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七夕情侣出游首选 八大圣地等你来--亲稳舆论引导监测室

资料图 中新社 陈文 摄 Material figure arriving taken there
  中新网7月17日电(生活频道 陈龙)旅游本身就是一件轻松惬意的事情,如果能和心爱的人一起旅游,当然是美不胜收啦。情侣旅游胜地,其意义并不是简简单单的浪漫,更多的是一起面对旅途中艰难险阻时所表现出的那份担当、默契、宽容及勇气。爱情是历久弥坚的美妙滋味,情侣旅游胜地,让我们一起见证爱情所走过的山山水水吧! Beijing, July 17 (Reuters)(Chen long life channel)Tourism itself is an easy pleasing affair,If can and beloved travel together,Of course it is beautiful。Couples resort,Its significance and is not simple romantic,More is facing difficulties and obstacles during the journey together represented by the share of the bear、Tacit understanding、Tolerance and courage。Love is wonderful taste is even stronger than before,Couples resort,Let us together witness love have taken the mountain landscape water!


丽江一米阳光的传说 Lijiang one meter the legend of the sun


Jade dragon the top of the hill,Wreathed in all,Even if the weather in sunny,Sunshine through the clouds end difficult,Every year the autumnal equinox, brought together with the day of the moon,To see a metre long sunshine on the top of the mountain,And the way the sun shine on to be the people can have I love the same。maybe,This a moment of miracle many people cannot see life,But the beauty of the old town of lijiang is true of becomes to notice the distinctness。


Lijiang is a suitable for killing the time place,With lovers came here stay longer,In a small hotel balcony photogenic hold see around snow-capped mountains of snow,Walk hand in hand with square street enjoy the sunshine of summer afternoon languid is lazy,Time in casual and gone soft,The so-called fairy raised as soon as possible life also just so so。

图片来源中新网 Pictures rocket source

峨眉山锁住爱情的铜锁 Mount emei lock of love TongSuo


Mount emei in addition to the name of the four wonders of the move“cloud、sunrise、Buddha's light、Holy light”outside,In emei jinding,There was a not well known,But the novel and unique“their”Plank road。


Take the cable from LeiPing hole upward,About five minutes,Again through a long step,He can reach jinding。In the top of the steps the armrest,The most attractive than railing those bunches of countless couples name engraved their,This makes the emeishan another to unique scenery line。


It is said that,As long as will lock after the lock,The key to throw it into the next to produce the abyss,will“Affection for lifelong,Never part”。Interesting is,Many original have no key their eyes,This means that once the engagement,No retreat。Of course,This is a kind of good wishes,A small TongSuo can absolutely no lock a sense of karma。but,The face of love,We all have good vision,The their,Will witness the a deep feeling and faithful。

资料图 中新社 李忠 摄 Material figure arriving LiZhong perturbation

西湖纠缠千年的爱恋 The west lake entangled in one thousand love


One thousand years of love entanglement,Let the existence of the west lake become many lovers in the heart of the "difficult solution。What is because the beauty of the west lake,With the world of men and women who put,Or because the romantic world,Make the west lake after one thousand year still enchanting still,The answer is really not important,Only this piece of ripples of water,Silent witness numerous love of what happens。Of the 18 fromcomponents of a trumpet,XuBai broken bridge of two people together,In the legend of the long time ago,Hide all the secrets of the beautiful west lake。


And their loved ones on the west lake,Believe in the impetuous era,Can you to experience a sense of classical beauty and truth。

资料图:西藏博物馆 Material figure:Tibet museum

西藏让爱情在天堂里绽放 Tibet let the love in the heaven bloom


You can not understand why the qi qin began his has wanted the Tibet wedding,You can also don't believe that a person lifetime must go to a Tibetan story。But when you hold hands,See the way life qin lang bow down the mountain has the most pure plunge smile of believers,When you see clear and thorough concerning the benevolence lake and boundless,Doesn't that one of the most really romantic and a holy sweet?In the most pure plateau sky,The soul of man will get purification,maybe,Only as a child with simple and pure heart,To truly experience to the essence of love,Let love in heaven bloom。

资料图 中新社 张立波 摄 Material figure arriving ZhangLiBo perturbation

阳朔只羡鸳鸯不羡仙 Yangshuo only envy not envyimmortal


Everywhere the reflection of the landscape of contrast,The water in the clear a see,Along the coast of the green grass along with the gender dotted with the cow and herons,Sitting on a bamboo pole a raft of four or five together with the river rafting,The lab fish bowed their heads and visible,As to fairyland,If this lifetime in between the landscape,But what asks。


Beautiful river,Like girls waving the QingLuo jade belt,From the west to the east and waving,The ridge east、ShuTong propagation、hope、West LangShan、Ma on shan、Green lotus feng like lotus surrounded by all this the ancient sweet patina streets。

资料图 来自加拿大《星星生活》 Material figure from Canada《Stars life》

凤凰古城心有灵犀一点通 Mind ACTS upon mind the ancient city of phoenix


Phoenix beautiful scenery。East ridge came across、South China green jade、Qifeng TingXiu、Bridge on the night、Longtan the、Brahman cabinet back out、ShanSi morning、Aram diameter firewood song said phoenix eight scene。Small clear water、Green south huashan、Rows of the diaojiao building、The primitive simplicity SLATE street、and“The first one DaShiQiao”、Karst cave scene king“Strange beam hole”And south China Great Wall、Yellow silk bridge build Stonehenge、XiongXiLing former residence、Shen congwen's former residence、Hongqiao rain floor and strong folk customs and constitute a harmony between man and nature landscape painting,A natural and humanistic blend of unique tourism landscape。have“China's most beautiful town”expensive。

图片来源中新网 Pictures rocket source

九寨沟平平淡淡才是真 Jiuzhaigou go light is true


Winter swim jiuzhaigou feel very wonderful,Suitable for an old type of lovers;Peripheral and a lot of beauty,I'm afraid expensive to travel。


As in winter so far,One side in the hot spring side to admire the snow mountain,In the warm, fragrant odor of her natural hot springs in appreciation of the wonders of snowflakes are flying in the sky,How romantic。

8图片来源中新网 8 images rocket source

蜈支洲岛我的世界只有你 WuZhiZhouDao my world only you


Romantic hainan heat island,Suitable for the lovers love stimulation;Is the golden week is big heat of the election,May appear tourists too much spoil。

  如果有一天你想和你的情人一起从人群中失踪,独享一下甜蜜的二人世界,那么海南的蜈支洲岛最合适。住在竹子和芭蕉叶搭建的小屋里,观海、赏月、听涛。想冒点险?岛上有神秘洞穴等着你呢。这个岛好像是专门为情侣准备的。(中新网生活频道) (来源:中国新闻网)

If one day you want to and your lover together from the crowd missing,Enjoy the sweet two world,So the most appropriate WuZhiZhouDao of hainan。Live in bamboo and banana trees set up little room,View sea、moon、Listen to the tao。Want to take risks?The island has mysterious cave expecting you。This island like is special for lovers ready。(Beijing life channel) (source:China news service)
