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母女景区游玩被洪水冲走 水变浑浊到山洪仅数秒--亲稳网络舆情监测室

【导语】:8月18日上午,炎陵突降暴雨,在神农谷国家森林公园,一家三口游玩时母女二人掉进涨水的溪流。由于景区手机信号不稳定,事发后,一名女子赶到附近农庄借固定电话报警。截至昨晚8时搜救现场传回的消息,失踪人员还没有找到。旅游安全再次引起人们的关注。【我来说两句】 【Guide language】:In the morning on August 18,,Yanling rain fell,In shennong valley national forest park,A family of three play mother and daughter two man fell into a flood water streams。Due to the mobile phone signal is not stable,After the incident,A woman hurried to farm near by fixed telephone alarm。Last night the 8 search and rescue field back to the news,Missing people haven't found。Tourism safety again aroused people's concern。【Me two sentences】

  本报记者刘平 王欢 实习生何秋菊 株洲报道

Our reporter liu ping, WangHuan interns HeQiuJu zhuzhou reports


In the morning on August 18,,Yanling rain fell,In shennong valley national forest park,A family of three play mother and daughter two man fell into a flood water streams。Due to the mobile phone signal is not stable,After the incident,A woman hurried to farm near by fixed telephone alarm。Last night the 8 search and rescue field back to the news,Missing people haven't found。


同伴失踪,女子慌张借电话求助 Companion missing,The woman flustered by phone for help


Shennong valley national forest park,Zhuzhou city is located in the tianxinli ten are town,Shen nong peak territory as the first peak in hunan province,Elevation 2122.35 meters,Shennong waterfall drop 235.2 meters。Tian heart farm is a distance shennong waterfall scenic spot recent hotel。Visitors from hengyang ChenJunLin memories,18 at 11 o 'clock,Local the heavy rain,To 1 PM,Streams of water had risen a lot。“The water in the stream up about two meters”,The relevant person in charge of shennong valley scenic spot HuangQunYing also said。


ChenJunLin said,After the rain he and friends in the field heart farm repast,After a dinner has been at rest。About 3 point,The farm to a more than 30 years old woman,Look like tourists。She is some restlessly to look for person,Seeing no companion's news,Decided to alarm,For mobile phone signal is not stable,She demanded that borrow fixed telephone save。ChenJunLin asked her what happened,Woman said,They two families are zhuzhou people,To visit scenic spots,As they came down from the mountain was lost。


The boss said at the time:“You don't panic,To have what thing,Others must have call the police”。Nearly 10 years of outdoor sports experience tells ChenJunLin,This kind of situation must be out for help。He helped the woman to persuade the boss by telephone。


ChenJunLin memories,See women before,In the farm to hear the visitor said,The repair of the bridge are migrant workers saw a pair of mother and daughter were washed away streams。3 PM 25 points ChenJunLin farm leave,Along the way he saw a large number of staff to go mountain。


失踪者确认为一对母女 Missing are recognized as a pair of mother and daughter


Reporters yesterday from the tianxinli propaganda department learned that,Missing are recognized as a pair of mother and daughter。At 8 o 'clock last night,Missing people haven't found。Missing is zhuzhou people,A family of three in the play,Missing women in a telecommunications company work。


Reporters found that the scenic spot,Mobile card phone no signal,And DianXinKa mobile weak signal。Shennong valley guide service center staff think,Mobile phone no signal,Is a relief not timely reason。According to HuangQunYing introduced,The heavy rain also caused the scenic spot a few places landslide happened,But are not serious。After receiving rescue telephone,The staff team to the scene immediately,fire、Security personnel also have arrived,Scenic spot a farm gave up the business,Participate in search and rescue。“5 o 'clock in the morning meal began to search and rescue the。”The missing families are already came to know the situation scenic spot,Police have、fire、The public security there is even scenic area residents to participate in the search together。


Yan tianxinli travel a staff introduced,Shennong waterfall at present also belongs to the maintenance development phase,Where the tourism channel is dangerous,“Was under repair,There is no barrier to swim roadside。”There are a lot of scenic spot bamboo,Last year and the local farmers dig up the mountain bamboo shoots,Pass by the scenic spots nearby swim way,Results accidentally fell into the canyon streams。


