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  中新网7月27日电 伦敦当地时间27日21时02分,2012年第30届伦敦奥运会开幕式在“伦敦碗”登场。总导演丹尼·博伊尔在位于伦敦东区这个三面环水的圆形体育场,为全球4亿观众呈现富有英伦风范的“奇妙岛屿”(Isles of wonder)。

Beijing July 27-London local time 27, when 21 02 points,In 2012 the 30 th London the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in“London bowl”debut。Total director Danny Boyle · in the east end of London, this is surrounded by the water round the stadium,For global 400 million viewers in British style of the rich“Wonderful island”(Isles of wonder)。

  开幕式文艺表演过半,爱耍宝的“憨豆”先生也来抢镜。不知何时,他混入了现场交响乐团的演奏队伍。英国指挥家西蒙·拉特尔爵士(Sir Simon Rattle)正在指挥《烈火战车》电影原声主题,“憨豆”当起了键盘手。

The opening ceremony of the cultural and artistic performance more than half,Love the joke“bean”Mr. A to steal。I do not know when the,He mixed in with the site symphony orchestra playing team。British conductor Simon cole, pull, jazz(Sir Simon Rattle)Is directing the《Fire is the chariots》The original movie theme,“bean”When the keyboard on hand。

  《烈火战车》(Chariots of Fire)是上世纪80年代一部著名的体育电影。影片讲述剑桥大学犹太学生为对抗种族偏见,刻苦训练,最终夺得百米决赛冠军的故事。

《Fire is the chariots》(Chariots of Fire)Is the 1980 s a famous sports movie。The film tells Cambridge university students against the jewish race prejudice,Training hard,To win the m final champions story。


Accompaniment absent-minded,“bean”First mobile phone record himself,Start again after“daydreaming”,The dream of their own into《Fire is the chariots》Its first classic scene,Running on the beach。In a dream,“bean”Still does not forget to play to depend on the lens,Physical weaknesses is not the car instead of walking,For let himself into the line,Also stumbled with the feet heroine。


“bean”We wake up,Music is closer to the end,Didn't expect joke on,“bean”a“Ring fart”Let the music to an abrupt end。

  虽然戏里无厘头爱耍宝,但“憨豆”扮演者罗温·阿特金森(Rowan Atkinson)可是牛津大学的高材生。表演结束,他收起笑容,向全场鞠躬致谢。严肃的样子,反而让人不适应。

Although the play wulitou love joke,but“bean”Actor loewen · atkinson(Rowan Atkinson)But top graduates of the university of Oxford。Show up,He picks up the smile,Bowed to the full。Serious way,Instead, let a person does not adapt。
