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马青骅出色完成F1首秀 银石赛道见证中国速度--亲稳网络舆情监控室


July 12,, is to MaQingHua lifelong memorable day。The day,Recent rainy mist in the rare clear up the sky,Witness the countless CheTan legendary silverstone became his writing to the stage of history:The 24-year-old Shanghai young man,First time on HRT for F1 team into F112 racing,To dream of super driver's license extreme hurricane,This became the first official test in the driver F1 car Chinese drivers。


“Sitting in F1 cockpit,Ro/ro track,This picture in my dream countless times,Today become a reality。The feeling of that moment it is difficult to explain in words,great!”MaQingHua said with excitement。His presence,Drew many British journalist of the visit。In the three and commissioning of the team,He has become the biggest concern of the driver。

  小马是西班牙HRT车队 “年轻车手发展项目”的一员。这场测试是他能否获得国际汽联颁发的超级驾照、迈入F1车坛的一次关键考验,也是整个车队对他的一次全面评估。

The pony is Spanish HRT team “Young driver development project”A member of。The test is whether he can get the driver's license issued by the fia super、Entering CheTan F1 a key test,The whole team is also to his of a comprehensive evaluation。


Successful implementation in the morning“Firm character overhead”Plan after,In the afternoon of testing the pony began to increase speed,Ran out of the 1 minutes and 37 seconds of the fastest lap。The speed according to his agent has confirmed,Already more than the team 2 HRT last weekend in F1 driver on the site's UK results。

  “我为我的决定感到自豪,他出色地完成了工作,没有任何失误。很关键的一点是,他头脑清晰,是个‘非常安全的车手’。这是对他能否拿到第一份F1正式合同的全面测试。 ”HRT车队主管佩雷斯·萨拉说。

“I was proud of my decision,He finished the work well,No any mistakes。Is the key point is,He has a clear,Is a‘Very safe drivers’。This is whether he can get first F1 of formal contract comprehensive test。 ”HRT competent team shimon peres said Sarah ·。


MaQingHua 8 began the practice of the car,12 years old that win the national youth group cart champions。2004 years,Under the age of 17 he was ZhongQiLian elected Asian equations series of players,And with all won the champion grades。Since then about eight years,From an、Intermediate equations,To F3、GP2、A1 and all levels of competition,MaQingHua F1 step by step approach。


“Thank you very much for my parents,They paid a lot for me。As a Chinese drivers,This is a very special moment,Thank them,”Down the car,Don't forget to look far pony their mother waved his hand。Talk about in China when the father,His voice first some SOB,And immediately burst into tears。And many drivers,The burn money motion also had let his parents gave all he had。


The pony distance become F1 driver and far、Need to do???????

  “我对他充满了信心,但还要一步步来。我会让他继续多参加练习,身体也要练得更强壮些,未来一切都有可能。 ”佩雷斯说。

“I also filled with confidence,But also to step by step。I'll let him continue to participate in practice,The body also is needs to practice some more strong,All future is possible。 ”He said。

  HRT车队市场总监大卫·芒切波说:“首先要拿到超级驾照,他的技术已没有问题。现在关键看车队对他的定位,还要看赞助商能否给他足够支持。 ”

HRT team marketing director David mans cut wave said:“First to get the driver's license,His technology has no problem。Now look to his team a key position,Also look at whether enough support to his sponsors。 ”

  马青骅对自己充满了信心。“这个需要和车队共同努力。但我相信不会是非常久远的事情。 ”据新华社电

MaQingHua to their full of confidence。“The need and the team together。But I don't believe that is very old things。 ”According to xinhua
