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告别四年前遗憾 焦刘洋摘金“化茧成蝶”--亲稳舆论引导监测室
London August 1, problem:Say goodbye to regret JiaoLiuYang ZhaiJin“Change cocoon into adjustment”
中新网记者 刘通
A reporter LiuTong
“After adjustment”- this is a Chinese woman butterfly champion to pit the names。Through four years of pain“incubation”,General JiaoLiuYang finally in the London Olympic Games in the swimming pool“Change cocoon into adjustment”,airness。
With a head of hair、Looks comely she was father calls for“son”,The character of both the feminine slender,Also have belong to man's strong。Love beautiful JiaoLiuYang also especially like appreciation for their own proud of,Were teammates tease“Too narcissism”。Her biggest hobby is make track for a star,Favorite idol is South Korea's swimming PiaoTaiHuan handsome boy。
Tonight's game,JiaoLiuYang start adverse、Behind all the way。But in the last 50 meters when race,She waved his arms to cleave through the waves,At one fell swoop beyond all their opponents,On a resonant big reversal。finally,She with 2 points and 4 seconds of 06 break the Olympic record,Won the gold medal。
This is JiaoLiuYang second Olympic Games。Four years ago, Beijing,As the title big popular she accidentally lost LiuZiGe teammates,Sorry won a silver medal。Although swim out of the personal best and break the world record,But for JiaoLiuYang emulative concerned,A silver medal is always lingering heart“Perfect regret”。
Then three years,The state of the JiaoLiuYang ups and downs。Because the competition has been LiuZiGe have pressed,She can only plunge into the pool,Away from the flowers and applause,Silently and by“incubation”Up their own dream。
In the long“Dormancy period”in,JiaoLiuYang for the Olympic、To honor the views quietly changing。“Before is the mentality of young children,Nothing feels than,Than the time to want to take first。Now I think is not only an important place,Results will also let everybody believed。”She said。
The 2011 Shanghai world championships,JiaoLiuYang with 2 points 5 seconds 55 gained ground of the 200 m buterfly,“Weren't”Finally ushered in their own age。Although successful govinda peak,But JiaoLiuYang regret always stopped at four years ago,Stay in the Beijing Olympic Games a piece of the waves。
“The London Olympic Games is I and LiuZiGe when decisive battle。”
Between the two of“Yu bright for”,Finally in the four years after the London draw a full stop。
6 August JiaoLiuYang is 21 years old birthday。A heavy gold MEDALS,Is undoubtedly she give yourself the best gift。
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