Reporter discovery,Canyon have some used to drift project special channel。Staff also introduce says,At present scenic spot has no drift project,Because had visitors when drifting,Unfortunately in the stream into a huge stone。HuangQunYing also confirmed to reporters this event,And say drift is really so and cancelled。

  [提醒] [remind]

  从水变浑浊到山洪到来可能只有十几秒 From the water became turbidity to flash floods come may only ten seconds


ChenJunLin with as,Hunan province Red Cross blue sky rescue team captain“Old yellow”Is also a senior LvYou(Outdoor sports lovers)。In his eyes,Shennong valley is the donkey friends go to more places。He has firsthand experience of outdoor flash flood,But due to the successful judgment in advance,And escaped the fire。


He told reporters,Before the arrival of mountain torrents,Valley of water will become more turbidity,Sometimes a pine branches or drifts,The river width and depth will increase instantly。These are upstream happen the identification of mountain torrents。If it is found that these characteristics,You should leave valley as soon as possible、Valley and low-lying areas,To relief is high evacuation。“sometimes,From the water became turbidity to flash floods arrival,Only ten seconds of time,Speed must be quick”。Old huang said。In addition,Old yellow also remind said,Went up to the mountain before,Should advance about local weather forecast,If the weather suddenly change,Should strengthen awareness of prevention。


旅游安全事故频发 Tourism safety incidents


湖南一漂流景点被曝50游客受伤 景点员工全失踪 Hunan a drift scenic spot be exposed to the injured staff 50 tourists spots all missing


claims"The first one drift"The PingJiangXian LianYunShan drift scenic spot,On the 12th at a serious accident,More than 50 tourists in the drifting injury,Three of the men fracture seriously in hospital,After the incident attractions staff all missing。【detailed】


渭南两人游玩溺亡 景区:值守人员避雨未发现 Weinan two people play drowned dead scenic spot: watching personnel not found shelter


Shanxi YongJiShi people a table with a friend a fairy to heyang HuangHeWan scenic spot to play,Fall from a development project on the bridge,When the rain,Two people falling overboard drowned dead。


The family members of the deceased questioned the safety measures are not in place;Scenic area management said,Two people system privately into expanding training project。


One anonymous lawyer says,Amusement facilities is a surprise is the thing,Management should strengthen safety measures。The tourists also need to improve self-control,Do not enter the normal business has not been the amusement place,Prevent accidents。


同学相约到瑶溪景区游玩 一人小溪深潭处溺亡 Classmate to meet yao creek scenic spot to play one stream deep pools place drowned dead


On July 1, afternoon,A man in wenzhou city in the scenic yao creek a stream deep pools place drowned dead。It is reported,The surname Yang,sichuan,17 years old this year。


According to xiao Yang's a classmate said,"Yesterday afternoon more than 1 point,We three classmates about good to yao creek to play,Near the stream meet many people playing with water,Will go to play water,He was jump to the water to catch a water pipe,But didn't catch,Then he sunk deep pools,Never up。"At about 8 yesterday evening,A drowning man remains were fishing go ashore。


四川游客马尔代夫溺水身亡 Sichuan tourists drowned the maldives

  今(8月16日)日,四川省人民政府外事办公室发布四川公民海外安全提醒,再次郑重提醒赴马尔代夫度假的四川省游客,在参加水上活动时务必注意安全,如进行浮潜必须事先参加培训,并佩戴救生衣具。同时,切忌独自一人驾舟出海或进行潜浮活动。遇紧急情况可向中国驻马尔代夫使馆求助。使馆电话:00960-3307825 ,传真:00960-3307826。

this(On August 16,)day,Sichuan provincial people's government issued by the foreign affairs office of sichuan citizens overseas security remind,Once again solemnly reminded to maldives on holiday tourists in sichuan province,In the water activities must pay attention to safety,Such as: snorkeling must attend training,And wear life jacket with。At the same time,Avoid by all means is alone in the sea or latent floating activities。The urgency of the situation to the Chinese embassy in the maldives embassy for help。Embassy telephone:00960-3307825 ,fax:00960-3307826。


