷为他唱起了生日歌,他的眼里有些激动的泪水。就在这个时候,蓄谋已久的刘炜一个箭步上去,一个蛋糕重重砸在他的脸上。全场的欢呼和惊叹声,王治郅立刻拿起毛巾擦脸,但他还是用手抹了一块蛋糕含在嘴里,就像品尝着甘醇的岁月,一脸的幸福。此时,朱芳雨躲在角落窥视,他悄悄走到通道的一侧,拿起蛋糕静静等候,他要让王治郅享受一次“突然袭击”——也许,这将是王治郅在国家队的最后一次生日。

Last night I beat Russia in DaZhi after sitting in a chair,Is still around his teammates,Sun yue and DingJinHui led the three thousand in for his fans sang the birthday song,His eyes some exciting tears。At this time,The deliberate liu wei an arrows step up,A cake with hit him in the face。The game JingTanSheng and cheer,Wang zhizhi immediately picked up a towel face,But he did use hand wipe a piece of cake contain in his mouth,Like the taste of glycol years,The happiness of a face。At this time,ZhuFangYu hide in the corner of the life,He silently walk to one side of the channel,Took the cake to wait,He wants to enjoy a wang zhizhi“A sudden attack”-perhaps,This will be in the national team wang zhizhi last birthday。

  “家有一老,如有一宝”,尽管中国队的年轻球员不断成长,但王治郅在这支团队里的作用无可替代。也难怪邓华德谈及爱将,会动情地说:“最让我感到高兴的是,我可能是他在中国国家队的最后一个主教练。伦敦奥运会结束之后,我恐怕会感动得流泪,我可以很骄傲地说,我曾经执教过王治郅。 ”

“Home has a old,If there is a treasure”,Although China's young players to grow,But wang zhizhi in this ZhiTuan irreplaceable role on the team。No wonder DengHua DE about love,Will passionately say:“What makes me feel happy,I may be the Chinese national team in the last coach。After the London Olympics,I'm afraid I will be moved to tears,I can proudly said,I once coached wang zhizhi。 ”

  在收到赢球这个生日大礼后,国家男篮还将全体为大郅庆祝生日。“领队已经定好蛋糕了”,大郅说他当天还收到了特殊的生日礼物——他最喜欢的变形金刚。而谈及生日愿望,大郅说得很直白:“希望奥运能有好的表现。 ”35岁的大郅将迎来自己职业生涯的最后一个奥运会,邓华德的话道出了所有人的心声:“他(王治郅)的职业生涯非常出色,我希望他能在一个美好的时刻结束。 ”

In this birthday gift received win,National men's basketball team will also all DaZhi for a happy birthday。“The leader has set good cake”,The DaZhi said he received special birthday gift--his favorite transformers。And about the birthday wishes,DaZhi say very straightforward:“The hope can have good performance。 ”35 years old DaZhi will have his career last Olympic Games,DengHua DE words recognizes the aspirations of all people:“he(Wang zhizhi)Career very, very good,I hope that he can be in a good time over。 ”

  老兵依旧不可或缺 Veterans still indispensable


In last night's game,Wang zhizhi scored eight points and four rebounds。Several key moment,It is his solid play,Help China top after Russia's success next Wednesday。


China team in the first quarter offensive in too simple,At the end of the first quarter has been trailing 7 points。This time,Is wang zhizhi stood up。His play,Let China brigade of the basket advantage sudden increase,The protection of rebounding team that respond to the attack of the meal。Especially DaZhi and yi“Towers with”,Let the fans to keep shout smash。Two people many spectacular ChuanJie,China took the initiative and brought back to the hand will be。In the limited playing time,Wang zhizhi can and rival close-fitting strong play hit,Also can create opportunities for his teammates field goal,35 years old he,China is still on“Dinghai an anchor back there”。

  “王治郅不会被裁掉,我对他的训练表示满意。”邓华德赛后和记者打趣道。不过他紧接着就认真地说,大郅是一枚重要的棋子。 “他经历过很多东西——好的、不好的,他看到过中国篮球的高潮和低谷,他对球队很重要。 ”邓华德说,“打替补他也不抱怨,就是踏实地做好本职工作。 ”

“Wang will not be cut off,I'm satisfied with his training。”DengHua DE after the game and reporters joked。But he then said earnestly,DaZhi is a gold important pieces。 “He has experienced a lot of things--ok、bad,He had seen Chinese basketball's climax and troughs,He is very important for the team。 ”DengHua DE said,“Substitute he did not complain,Is surely do their work。 ”


“Next year,When we'll see China in the game when no wang zhizhi,May feel very habits。His career is very good,I hope that he can be in a good time over。”Facing such a legend veteran wang zhizhi,Accustomed to cold roaring DengHua DE also show he soft side to them。


China men's basketball team last night 73:67 after the win over Russia,With three straight into the final,Will and Australia, tonight for the cup。
