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  在曼谷的康民医院,一次髋关节置换手术平均需57万泰铢(合计约18500美元),价格大约只是美国同类手术的一半。对不少美国人而言,去泰国进行一次髋关节置换手术,顺便观光旅游一番,已不失为合理的选择。 KangMin hospital in Bangkok,A hip replacement surgery to an average of 570000 baht(Total about $18500),The price is about half of the United States similar operation.To many americans,Go to Thailand for a hip replacement surgery,By the way a sightseeing tour,Already can yet be regarded as reasonable choice.


now,Each year more than 2 million people to Thailand,Accept heart/cosmetic/Dental surgery, etc. Various kinds of medical service,Come to appreciate the local scenic spots and local conditions and customs.Medical tourism has become the characteristics of Thailand tourism,Expected this year creates income will be more than 120 billion baht,In recent years and will keep in double-digit growth.


Thailand has become the world medical tourism"leaders".Nearly 10 years,Thailand tourism bureau and the ministry of health to,Tried to create a Thailand"The world medical tourism service center".In addition to the number of visitors and income growth,Thailand's medical level and service category also greatly upgrade,Emerging three-dimensional home the international first-class medical institutions.


医疗为旅游辟新路 For new medical tourism monarch


2008 year,Which city is second only to London and New York,To attract more than 10 million overseas tourists,Become the world's third largest tourist city?The world authoritative research institutions, European international gives the answer:Bangkok, Thailand.Aura behind,Responsible for the medical tourism.


With the developed countries of the medical expense rise and resources increasingly shortage,Many people choose medical travel,As a treatment and tourism have your cake and eat it way of recreation.Small to dental treatment,To bone joint surgery,Can finish in a foreign country.It inspired the past 10 years the global medical the rapid development of tourism.According to the American market research institutions RNCOS statistics,In 2000, the gross output value of medical tourism less than $10 billion,By 2005 has exceeded 20 billion us dollars.


See from market share,Asia is the world medical tourism platoon guide.In 2010,,Approximately 90% of global medical tourists will Thailand/Singapore/India chosen for destination,The Thailand and Singapore's most popular.But the traffic/Accommodation and medical expenses in,Singapore is far higher than Thailand.So Thailand become medical tourism is big popular.


Thailand last year affected by floods,The still accept 19 million tourists from all over the world,A growth of 20% in 2010.The medical tourism number about 2.2 million,There are 500000 people specially at the medical service and come.Increased drive the tourism income,In recent years,Thailand medical tourism at an annual rate of 16% growth.At present,Thailand tourism income accounts for 6% of GDP to 7%,The medical tourism has accounted for 0.4%.According to the ministry of health estimate of Thailand,Thailand last year to accept the medical service of foreign tourists bring a total of about 98 billion baht income.Five years,This field creates income will break 800 billion baht.


物美价廉打造高地 Excellent quality and reasonable price make heights


With the medical tourism policy"landing",Thailand's medical level in recent years has made a lot of progress.In southeast Asia,Bangkok's KangMin hospital/Three mattel hospital through the first American medical institutions of the audit,Obtain qualification certificate.This certificate is a global medical service providers"Gold standard".At present,Thailand a total of 8 hospitals HuoPing this certificate,And to foreign visitors.


"Many Bangkok's hospital has reached the highest level of the world,And the United States similar compared,Even more."The United States has asaph the medical tourism company CEO Stephen rush said.The company is now a year will be patient to Thailand/Turkey/Mexico 7 countries accept treatment."Whether treatment process/Medical staff level and medical equipment,Patients are given a very good feedback."Rush said.


At present,To Thailand to enjoy the medical service of tourists come mainly from the United States/British/Japan/The Middle East and Australia.Bangkok's hospital provides targeted services,AD hoc Japan AD department,Also hire 22 language translation personnel,There is no lack of among them Swedish/Cambodian and popular destinations5 language.In 2006,,The Nepal's prime minister girija prasad koirala has need of medical service,Also choose to Thailand KangMin hospital.


To further expand its medical tourism,Thailand has formulated the tourism bureau of the next phase of the four specific goals:For long-term stay in Thailand's foreign nationals opening specialist outpatient service;Promote SPA center/Massage center, and other medical place development;Strictly according to the world health organization standard production Thai herbal medicine and health products;Increase Thai traditional medical skill and diagnosis and treatment to choose.


Thailand also plans to the united Arab emirates/Qatar/Kuwait/Oman and bahrain five countries as a pilot,Medical legal of stay from 30 days extended to 90 days.Thailand tourism bureau of the web site marking the detailed medical structure information and famous hospital.With the tourism bureau of the tai Beijing bank cooperation,Visitors to issue debit card,To provide medical care and life insurance service.
