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2012奥运年 启程去爱尔兰高威--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  坐落于爱尔兰西海岸的高威,是座颇具艺术气质的旅游城市。其地貌特征非常丰富,大西洋、海湾、湿地、山脉都蔚为壮观,曾被形象地称作“西部的威尼斯”。 夏天是高威最精彩纷呈的时刻:7月初,2011-12赛季的沃尔沃环球帆船赛在此成功谢幕。之后便迎来了一年一度享誉欧洲的的高威艺术节,该艺术节会一直持续到7月29日。在今年的艺术节上,戏剧、视觉艺术、音乐、舞蹈、街头表演等各种艺术形式悉数登场。知名戏剧导演Mikel Murfi、音乐人James Vincent Mcmorrow、Lisa Hannigan以及The Coronas都携作品出演。随后登场的将会是著名的牡蛎节。

Located on the west coast of Ireland in Galway,Is a rather artistic tourist city。The morphological characteristics very rich,Atlantic、gulf、wetland、Mountains are spectacular,Has been called image“The Venice of the western”。 Summer is the most brilliant moments of Galway:In early July,The 2011-12 season of universal sailing competition in the Volvo success over。Then after ushered in the annual festival of the famous in Europe of Galway,The art festival continues until July 29。In this year's festival,drama、Visual art、music、dance、Street performance and all kinds of other art forms full debut。Well-known theatre director Mikel Murfi、Musician James Vincent Mcmorrow、Lisa Hannigan and all The Coronas works with play。Then at the will is a famous oyster festival。

  作为爱尔兰旅游推广的官方机构,爱尔兰旅游局一直致力将爱尔兰岛(包括爱尔兰共和国和英属北爱尔兰)的每一处精彩都介绍给中国游客。“许多中国游客对于都柏林、科克、贝尔法斯特等城市已相当熟悉了。其实环顾整个爱尔兰岛,还有众多值得一去的地方,高威就是其中之一。”爱尔兰旅游局中国首席代表李蔚介绍道,“高威虽然位于爱尔兰岛的最西端,距离都柏林217公里。但交通便利,与都柏林之间有铁路和公路相连,如果选择自驾的方式,只需要2小时就能从爱尔兰岛的东部来到西岸。从高威继续向南,可达到欧洲最高的莫赫悬崖;而高威还是通往自然生态风景区康尼马拉的必要通道。作为一座有着500多年的历史,高威处处体现着传统与现代的完美融合。今年夏天,我们也欣喜地看到有旅行社开始推出与高威相关的旅游产品, 例如爱尔兰亲子8日游。”

As the Irish tourism promotion officials,Tourism Ireland has been committed to will AiErLanDao(Including the republic of Ireland and the British Northern Ireland)The each place are introduced to wonderful Chinese tourists。“Many Chinese tourists to Dublin、cork、Belfast city such as already quite familiar。Actually look around the AiErLanDao,There are numerous worth a place to be,Galway is one of them。”China LiWei tourism Ireland chief representative said,“Although the most in Galway AiErLanDao west end,217 kilometers from Dublin。But convenient transportation,And Dublin have connected between railway and highway,If choose drive way,To take just two hours from the east of AiErLanDao can come to the west bank。From Galway to continue to the south,Can reach Europe's highest the cliffs;While Galway to natural ecological scenic spot or Connie horse-drawn necessary channel。As a has a history of over 500 years,Galway is reflected in the traditional and modern perfect fusion。This summer,We are delighted to see a travel agency to begin to roll out and Galway of tourism products related, For example the Irish parent-child 8 swim。”


Visa policies from Ireland、The geographical position、Natural scenery,The personage inside course of a destination for this has a high approval。At present the Irish citizens in China“Established policy”,That is all that is a British short-term visitor visa Chinese citizens,In Ireland by Britain will enjoy visa-free access to treatment,This policy will continue until the end of October 2016。And the Irish personal travel visa allows Chinese tourists to the opening of the freedom to do way love travel,Can be more convenient to enjoy personalized travel arrangements。The geographical location,AiErLanDao and Great Britain apart in the sea,The flight from London to Dublin frequently,Only an hour's flight time。Look at the London Olympics,Ukraine again to Ireland,Relaxed and easy。If there is the chance to come to the west of Ireland,Can appreciate to Galway magnificent natural landscape,Close feeling art festival、Horse racing festival、The oyster festival festival atmosphere, etc。


Irish tourism bureau


Is responsible for tourism Ireland in overseas promotion AiErLanDao(That is the republic of Ireland and the British Northern Ireland)Tourism officials。Set up the office in China in 2005,Constantly strengthen and China travel industry and media close contact,For Chinese tourists to provide with characteristic of Chinese AiErLanDao tourism products。Since China opened formally to Ireland since tourism,To increase the tourists every year Ireland is about 30%。


If you want to know more about Ireland travel information,Get news and information、Plan for the meeting and other detailed information,Please visit tourism Ireland's official website:www.discoverireland.com。
