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东航多架航班滞留九黄机场 乘客遭东航漠视(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

   网友微博晒乘客滞留九黄机场情景(图据新浪微博) The sun stranded passengers micro bo nine yellow airport scene(Figure according to sina micro bo)
四川新闻网成都7月23日讯(本网记者)“ Sichuan chengdu news on July 23,(Our reporters)“


We are MU5498 east airways flight passengers,Our flight has been cancelled for almost a day,To now still stay in nine yellow airport no news,Do ah?”This morning,Were stranded on nine yellow airport passenger Mr. Zhao,Anxiously to ask for help a telephone call from sichuan news network。According to Mr. Zhao said,The flight was cancelled has been over 20 hours,But be canceled flights company eastern airlines have so far haven't contacted them。


乘客反映:航班取消近一天 东航没联系我们 Passengers reflect:The flight was cancelled nearly a day east airways didn't contact us


According to Mr. Zhao said,Himself from Beijing,The tour,It is ready to take on July 22, MU5498 of eastern airlines flight back to chengdu,But yesterday(22)Th arrival after nine yellow airport but was told the weather for reasons MU5498 flight has been cancelled,He carried on and more than 100 passengers forced to stranded airport,Until 9 PM last night was arranged to have a rest in the hotel near the airport。

  赵先生说因为一直没有接到何时转机之类的通知,今天一大早他和其他乘客就赶到机场询问,机场值班人员的解释是因天气恶劣一些航班被迫取消,他们只能帮助乘客陆续补班,具体登机时间等通知。但更令赵先生等乘客觉得郁闷的是:截至7月23日上午12点,“东航方面没有联系过我们”,而且同行乘客“有十几个老人孩子出现了高原反应”, “东航完全漠视我们”。

Mr Zhao says because there has been no received such notice when the turn,Today early in the morning he and other passengers to arrive to the airport to ask,The airport is the explanation of the officer on duty by bad weather some flights were canceled,They can only help passengers class fills in succession,Specific boarding time wait for notice。But more to Mr. Zhao, passengers feel depressed is:By July 23 morning 12 points,“China did not contact us”,And peer passengers“There are about a dozen old man child appeared plateau response”, “Complete disregard our airline”。


“I was 12 noon today 20 points from chengdu connecting flew to Beijing,Go now he can't do that,Exactly what to do,East airways didn't give us any news。”Mr. Zhao appears very helpless,He said he similar situation with the passengers about a dozen。


九黄机场:已给东航公司反馈信息 暂无回复 Nine yellow airport:The company has to pay the feedback information of no reply


Reporter in sina blog see micro,There are many passengers stranded nine yellow airport,Or the plane take off and return,the“Light rain Mimi”In the blog says“In jiuzhaigou airport flight delay waited eight hours to fly to chongqing”,Shuangliu airport also said today(23)Morning chengdu fly to two of the nine yellow airport flight also because weather delays。


Nine yellow airport special service office workers RenJiangPing confirmed,because“Exceeds bid a”,Nine HuangJi place yesterday almost all have flight delay,Also canceled three flights,And the three flights have belong to eastern airlines。The airport have arranged for the last night all 3 airline passengers around to check in hotel。


today,Airport in accordance with the order of the passengers already registered,Are these the stranded passengers will arrange to have the open other flights,Cannot arrange passengers left in 4 p.m. 20 or so unified arrangement for class,At the same time,The airport will open for passengers“Proof of flight delays”To prepare for back to chengdu found after 34 east airways。


RenJiangPing said,yesterday(22)Day six in the evening、Around 7,Nine yellow airport has put that information feedback to east airways to control department,But until this afternoon 13 points,In China has no immediate reply。   很多网友微博谈论此次被天气影响的九寨沟航线情况(图据新浪微博) Many net friend micro bo talk about the influence by the weather the jiuzhaigou routes(Figure according to sina micro bo)

东航热线:查不到航班信息 乘客可改选地方交通 East airways hotline:Not check the flight information passengers can re-election local traffic


Why passengers and the airport will reflect didn't get cea reply,East airways in this case will be how to deal with,Reporters on the airline dialed 95530 complaints and Suggestions hotline。


Hear the situation,Id number for 991016 of the TaoXing staff said,Himself in Shanghai,Can't check relevant flight information,So the specific condition is not clear。But he thinks,Airlines will generally take into consideration the staff promptly notify the arrangement is delayed passengers of the latest developments,And for this kind of force majeure cause loss of passengers,Airlines will not be responsible for compensation。He let reporters contact to east airways control department,But offered no phone。


For airlines whether it should be timely appease passengers mood,TaoXing workers say general“Don't need”,Because passengers can choose in two ways,One is the choice to wait,Two is to choose the ground traffic,China will refund ticket costs。But to choose“Ground traffic”this,Passengers Mr. Zhao said can't accept it,He thinks“Ground traffic”Not only are time consuming,And certainly lead to bad weather is no safer,He once again about the cea services that questioned。


【最新进展】部分乘客已返回成都 东航仍未与乘客主动联系 【The latest progress of the】Some passengers already back to chengdu east airways still not contacted actively with passengers


At press time,Mr. Zhao calling,He says he has nine yellow airport on the plane back to chengdu arrangement,Are going to find 34 airline ticket,He said that until now,From flight cancellations have 24 hours in the past,Still not a cea staff active contacted them the passenger on the flight。Whether a specific conditions such as Mr. Zhao said,China will be how to this story,We will continue to focus on。


【新闻背景】 【News background】


For China's domestic airport jiuzhai huanglong regional tourism airport,In sichuan province in the territory of the finest aba prefecture of sichuan Lord temple town in NATO and justice,Is the first airport aba prefecture。The airport is located in jiuzhai special geographical position,Nearly 3500 meters altitude,Is the domestic present altitude ranked sixth of the plateau airport,Temperature gap between day and night,The weather changes urgent fast mess,The normal flight to aircraft also bring much difficulty,Easy to cause the flight was delayed。


Currently include China international airlines、China southern airlines、Sichuan airlines(chengdu、chongqing、xian)And China Eastern airlines opened to nine yellow airport flight。  
