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高速路节日免费遭抵制 无一省出台细则--亲稳舆论引导监测室

【导语】:今年十一黄金周,全国小型车辆将迎来首个高速公路节假日免费通行日,新政的出台大大刺激了民众的自驾出游欲望,届时全国将迎来自驾游的出行高峰。对于交通部的紧急通知,部分路桥公司抵触情绪依旧,目前无一省明确出台相关措施细则…【我来说两句】 [Guide language]:Eleven golden week this year,The small car will have first highway toll free day holiday,The New Deal appearing greatly stimulated people desire drive travel,When the national will have the leading travel peak.The ministry of communications for the emergency notice,Part of the road &bridge corporation outlaw motion still,At present no province clear has issued relevant measures rules…[Me two sentences]


     The Mid-Autumn festival,The small car will have first highway toll free day holiday.[The first financial daily]The reporter understands,So far,Still no definite provinces on the airport high-speed is free and other related details measures.meanwhile,Part of the road &bridge corporation outlaw motion still,Fujian a highway company top people told reporters yesterday:At present has not received formal notice of local related departments,Etc received formal notice after the study want to free.


To ensure the smooth implementation of the free policy,On September 6,,The traffic department of transportation issued[The preparation for this year's National Day holiday mini-bus toll free the related work of emergency notice](said"notice").This notice first defined the mini-bus a toll free time,But whether forced open lane specific implementation measures does not explicitly.On September 7,,The ministry of communications again hair notice,All requirements set free mark,And issued a unified toll free temporary traffic induced sign system and to set a requirement.


According to the notice,The National Day this year mini-bus toll free time for unified clear:On September 30th 00:00 to October 7 24:00.At the same time,Notice all over emphasis on not to expand the major holidays toll free vehicle range,Avoid provinces(area/city)Free vehicle range not consistent and trigger new contradictions.Notice also mentioned,In the major holidays mini-bus toll free period,All highway toll station(point)Still should be carried out"Entrance get/Export charge card"Fee management mode.For toll free of mini-bus,In principle in the entrance issue visa card,In the export charge card free release.In addition,Notice also will ease traffic/Information release and emergency measures to make the rules.Requirements regions October 8 before 18 point about the situation summary report roads/Network center.The ministry of communications for the emergency notice,Local bureau of people to the financial times said"Has great guiding significance",But the detailed rules for the implementation of the full detail formulated,Still want to rely on local"Adjust measures to local conditions".


 地方交通部门“摸石头过河” Local traffic department"Touch stone across the river"

Reporters from multi-channel to know,Since the state council issued five departments draft[Major holidays will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls implementation plan]after,All the provinces to how to implement the policies do a related study.Jiangsu provincial communications department a department person in charge told reporters,Issued by the ministry of communications recent days notice on local issued rules are of great reference value."The free range/Time long,In the specific circumstances difference is bigger also,So formulate rules need to consider problems many."He says,Since there is no reference model,The hard to avoid in the provinces and cities"wait-and-see"state.For road and bridge company's defensiveness,He believed that effective communication is the precondition,But in the execution of the free policy on no longer negotiable.


For detailed rules on delayed,The officials say,Due to the large scale free/Time long,Importance of everywhere.But in free also do many consider,For the first time, a free policy,For many provinces and cities to yue are"Crossing the river by groping the stone"attempt,"Not issued rules,Is a toll free in addition to the ministry of communications in outside,Also involved in development and reform commission (NDRC)/Traffic police departments,Each department has its own starting point and consider point,Consultation takes time."


According to zhejiang media reports,The province is early to discuss how to plan the multicomponent related regulations/One of the provinces materialization.In early August 15,,traffic/highway/price/High-speed traffic police and other related department and the province trading group and part of the expressway owner had held a forum,Discuss formulate detailed rules for implementation.But reporters confirmed yesterday,So far,The detailed rules for the implementation of the province is not yet available.


Along with the National Day more and more nearly,The ministry of communications will place the detailed rules for the implementation of the policy of tightened urge.The roads told people,The ministry of communications in volleying a few the notice at the same time,Has urged local detailed rules for the implementation of the perfect as soon as possible.According to local media reports in shandong province,The province high speed free rules is expected to come this week.


路桥公司仍等“最后生死线” Luqiao company still, etc"Finally ShengSiXian"


For holidays free such a has "policy,Reporters more relevant personage luqiao company found their attitude is very consistent:Waiting for the local traffic department final notice.For them to accept,Local notice is the free policy is to carry out on his head"Finally ShengSiXian".


    "From this policy in the drafting to file a sudden release,To decide this year National Day began to free,No one asked our opinions.Enterprise road charging god's truth,The government if you want to have a free policy,Should first right back."Yue up highway holidays free policy,The high speed company top people mood very excited.This personage says,Even if in the state council official documents,Also require departments shall make proper and toll road operators communication,Fight for their understanding and support.But so far,They haven't received the notice of local traffic department,Also not involved in any discuss,Whether to implement free,The place such as to inform down again after consultation.


The traffic department of transportation roads relevant personage to reporters yesterday pointed out,Due to the state council document puts forward the airport high-speed whether free by local decision,All rules also did not come,So part of the company also have wait for place finally notice fluke mind.


    And the same situation,Waiting for the local traffic department finally notice and shandong/jiangxi/Guizhou's construction developers.Shandong high-speed group responsible for local media said it would pay close attention to province related department notice,Notice if issued,Also according to the provisions.Guizhou a tourism highway person in charge told reporters yesterday yue:"Holidays is not only a few days free gathered little money problems.Big flow brings road maintenance,The people who do the work is increased and the specific MAO how make do not have a clear yue method,So although the state council issued a document,Specific still should see provinces and cities how to operate,So we pay more attention to their respective provinces measures rules."

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    国庆中秋高速公路免费通行 广东车流或增三成     National Day Mid-Autumn festival highway toll free guangdong traffic flow or increased by thirty percent


    The traffic department of transportation 5th issued an emergency circular,This year the festival and National Day, even take the expressway toll free.Guangdong province transportation hall officials 6 to the yangcheng evening news reporters,Guangdong province toll free scheme has reported the provincial government,For the first time after approval will be released to the society.According to reveal,Guangdong plan content basic and transportation department of transportation plan consistent,But will be combined with guangdong actually formulated some measures.

    广西"免费方案"国庆前公布     guangxi"Free scheme"Before National Day by


    Mid-Autumn festival this year National Day long vacation passenger car can toll free the highway,Now distance holiday and more than 20 days,The often went for a drive from the citizen certainly a good news.so,Guangxi is the executive toll free policy?Toll free period can be extended gradually?Toll road how to improve the management level of service?yesterday,Reporters learned from guangxi transportation hall,Guangxi will strictly enforce the ministry of communications about four statutory holidays car toll free plan,At present the detailed rules for the implementation of the relevant are agreed.


   节假日高速路免费 自驾游成本降低40% Holidays free highways leading cost decrease 40%


     A national large travel agencies shenyang branch chief said,According to the calculation,Major holidays highway toll will be exempted from the car,Leading tourist transportation cost decrease 40%,The navigator expenses cost reduction,Will improve the tourists travel rate.

特别策划:搜狐旅游黄金周自驾游攻略 Special planning:Sohu tourism golden week leading strategy
