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华人暑期自助游 网站订票需谨慎--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  据西班牙欧华网报道,从每年7月开始,西班牙人便兴致勃勃地为暑期度假做准备。在度假气氛的感召下,越来越多的华人也选择利用这段时间享受生活,好好放松一下,或是回国探亲,或是去其它城市散心。与中国大陆游客相比,旅西华人对跟着旅游团走马观花地旅游并不感兴趣,他们更热衷于自助游。尤其是掌握一定英语、西语的中青年华侨和留学生们,对DIY的旅行更是情有独钟。自助游不但可以根据自身的喜好安排行程,通过网络提前订票找旅馆,还可以节省很大一部分旅行开销。 According to Spanish the China nets reported,Each year from July,Spain was cheerfully for summer vacation for preparation。In the holiday atmosphere under the influence,More and more Chinese also choose use this time to enjoy life,To relax,Or home to visit,Or go to other cities trip。Compared with the Chinese mainland tourists,A Chinese tour group to follow the typically traveling are not interested,They are more enthusiastic Tours。Especially to be English、Photos of the young and middle-aged overseas Chinese and international students,DIY trip is to have a special liking。Self-help can not only the be fond of according to oneself arrangements,Through the network to find a hotel booking in advance,Can save a large part of the travel expenses。


Although self-help many benefits,But how to reasonable planning and planning tour,But is not an easy thing。The reporter interviewed some in the process of Tours of the problem in China,Hope that through their experience to be who travel for enlightenment。


网站订机票要慎重 Website book ticket carefully


Xiao zhang going to Chinese in early July girlfriend with a tour to Italy,From the middle of June began to travel to every phone call for cheap tickets,But the travel ticket price is on the high side provide。Listen to the friend introduced,Online have cheap tickets,Joba chamberlain and through the GOOGLE search engine to find a name EDREAMS Spanish ticket website。Checked the ticket prices,From Madrid to Rome one-way ticket for just 21.95 euros,Such a low price is unexpected chamberlain,He began to make a reservation。Enter credit card information to determine when tickets,Just found two small ticket actually spend more than 130 euros。


Xiao zhang know,Through the web site is to book tickets spend a certain amount of fees,But price and final ticket prices are far too big。The heart has not contacted the gump's chamberlain booking web site,The result is that virtue "these extra website is the difference between the airline of the charge,And they don't have any relationship。In order to validate their words,Xiao zhang through they provide air company website booked the same date, please,Finally a single ticket prices also but more than 40 euros。then,Xiao zhang many times the website hope can contact booking refund smoothly,But website reply,If a refund to wait a few days,Also buckles almost 20 much euro charge。Xiao zhang think felt to buckle poundage when it isn't worth,So it can only be accepted。


In addition,And a lot of net friend through the credit card was rejected,So the web site requires the id card and credit card booking the face of positive and negative of copies of the company to。but,This about personal credit information whether it should be sent to a casual Internet companies,The problem remains to be weighed。Although spend some money,Xiao zhang is smooth order tickets,And other than the net friend meet the problem,Xiao zhang is lucky。


Network book ticket、The ticket is in recent years that it has the rise in Spain,So relative to other European countries,Internet booking the efficacy and safety of is not high。Especially like Spain such a world ranking second tourist big country,There are innumerable website had a network booking this fat,So in many of the booking website and search engine will inevitably be the phenomenon of good and evil people mixed up。so,When are you going to book tickets through the network,Had better choose airlines or the train、The bus company's web portal,This will maximize reduce your risk of tickets。In addition,In the process of tickets,To pay attention to choose the related expenses,Such as extra luggage、insurance,Are the important factors to influence ticket prices。


选旅馆不能只看价格 Choose the hotel can not only see the price


As Mr. Zhang from the south just came back from vacation。When asked about his trip to experience,Mr. Zhang's face displeasure。Mrs. Because early want to go to the beach to enjoy the real holidays,Through the recommendation of a friend,They in a Spanish website chose a set of ALMERIA on holiday in the apartment,Two rooms one hall,8 days only need 200 euro。According to the web site,Apartment less than 100 meters away from the beach,Open the window can see the invincible seaview。


Have the opportunity,Mr. Zhang began to Mrs. And for their beach 8 swim。Mr. Zhang decided to take ssi enjoy the seaside holiday,An old man didn't go on a vacation,Did my mother can help look after two years old little daughter,He and his wife can really enjoy the two world。With the dreams of the seaside scenery,The family drove to ALMERIA。The dream of family of five in the apartment of the moment is broken,Their room see no sea。Mr. Zhang hurriedly contact the site,Waiting in half an hour,A miss Spain to Mr. Zhang the following interpretation:“Our web site recommended apartment divided into different floor,Your choice is the third floor,Most cheap price,Seaview just in front of the building is a building block,If you had to choose 300 euros of 7 floor,Will appreciate invincible seaview。The introduction to write very clearly,Our room can be a sea view or urban landscape。You can just see the urban landscape。”


Miss explanation,Let Mr. Zhang was speechless,Have only themselves to blame couldn't carefully read related material。In the comfort of the mother,When the family arrived at the beach,Mr. Zhang is the second blow。The beach is not on the website that white beach,But is full of stones,Extended to the ford of sea are also greatly small stones。Little daughter couldn't going barefoot in the seaside。Father in ashore,Was the stone cut the feet。The family decided to sit on the beach to the evening。


night,Mr. Zhang suffered the third is also the most heavy blow。The apartment has a music bar below,From a.m. to 4 o 'clock,Always have guests in and out,Their drinking and smoking in the street,Very noisy。Apartment doesn't have air conditioning and fan,And the night of the south more hot,The family can only to sleep with the window open,But in addition to younger daughter outside,Other people didn't sleep well。


In a hotel reservation,Don't just look at the price,Even the best through GOOGLE map understanding and observation circumjacent environment。At the same time,Must read book notes,Some hotels charge is not include free WIFI,Also some very cheap family hotel does not provide the things that wash gargle,Even bedding,Unless pay extra。The price of the room rate also divides a lot of kinds,Some are pure of the price,Some are room rate includes breakfast,Some rate is not contain IVA,So in the book,Must take these costs into account。
