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忙里忙外送别举重队友 田源调整心情迎来假期--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Perhaps this summer don't belong to the latest,Regrets don't Olympic,The nineteen year old girl heart is regret and injustice,But it can't stop her to JuChongDui big collective guileless love。yesterday,China JuChongDui soldiers hair London,In this latest belongs to the lively scene,Still have her busy figure。
送别队友 她忙里忙外 She was busy busy farewell teammates outside
JuChongDui yesterday is expected to start at 10 o 'clock,But just after at half past eight,The temple of heaven apartment downstairs is lively rise,Responsible for the bus sending athletes have placed a lot of luggage,“This put here。”And his teammates in lifting a big box of early in the latest appeared downstairs,Less than ten minutes,She was small have moved back and forth his luggage two trips。And the day before ZhuangHangHui,Although there is no war task,But the latest quarter also not at leisure。
Help a team-mate pack after baggage,She again be off“cheerleaders”A member of,And Beijing Olympic champion LiuChunGong、Lei cao, pull up off with a fresh coat of paint:“China's power,In London,For weightlifting athletes off。”The team after the group photograph,The latest is stood quietly watching kudos。And Paris last year were different,Yesterday the nineteen year old girl is no longer the focus of media attention,but,She is still in the crowd on the team,Expression calmly。
Nine fifty points,The bus left,The latest without intermission to bus wave。Farewell after team-mate,She does not forget to reporters about just group photo,“Can you give me some of the picture?Want to be a memorial。”
祝福队友 她放假调整 She wishes the teammates adjustment
The Olympic Games from accident lost the election has been almost half a month,Every time I saw the latest,She is always very calm,No matter what the topic,Are all answer their questions,Very frank。yesterday,To take part in the Olympic Games for his mentioned the hunan WangMingJuan veteran,The latest on the same blessing,“As long as a good play,Should do not have a problem。”
Though not his war,But difficult to mask the latest“kind”:“Things will be to prepare themselves,I help you a hand,Move move things to take。”Learned that he lost the election after the Olympic squad,She did not immediately return to their hometown of hubei,Still stay in international practice,“The players are not go,Also need to practice,Practise together。”
Farewell after team-mate,The latest finally ushered in the rare holiday,“I have to get back to adjust for a period of time,Very not easy to have a big holiday,Hope to have a good rest。”obviously,She look forward to the holidays for a long time,As for the start,The latest replied with a smile,“This night and went away。”
小队员出征 “老前辈”壮行 Small players at “veteran”last
China JuChongDui first batch of players from the temple of heaven apartment yesterday on London's Olympic journey,The manager ChenWenBin soaring,“All this took a piece of MEDALS won't fall。”
Kudos yesterday more lively,Weightlifting veterans also a do not fall to come to see me off,Including the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing ZhangXiangXiang champions,A suit of clothes for the first time he arrived on the scene,For young players exert himself。“The young players need to encourage,Though he can't go,But still want to make some contribution to the team。”
As the only one in London in 2008 Beijing Olympic team,LiuYong yesterday, was closed in the media,Due to the start date for the big man with relative level,He and to participate in the 77 kg category of the game LvXiaoJun and LiuHaoJie will be in 26 sunrise of production,Looking to their trip to London,He is full of confidence,“I'm ready。”
老将淡定,小将则很低调,首次参加奥运的小将张杰表示,“十分期待比赛,不过一切要看临场发挥。” (李昕)
Veteran calm,Teenager is very low-key,First to the Olympics has said zhang jie,“Is looking forward to the race,But everything depends on face a play。” (Li xin)
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