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  “11 折” 机票属极端案例,但代理商擅自加价较普遍;有关人士提醒消费者,购机票提防“支付价与票面价不符”的特殊说明 “11 fold” The ticket is extreme cases,But without a common agent markup;Concerned personage warns customer,Purchase ticket beware of“Pay for price and par discrepancy”Special instructions

  在淘宝网淘机票不但没淘到实惠,还买到“11 折”高价票! 消费者颜女士遇到的这件事令人匪夷所思,事后淘宝网通过微博解释称,颜女士通过手机客户端购买的机票属于代理商发布的“需要申请的特殊产品”, 其票价确实高于票面价格

In taobao tao ticket not only didn't tao to benefits,Also buy“11 fold”Courtside seats! Ms yan consumers with it is fantastic,Afterwards taobao through the micro bo explanation says,Ms yan through a mobile client to buy ticket is issued by the agent“Need to apply for special products”, The ticket price really price above par。

  淘宝网表示, 根据平台免责条款, 代理商有权根据市场情况进行调价。但由于技术问题,客户利用手机客户端下单暂时无法读取相关条款, 淘宝网承诺将承担责任, 赔付颜女士多支付的2100 元机票款。对此, 有律师表示,“11 折”机票无论基于何种原因出现都是非法的,应该被叫停并受到价格管理部门的处罚。某国内大型航空公司客服负责人提醒广大旅客,通过航空公司直销以外的途径购买机票前,最好致电航空公司或上官网查询机票价格。

Taobao said, According to the platform exemption clause, The agent shall have the right to according to the market situation of price adjustment。But due to technical issues,Customers use their mobile client order temporarily unable to read related terms, Taobao promised to take responsibility, Ms yan compensate pay $2100 in ticket。this, Lawyers said,“11 fold”No matter what kind of ticket based on reason appears is illegal,Should have been stopped by the price administration department and the punishment。A large domestic airlines customer service chief warns broad passenger,Through the airlines direct sales outside of the way before the purchase tickets,Had better call the airlines or on a website inquires the ticket price。


淘宝网:机票价格由代理商自定加价做法很正常 taobao:Ticket price set by the agent markup approach is normal

  颜女士一行9 人原定于8 月8 日从上海飞往三亚, 因台风影响,8 日的飞机被取消,不得已只能通过手机进入淘宝网,订购8 月9 日的机票。当时支付的价格为每张2200 元, 实际办登机牌时发现原票价竟只有1740 元每张,而上海到三亚的全价票为1890 元,颜女士等于买到了“11 折”的机票。机票代理商每张票加了将近500 元,6 人共多花了两千多。

Ms yan a line for nine people on August 8, from Shanghai to sanya, Because of the typhoon influence,8 the plane was cancelled,Only through to mobile phone into taobao,Order August 9, tickets。At that time the price of pay for each 2200 yuan, The actual do when boarding pass found the original fare was only 1740 yuan each,And Shanghai to sanya full price tickets for 1890 yuan,Ms yan is bought“11 fold”ticket。Ticket agent in each ticket added nearly 500 yuan,Six people were to spend more than two thousand。


Ms yan to the tariffs very dissatisfaction,Afterwards she and taobao contact customer service,Required to the seller's cattle behavior shall be punished,And return the fare。But clean out treasure to say the seller in the description of price has made relevant specification,And that the practice of tariffs is very normal。

  羊城晚报记者致电淘宝旅行客服人员,客服人员表示,机票价格是由代理商自定,与淘宝并无关系,如果出现支付价格大于票面价格的情况,代理商会在订单中进行特殊说明: “支付价与票面价不符,行程单与实际支付价格不一致, 差价不退还, 差价不提供发票……若订单生成,则表示默认此规则。”

The yangcheng evening news reporters call taobao travel the personnel of the service,The personnel of the service said,The ticket price is set by the agent,And taobao and no relationship,If a price to pay more than nominal prices,Agency chamber of commerce in the order for special instructions: “Pay for price and par discrepancy,Itinerary and the actual payment price is not consistent, Spread not refundable, Spread does not provide invoices……If the order form,By default, said the rules。”

  不过,颜女士称自己通过手机客户端订票时根本就没看到类似的说明。淘宝网经调查后于19 日在微博发布了一则“致用户颜女士的道歉”声明,表示目前客户利用手机客户端下单确实无法读取相关条款,淘宝网愿为此技术问题赔付颜女士多付的机票款。

but,Ms yan said they through the mobile client booking tickets when didn't see similar description。Taobao after investigation after 19 in micro bo issued a“The user facial lady apology”statement,Said current customers use their mobile client order really unable to read related terms,Taobao let this technical problem settlement facial lady pay ticket money。


律师:机票实行上限管理加价涉嫌违反价格法 lawyer:Ticket to upper management tariffs suspected of violating the price

