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山西耗资6千万建孙大圣故里荒废 官员称没回报--亲稳网络舆情监测室

【导语】:2010年,山西省娄烦县提出打造“孙大圣故里景区”,两年过去了,记者在该景区看到,除了绿化的5000多亩荒山以及四层楼高的接待中心外,景区其他规划还都没有实施。在娄烦县旅游局局长梁俊杰看来,即使景区建成,对其回报也很担忧…【 【Guide language】:In 2010,,Shanxi Province is put forward LouFanXian build“SunDaSheng scenic hometown”,Two years have passed,Reporter in the scenic spot to see,Besides greening of more than 5000 mu of barren hills and four storeys high reception center outside,The other is not yet planning implementation。In LouFanXian tourism bureau LiangJunJie looks,Even in the,Return to the very worried too…【我来说两句 Me two sentences

    据新华社电 耗资巨大的河南汝南梁祝故里”如今一片荒凉,热热闹闹的山西娄烦“孙大圣故里”折腾了两年只建成了一座接待中心。记者调查发现,在不少地方,曾经争得面红耳赤的“名人故里”,建设过程却是虎头蛇尾。

    According to xinhua the huge cost of henan RuNa“Butterfly lovers native”Now a piece of waste,The fact that LouFan shanxi“SunDaSheng native”About two years just built a reception center。Reporter survey found,In many places,Once the fiercely“Hometown celebrities”,Construction process is anticlimax。


Butterfly lovers leave hometown and landscape tree


In October 2011,Henan at RuNaXian in butterfly lovers town“Butterfly lovers native”Scenic area make a great was inaugurated,Built a top write“Butterfly lovers native”Of memorial arch,The new way to“Butterfly lovers tomb sites”road,And in two around the tomb planted some landscape tree。


But reporters on the scene saw before,At present,In addition to memorial arch、Road and part of the withered landscape tree outside,The scenic spot no new progress。Henan RuNaXian butterfly lovers town officials told reporters,The scenic spot are things by halves,Because the original plan to invest in a businessman for its own economic problems and give up,Now I still have not found a suitable developers。


SunDaSheng native place only reception desk


    In 2010,,Shanxi Province is put forward LouFanXian build“SunDaSheng scenic hometown”,Planning to repair the original waterfall cave、The wu is empty birth stone、Monkey King temple、The old gentleman temple and ancient cultural relics QingLiangSi, etc,New worse、Florian prison、YuHuangMiao and dragon and you WanZhao and human landscape。


    But two years passed,Reporter in the scenic spot to see,Besides greening of more than 5000 mu of barren hills and four storeys high reception center outside,The other is not yet planning implementation。The development of the scenic area in the strong Krishna jun said,The biggest problem is the lack of funds,Including barren hills regulation and reception center,At present already have put more than 6000,If you want to realize planning,An estimated hundreds of millions of yuan。


Investment returns or not to waste


    To the scenic areas of construction,The local government has not be financial support。In LouFanXian tourism bureau LiangJunJie looks,The investment amount to use hundred million to calculate。Even in the,LiangJunJie on its return very worried too:“From the point to see,The scenic spot is only a legend;From the surface to see,LouFan surrounding no famous tourist attractions,XingBuCheng tourism environment。”

    The same,RuNaXian“Butterfly lovers native”Only two big mounds and some folk story,The lack of profound cultural support;On the other hand,Because the region distance other reputation of older scenic area such as the south China sea temple also in more than 30 km,Add to“Butterfly lovers native”Way very bad,So if you want to attract tourists,Investment will be very big。Relevant data show that,The only sites butterfly lovers“remains”No ten place,“Butterfly lovers to study”、Temple, etc“remains”There are countless。。

各地争抢名人资源发展故里经济 现“烂尾”隐忧

For celebrity resources development around the native economy now“Rotten tail”malaises


recently"Henan native RuNa butterfly lovers the rotten tail"and"Kaifeng cost billions of cheng jing tomb sweeping festival again"News travels bubbling with noise,On one side of this die,One is the ambition of the open building。For natural tourism resources not rich region,"Culture DaTai act in an opera in economy"Seems to be conventional tourism economic development model,But butterfly lovers of this hometown celebrities and to the development of cultural tourism resources in full swing situation poured cold water。Experts to,All don't think find a sites or find a cultural relics,Will be able to bring tourism revenue,Ballyhooed business development will only damage cultural heritage。

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评论:"孙悟空故里景区"背后的GDP盲目崇拜 comments:"Sun wukong scenic hometown"Behind the GDP fetishism


    "Hometown celebrities"The rivalry in recent years is intensified,From the positive character to the opposite characters,From the history of the true character to the story visional character。everywhere,Let the audience see in the eye,dazzling。The other native zhu xi the struggle,The west door celebrate the hometown of struggle,Big hometown was the struggle once enjoyed a sharp competitive situation。And shanxi LouFanXian thinking this time is from upon odd,Actually the same sun wukong's native place to,Spend a certain mental do not,Also not ordinary people can digest absorb it。 

名人故里之争背后利益链 半年内争论达10处 Celebrities hometown for half a year behind interests chain debate reach 10 place


    "Hometown celebrities"struggle,Although most of the time this is a cultural brand,But clear all of it as a tourist。Reporter statistics found that,The famous hometown of debate,In just half a year to more than 10 place actually,Both in history as well as existing celebrity,Also have religious、novel、Myth story appeared in celebrity。How to treat such tourism culture phenomenon?In addition to the interests of the dispute,What else is worth us think?

汝南回应梁祝故里景区成烂尾:还未找到投资商 RuNa response butterfly lovers native scenic area into rotten tail:Hasn't found investors


    According to the online reflect"Henan province RuNaXian butterfly lovers town to denounce is gigantic endowment‘Butterfly lovers native’Scenic area into rotten tail"about,RuNaXian butterfly lovers, director of the office of the reasonable king said,Really had a businessman plans to invest 200 million yuan to build scenic spot,But then for the businessman company economic co., LTD., wait for a reason,Temporary it had run aground,At present haven't found the right investors,The construction of scenic spot has not really started,So also does not exist“Rotten tail”say。
