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The global language monitor institute in the 21 st century global top ten big news,“China's rise”Rank high on the list。Eat satisfied wear warm of Chinese,Have enough should participate in the sports competition“entertainment”。


From London Olympic Games and in less than a week of,The world media look focus in China。The Chinese people not only in the economic field, chanting,On the field also unceasingly played the national anthem。The United States《era》Weekly called:“And China's economic rise,Chinese sports cause takeoff can only use‘highest’To describe。”


 变迁·印象 Change · impression

  36年后再看中国 一再摇头不能相信 36 years later to see China has repeatedly shook his head can't believe it


Americans Linda Sue easy now is a track and field coach,The 1970 s,She had been to visit China athletes。


recently,Linda in the newspaper article《From sports to world power》。“This morning,A television news attracted my attention-global most money heads of state is meeting in Beijing。Back in 1976 I had seen and heard in China,See again and has become a world power of China,I can't believe it。”The article says。


Linda to readers about her“China's margin”。In 1972 the United States President Nixon's visit to China,The sports have become an important platform of exchange。


1975 years,The track team came to China,“My roommate in these athletes list,Back she described to me a completely different world,Completely let I can't imagine,And I decided to go to China must oneself。”Linda said,1976 years,She and other 21 of the American athletes composition“Sports expert”Came to China。


In addition to“China's men and women dressed in a blue coat、The same pants,Travel is to ride a bicycle”outside,More let Linda surprise:“The hotel in guangzhou,The waiter brought me a piece of paper have room number,Rooms are not locked,Don't key!”


The China trip,Linda every day to China or training center who visit。“In the past I've heard of Soviet union athletes had been training,But never really seen。In China,The first time I saw in a line of a small boy and girl doing the perfect form,Such as turning somersault、Balance beam、Vault, etc。”She said。


1976 years of Chinese,For Linda left“Still not ready and another language or culture exchange”impression,But now she had to face the changes in China。”


“Now China loans to the billions of dollars to promote the economic development。I shall not don't want to,China is how to make so much money?I can't imagine,I was then in China spend RMB,Can now become a world currency。We were poor countries partners are now save us,Once again I shook his head,Can't believe。”Linda said。


 变迁·成绩 Change · scores

  1984年重回奥运家族 排名纪录不断刷新 1984 years to return to the Olympic family ranking continuously break records


Many americans are still remember happened in Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984“riff”。At that time,Many Chinese athletes didn't drink coke,Every day they save some available free of coke,Save up to take home to friends。


At that time China's GDP(GDP)Row in the world 15 th,Per capita GDP is pulled low to the world's least developed in low-income countries。At that time the Chinese people to pursue a bicycle、Sewing machine、Watch this“LaoSanJian”day。


1979 years,The international Olympic committee (ioc) executive committee back in the international Olympic committee (ioc) China interrupt 28 years of lawful seat。Of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles,China is to return to the Olympic family for the first time in front of the world after the show。


At the time, the Chinese people in economic terms should be,At Los Angeles Olympic Games, Chinese athletes won most of the 142 pieces of lag。but,From the start of the Olympic Games in 1992 at Barcelona,Most of the Chinese delegation is rising,In the number of gold list, record also keep refreshed,Until 2008 rose to the top。


Sports scores natural cannot leave in the GDP“support”。The 2004 Athens Olympic Games,The Chinese delegation won 32 gold MEDALS,Ranked second gold,The same year China already is the world's sixth-biggest economy。


And according to the state general administration of sports statistics,Since the reform and opening up to the end of 2007,Chinese athletes won the world championship of 2137,Since the founding of accounts for 99% of the total world champion,Gen super world records 1001 times,Since the founding of 85% of the total。


 变迁·领跑 Change · leading

  独力抗击经济衰退 Economic recession fight against it by yourself

  终于当上金牌老大 Finally when gold boss


According to the French《express》Weekly called,2006 years,China JiJianDui hired French name ShuaiBao el。2008 years,Bao Elmer Chinese disciple still full in Beijing Olympic Games won the men's sword in individual champions,This is also the Chinese legion in the history of the Olympic Games won the first gold medal men's fencing。


Not only that,China men's basketball team and women's basketball grades,Are please the“The coach”Progress after。


AFP said the,In addition to please the teacher,China's national teams each is also actively send athletes to foreign training,“This in the past is not possible”。


2008 years,Has a history of 150 years of investment bank lehman brothers agencies declared bankruptcy,Only half a year time,Wall Street top five investment bank collapse of the three,The economy“tsunami”Spread across the globe,But just is in such a big background,“China's rise”Red up,On the international stage,China is no longer onlookers。


Germany《Financial times》to《The secret of success in the China:The world turned to the east》issues,Reports of the China economic boom;The pew center recently conducted a survey suggests,44% of the American people think that China is the world's first economic power。


In the background of the global recession,China become eye-catching“monolith”;On the ground,In China, as a representative of the“dongfeng”Gradually, the present a down“West wind”trend。


In the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing,China whirling 51 gold,Number of 36 gold than the United States。Media said the,This is the second time since world war ii,After the United States and the Soviet union,The third came on top of the delegation。


The Associated Press said:“The emerging superpower,Get them from the games is eager to get things。”France《Le figaro newspaper》Said the:“The Olympic Games become China's testimony on the international stage‘Peaceful rise’Rush hour of。”


Japan《Tokyo news》says:“In the China national strength is finished strong symbol。”


 展望·伦敦 Looking · London

  大国形象深入人心 Power image thorough popular feeling

  已成最强体育势力 Has already become the strongest sports forces


Born in Canada economist Dan Johnson in the sports field reports reputation not small,Because he can use and sports don't seem to during his economic indicators,Predict the delegations accompany the Olympic Games。For over ten years,His prediction accuracy rate reached 93%。


Dan Johnson make the forecast of the need when data is multifarious,Per capita income、The population the more the better,He also thinks the geographical position is in the temperate zone of the delegation,Do better in the delegation from tropical;The delegation of the country or region where the political democracy,The score of the athletes, the better。In addition,He will also consider factors at home。


“Win MEDALS most populous country,Often are the most dynamic state of the economy,Or, at least, is the economy and orderly state。”Johnson says,“A country's economy, the better,Will the athletes training、Eating and physical infrastructure spending more money。”


Johnson's view has been IMF(The international monetary fund)Former economist Stephen support。“Train out a world-class athlete is not so easy thing。”He said。


Today's Chinese“Powers image”Already in the global scope“Thorough popular feeling”。Outside media have said:“China will override in the morning and evening on the United States”。


In the London games,China sent the 396 athletes squad,Although the Numbers and the Beijing Olympic Games of 639 athletes to compare,Has greatly shrink,But the media still says,Squad after China threat of streamline don't reduce,Thousands aimed at first。


ESPN said,In Beijing Olympic Games after breakthrough,China will continue to and traditional powers against the United States。


Australian media said the,China not only to compete for the global economic superpower ranks,Now in the global sports also would have is a the most powerful force。The end of July, the opening of the Olympic Games in London,China will“Reproduce Wells”。(WangJinYu)
