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  从7月1日开始,火车站进入了暑运状态。昨日,记者从铁路部门获悉,暑运运行了十几天之后,真正的客流高峰开始到来了。目前,从青岛火车站发出的列车趟趟都是满员,有的列车全程超员率甚至达到了百分之百。连一向上座率不高的高铁列车都出现了“站客”,暑运的火爆比肩春运。 记者 田璐 From on July 1,The railway station into the ShuYun state。yesterday,Reporters from the railway departments learned,ShuYun run 10 days later,The peak of the real start arrived。At present,From Qingdao station of a train TangTang are full,Some train the rate reached one hundred percent indicated one even。Even the attendance has always been not high high iron train appeared“Station guest”,ShuYun alongside the boom of Spring Festival transportation。 Reporter TianLu


Go to Beijing two days in advance ticket


It is reported,At present,Qingdao station number of passengers every day to send more than 35000,And as the Spring Festival transportation。From Qingdao set out to Beijing、Shanghai、taiyuan、lanzhou、Xining, train ticket is a ticket, it is difficult to find。Among them,Go to Beijing in two days can't buy tickets。


Yesterday morning,The reporter saw in the railway station,Waiting room、Ticket hall、In and out and went everywhere was crowded with passengers,Ticket hall in east doorway,The passengers lined up to buy tickets to team has been extended the ticket office,In the ticket office is also was jammed;South square ticket booth before also to line up the tickets。Among them,There is a lot of can't buy tickets passengers。


Appear on high iron“Station guest”

  “如今,我们发出的列车几乎是趟趟满员。 ”济南铁路局青岛客运段相关负责人告诉记者,目前我市铁路暑运已经进入了高峰时间段。从青岛出发前往北京、太原、兰州、西宁方向的客流最多,车站也特别加开了加挂列车。昨天中午,本报记者踏上青岛开往北京的动车实地探访。列车刚一出站的时候,车厢里就已经座无虚席了。随着列车经过城阳站、胶州站等,列车上的乘客也越来越多。到了潍坊的时候,列车车厢里已经开始超员了。到了济南的时候,超员情况达到了最高峰。

“now,We send the train is almost TangTang full。 ”Jinan railway administration relevant person in charge of Qingdao passenger transport depot told reporters,At present our city railway ShuYun has entered the peak time。From Qingdao set out to Beijing、taiyuan、lanzhou、Xining direction of the passenger flow most,The station is particularly put on extra two trains。At noon yesterday,Our reporter on Qingdao bound for Beijing actuation vehicle field visit。The train had just a station,The carriage was already。As the train after both chengyang station、JiaoZhou station, etc,The passengers on the train will be more and more。In weifang,The train cars have begun to indicated one。In jinan,Indicated one situation reached a high。


Even in the Spring Festival transportation,Move the car rarely indicated one。And now ShuYun,The train has begun to a large number of indicated one。Not only does this happen in green Beijing on the train,Also appeared in the bound for Shanghai high iron。


62 days is expected to send 2.2 million people


The reporter learned from Qingdao railway station,2012 years ShuYun from 1 July to August 31,,62 days。Qingdao railway station is expected to send 2.2 million passengers,Which ended at 1.16 million passengers,Tube passengers 1.04 million people,Average daily send 35000 passengers,Is expected to peak day will reach 50000。


Summer tourist flow is expected to reach 1.8 million,Direct tourist flow is expected to account for 49%,The main focus in Beijing、taiyuan、baotou、Shanghai、zhengzhou、xian、lanzhou、xining、nanning、wuchang、Nanchang, the way such as;Tube tourist flow is expected to account for 51%,Mainly in weifang、zibo、jinan、Mount tai、Direction of yanzhou。Students are expected to flow of 170000 people,Province 70% students flow,Mainly in shandong province、Mount tai、jinan、zibo、weifang、Yantai direction of;Long distance students flow about 30%,In northeast、Beijing、xian、lanzhou、Shanghai、Taiyuan, mainly direction。