  至于加价行为是否合理合法,淘宝网认为颜女士通过手机客户端购买的6 张机票,属代理商发布的“需要申请的特殊产品”,其票价确实高于票面价格。根据平台免责条款,代理商有权根据市场情况进行调价。

As for tariffs behavior whether reasonable legal,Taobao think facial lady through the mobile client to buy 6 ticket,Is issued by the agent“Need to apply for special products”,The ticket price really price above par。According to the platform exemption clause,The agent shall have the right to according to the market situation of price adjustment。

  对此, 民航界资深律师张起淮对羊城晚报记者表示:“不管是航空公司定的价,还是淘宝网或代理商定的价,都不能违法法律规定, 机票的公布运价是法定的,综合了成本、利润、税费等多方面因素,销售方只能严格执行,机票只能低于全价票而不能漫天要价”。

this, MinHangJie senior lawyer to lawyer zhang qi huai Yang cheng evening news reporters:“Whether the price airlines,Or taobao or agency agreed price,Can the illegal law, The ticket, the release of freight is legal,Comprehensive cost、profit、Taxes and so on various factors,A series of strict implementation of only,The ticket can only less than full fare and not on wild speculations”。

  张起淮认为,出现“11 折”机票肯定是非法的,而且属于暴利,应该受到价格管理部门的处罚。淘宝网作为经营平台,有义务对代理商的行为依法监管。负责审核航空机票代理商代理资格的民航主管部门也应对代理进行严格检查, 如果民航涉及违法应考虑取缔其代理资格。

Mr.zhang qihuai think,appear“11 fold”Ticket must be illegal,And belongs to the profits,Should be the price administration department of punishment。Taobao as business platform,Have obligation to the behavior of the agent according to law regulation。Responsible for checking air ticket agent qualified civil aviation departments should also agent to strict test, If the civil aviation involving illegal should consider banning the agency qualification。

  消费者维权律师邱宝昌也认为,民航机票实行的是政府指导价, 实行上限管理,任何人都不能突破上限销售机票。

Consumer rights protection law QiuBaoChang also think,Civil aviation ticket executes is guided by the government, Implement cap management,No one can break through cap ticket sales。

  “11 折”机票超过了政府的指导价,违反了价格法的相关规定。

“11 fold”Ticket more than the government pricing,Violation of the relevant provisions of the price law。


代理擅自加价销售不少见 Agent sales increase without many see

  某国内大型航空公司的客服负责人对记者表示,航线的公布运价(全价)一般不会变动, 但航空公司只能保证自销渠道的价格,不能保证代理商的价格。由于航空公司和代理商之间并不存在授权和管理的关系, 航空公司没有义务对代理商的调价行为进行监管。

A large domestic airlines customer service person in charge told reporters,Airline announced rate(Full price)General won't change, But airlines only guarantee the self locking channel prices,Can't guarantee the price of the agent。Due to the airlines and agent does not exist between the authorization and management of the relationship, Airlines have no obligation to agents of price adjustment conduct supervision。


The official advice passengers through formal navigation enterprise marketing channels such as the official telephone、The official website to buy tickets, etc,If you want to buy the agency,The best call in advance or online inquires the ticket current price,Lest be deceived。

  据国内某大型航空公司客服负责人介绍, 在民航旺季经常会收到旅客关于代理商加价销售机票的投诉, 但航空公司对此也无可奈何。他告诉记者,这种加价情况一般发生在热门旅游航线, 擅自加价的多是网上一些代理资质不明的机票销售商。

According to a domestic large airlines customer service chief introduction, In the civil aviation season often receive about passenger ticket sales agent markup complaints, But airlines are helpless。He told reporters,This increase generally occur in the popular tourist route, Without authorization of the tariffs are online some proxy qualifications unknown ticket vendors。

  记者在淘宝旅行搜索发现,列明“特殊说明”的机票比比皆是。以8 月21 日的东航MU5308 广州飞上海的航班为例,21 家机票销售商中有16 家机票代理商列出了“特殊说明”,表示“支付价格与票面价存在差额, 差额不退且不提供发票”, 但这些机票价格全部低于全价,多在8-9 折之间。有的机票甚至标明属于“拼团机票”,也就是说机票发生了转卖,而且加价部分为代理商收入囊中。

Reporter in taobao search found to travel,listed“Special instructions”Ticket can be found everywhere。On August 21, MU5308 guangzhou fly China Eastern airlines flight of Shanghai as an example,Ticket seller and 21 in 16 listed the ticket agent“Special instructions”,said“Pay the price and par value exists difference, The difference is not refundable and offer no invoice”, But the ticket price all less than full price,More than 8 - discount in between。Some ticket even marked belong to“Spell group ticket”,That is the ticket happened resell,And tariffs part is the agent income bursa。
