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Hangzhou qinghefang historical blocks the ac 12 afternoon released qinghefang the housing collapse in preliminary investigation results:The preliminary survey the scene,Qinghefang arch reinforced concrete base and the woodiness arched fracture cause joints to collapse,Woodiness archway joint have corrosion phenomena。
According to understand,The collapse of the housing was established in October 2001,For woodiness board games insert reinforced concrete base type structure。The housing foundation for reinforced concrete structure,By the rocky package,Upside for timberwork。Daily management unit for qinghefang historical blocks the ac。
At present,The historical block qinghefang in hangzhou uptown has established by public security、Safety supervision、Live built innings、Qinghefang the ac、QingBo streets department in the investigation team,And the synchronous established headquarters、Site treatment groups、Personnel first-aid group、After working group and related organizations。
Hangzhou municipal communist party secretary HuangKunMing after the accident immediately rushed to the scene,Request to rescue the wounded,Do cleaning;Investigate events reason,Truthfully publicize the situation;extrapolate,Make sure these things don't happen。At present,Each group is carrying out a related work。
September 12,, when about 40 minutes,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a five or six meters high bricky timberwork arch collapsed,The three people pass by the casualties,The two women's death,1 men fracture。(JiangGuiYing,female,62 years old,Xinjiang shihezi city people;LvJinE,female,58 years old,Yichang city in hubei province;QinYang,male,65 years old,Yichang city in hubei province)。
August 12,, the ornamental archway of the filming of the collapsed the scene of the accident。
8月12日上午9时40分左右,杭州吴山广场河坊街上一座5、6米高的砖木结构牌坊突然倒塌。由于河坊街为杭州商业和旅游重要地段,事发时又正值周末,牌坊附近有大批市民和游客路过,多人被倒塌的牌坊砸到。新华社记者 黄宗治 摄
August 12, 9:00 am 40 minutes or so,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a 5、6 meters high arch bricky timberwork suddenly collapsed。Due to qingbomen for hangzhou commercial and tourist important segment,The eent when again just when the weekend,The housing near a large number of citizens and tourists passing by,Many were collapsed arch hit。The xinhua news agency HuangZongZhi perturbation
August 12,, the ornamental archway of the filming of the collapsed the scene of the accident。
8月12日上午9时40分左右,杭州吴山广场河坊街上一座5、6米高的砖木结构牌坊突然倒塌。由于河坊街为杭州商业和旅游重要地段,事发时又正值周末,牌坊附近有大批市民和游客路过,多人被倒塌的牌坊砸到。新华社记者 黄宗治 摄
August 12, 9:00 am 40 minutes or so,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a 5、6 meters high arch bricky timberwork suddenly collapsed。Due to qingbomen for hangzhou commercial and tourist important segment,The eent when again just when the weekend,The housing near a large number of citizens and tourists passing by,Many were collapsed arch hit。The xinhua news agency HuangZongZhi perturbation
August 12,, the ornamental archway of the filming of the collapsed the scene of the accident。
8月12日上午9时40分左右,杭州吴山广场河坊街上一座5、6米高的砖木结构牌坊突然倒塌。由于河坊街为杭州商业和旅游重要地段,事发时又正值周末,牌坊附近有大批市民和游客路过,多人被倒塌的牌坊砸到。新华社记者 黄宗治 摄
August 12, 9:00 am 40 minutes or so,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a 5、6 meters high arch bricky timberwork suddenly collapsed。Due to qingbomen for hangzhou commercial and tourist important segment,The eent when again just when the weekend,The housing near a large number of citizens and tourists passing by,Many were collapsed arch hit。The xinhua news agency HuangZongZhi perturbation
August 12,,A fire rescue personnel on the housing collapse accident site。
8月12日上午9时40分左右,杭州吴山广场河坊街上一座5、6米高的砖木结构牌坊突然倒塌。由于河坊街为杭州商业和旅游重要地段,事发时又正值周末,牌坊附近有大批市民和游客路过,多人被倒塌的牌坊砸到。新华社记者 韩传号 摄
August 12, 9:00 am 40 minutes or so,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a 5、6 meters high arch bricky timberwork suddenly collapsed。Due to qingbomen for hangzhou commercial and tourist important segment,The eent when again just when the weekend,The housing near a large number of citizens and tourists passing by,Many were collapsed arch hit。The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation
August 12,,Personnel in the river lane street, the housing collapse accident site will carry a bodies get on the bus。
8月12日上午9时40分左右,杭州吴山广场河坊街上一座5、6米高的砖木结构牌坊突然倒塌。由于河坊街为杭州商业和旅游重要地段,事发时又正值周末,牌坊附近有大批市民和游客路过,多人被倒塌的牌坊砸到。新华社记者 韩传号 摄
August 12, 9:00 am 40 minutes or so,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a 5、6 meters high arch bricky timberwork suddenly collapsed。Due to qingbomen for hangzhou commercial and tourist important segment,The eent when again just when the weekend,The housing near a large number of citizens and tourists passing by,Many were collapsed arch hit。The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation
8月12日上午9时40分左右,杭州吴山广场河坊街上一座5、6米高的砖木结构牌坊突然倒塌。由于河坊街为杭州商业和旅游重要地段,事发时又正值周末,牌坊附近有大批市民和游客路过,多人被倒塌的牌坊砸到。新华社记者 韩传号 摄 August 12, 9:00 am 40 minutes or so,Hangzhou wushan square river lane the street a 5、6 meters high arch bricky timberwork suddenly collapsed。Due to qingbomen for hangzhou commercial and tourist important segment,The eent when again just when the weekend,The housing near a large number of citizens and tourists passing by,Many were collapsed arch hit。The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation
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