It is reported,In recent years,As to the maldives tourism vacation increasing Chinese tourists,Involves to the maldives holiday Chinese tourists water safety accidents occurred frequently。recently,And in sichuan province personnel engaged in wading activities horse drowned。


泰国普吉、苏梅岛连发3起游客溺亡事件 Phuket Thailand、Koh samui volleying on three tourists drowned dead event


According to foreign ministry news,On August 7 and 8,In southern Thailand phuket and koh samui there were three up for Chinese citizens to participate in Marine snorkeling activity and killed three people、One of them seriously event。It is understood,The occurrence of the casualties,Is mainly the parties don't understand use snorkeling equipment,Be into the submersible pipe water choke dead and choke injury。


Sea water submerged floating is a certain safety risk activity。It came in the summer holiday, I citizens take family members to Thai travel peak。In songkhla system remind me to southern Thailand tourism citizens,Such as prior to accept submerged floating training,Participate in sea water submerged floating activities must strengthen the consciousness of risk prevention,Careful with。In the sea latent floating former should be understood earnestly snorkeling matters needing attention,Familiar with submerged floating equipment use measures。Before launching wear good life jacket,Avoid drunk and in the sea waves big、Have undercurrent and torrents and other dangerous circumstances to snorkeling and wading activities。


Foreign ministry hereby prompt the tourists in Thailand,If encounter emergency please timely alarm。If there is a need to,Please contact with the Chinese embassy in songkhla consulate general,telephone:+ 66-74322034、+ 66-817665560,fax:+ 66-74323772。

  专家支招:购买旅游保险 防患于未然 Experts move:Buy travel insurance nip in the bud


Insurance expert introduction,A plenty of tourism insurance plan should include the following three。The first is tourism person accident injury insurance,Aimed at during the trip,Because policy-holder is accident cause death、Burn or different degree of disability is certain to give compensation;Secondly for public traffic accident injury insurance。Mainly for the tourists on a transport provides risk guarantee。The third,The applicant should also be additional accident medical treatment insurance,In order to ensure the on the road accident cause outpatient service and be in hospital and produce medical costs,Can also obtain appropriate compensation。


And even CanTuan swim,Accident injury insurance cannot little。According to the relevant provisions,Travel agency must be insured against claims for travel agency liability insurance,Visitors to travel agency organization once the tourism activities,Can enjoy the rights and interests of the insurance。But the insured only because their own negligence travel agency for the loss caused by tourists,For all kinds of exotic accident,As the fault of the scenic spot、Take traffic tool happen accident harm, etc,As long as the travel agency no direct responsibility,All do not belong to the travel agency liability insurance compensation range。


In addition,The best tourists buy a travel accident insurance。This kind of insurance tourists can choose to buy insurance company,Also through the travel agency to deal with,The insurance company and the travel agency liability to pay compensation misalignment。


move:According to the length of time travel choice insurance agent


Insurance experts remind,Many clients to buy insurance there is a misunderstanding,Considered the forehead, the higher the better,Actually otherwise。Such as travel time is short、The trip and relatively safe distance is not far away,It can choose short days、Low amount of insurance;Such as travel time is long、Is the leading trip and uncertain factors more,It is suggested choose days long、Higher coverage、Security comprehensive and can provide rescue service of insurance。


For citizens to travel insurance,Should fully consider buying insurance guarantee period,According to their own travel to determine the number of days required insurance coverage and,To choose for themselves a quantity body custom policy。


At the same time, in order to better safeguard oneself and family's safety,On may cause the risk avoiding,Insurance experts suggest that consumers can also consider some security comprehensive、For simple accident insurance products,For example, life insurance and the main risks collocation to buy insurance,Or some comprehensive accident and medical insurance plan,If meet accident harm, etc,But according to insurance contract access to relevant medical aid and settlement。


And nearly two years because the more outbound tourism destination country happened to visitors as the goal of events such as robbery,To tourists became serious personal injury,Insurance expert advice:Prepare outbound passengers,Had better choose to have overseas emergency rescue service of insurance products。
