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北京下周发布“拥堵预报” 29日晚达拥堵峰值--亲稳舆论引导监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:昨天,市交通委发布了全市高速公路易拥堵路段绕行方案,方便市民出行。高速路免费方案发布后,市民最担心的莫过于可能带来的拥堵问题,针对拥堵问题,相关部门做了哪些防堵准备?市民又该如何面对这场拥堵考验?为此,记者采访了交通委新闻发言人李晓松和交管局新闻办公室主任张景春。[我来说两句] yesterday,City transport administration commission released the city highway easy congestion sections and round scheme,Convenient people travel.Highway free plan after release,People worry most about way may lead to traffic congestion,According to the congestion problem,Relevant departments are doing containment preparation?Citizens and how to face the congestion put to the test?therefore,The reporter interviewed transport administration commission spokesman LiXiaoSong and Jim hall, director of the news office of ZhangJingChun.[me two other]


The city highway easy congestion sections and round tip


 G7京新高速: G7 Beijing new high speed:易拥堵路段:太平庄、德胜口隧道出京方向 Easy road congestion:TaiPingZhuang/Tecsun mouth tunnel out the direction


    Round line:According to the choice of auxiliary or G6 Beijing Tibetan high speed.


 G6京藏高速 G6 Beijing Tibetan high speed


易拥堵路段:马甸桥至北沙滩桥;上清桥地区、清河收费站出京方向 Easy road congestion:MaDianQiao to north beach bridge;Supernatant bridge area/Qinghe toll station out the direction

  绕行线路: Round line:1.沿五环路内环方向绕行京承高速、北六环,从西沙屯桥进入京藏出京方向。

1. The inner ring road, along the direction of the bearing high speed/North six ring,From xisha tuen mun bridge into the Beijing Tibetan out the direction.


2. Road, along the outer ring direction to XiaoGuHe export,Along the road to the north yuanmingyuan to north clear road,And then can turn right to BeiAn HeQiao duty visit to hide high speed,Also can turn left go northwest six ring to the new high speed or Beijing Tibetan high speed.

  易拥堵路段:京藏高速山区路段出京方向 Easy road congestion:Beijing Tibetan high mountain road out the direction


 绕行线路: Round line:可从居庸关收费站驶出,绕行S216京藏辅路到达水关长城和八达岭长城地区。

From the juyongguan toll station exit,Round S216 Beijing to hide the auxiliary ShuiGuan the Great Wall and the Great Wall at badaling area.


 G4京港澳高速易拥堵路段: The Hong Kong and Macao G4 to high speed easy road congestion:西道口至五环段出京方向;杜家坎收费站出京方向绕行线路:1.走西四环莲石东路—六环路(石门营)—京港澳高速。2.走G45大广高速(京开高速)—六环路—京港澳高速。3.走G45大广高速(京开高速)—廊涿高速—京港澳高速。4.行驶京周辅路—赵辛店进入京港澳高速。易拥堵路段:琉璃河至市界段出京方向绕行线路:自琉璃河出口驶出—绕行G107京深线。

The west crossing to the rings segment out the direction;Du camp home toll station out of Beijing direction round line:1. Go west fourth ring road buried lotus executive way - six loop(Shimen camp)- the Hong Kong and Macao high speed.2. Go G45 big wide high speed(Jingkai highway)- six loop - the Hong Kong and Macao high speed.3. Go G45 big wide high speed(Jingkai highway)- gallery zhu high speed - the Hong Kong and Macao high speed.4. Driving on the week - ZhaoXin shop into the Hong Kong and Macao high speed.Easy road congestion:Coloured glaze river to city boundary segment out Beijing direction round line:Since the coloured glaze river export to put off - round G107 Beijing deep line.

    G45大广高速易拥堵路段: G45 big wide high speed easy road congestion:怀柔收费站去往怀柔方向绕行线路:1.行驶宽沟收费站出高速往北可通往怀柔北部旅游景区。2.行驶杨雁路收费站出高速往北可通往G111京加线和雁栖湖方向旅游景区。

Huairou toll station to placate direction round line:1. Running wide groove toll station out high-speed north to placate the northern tour scenic spot.2. Driving YangYan road toll station out high-speed north G111 Beijing to add line and YanQiHu direction tourism scenic area.


 G2京沪高速 G2 jinghu high speed


 易拥堵路段:大羊坊收费站出京方向 Easy road congestion:Big sheep fang toll station out the direction


Round line:1. The southern/The west vehicle six loop - G2 jinghu high speed.


2. Go G104 beijing-fuzhou line - X301 mining forest road - G2 jinghu high speed.

  S11京承高速 S11 Beijing high-speed bearing

  易拥堵路段:1.望和桥至吉祥寺桥路段出京方向;2.京承主站出京方向 Easy road congestion:1. Hope and bridge to JiXiangSi bridge sections out the direction;2. Beijing bearing standing out the direction


Round line:1. The city directly driving G101 beijing-shenyang line direction to chengde city airport expressway or by driving in


North gao export to put off,Again into G101 beijing-shenyang line direction to chengde.


2. The eastern and southern vehicle by east rings driving airport two high-speed round north six ring,Again into the bearing high speed.


3. To the north and west vehicles can be running the airport high-speed round north six ring to the bearing high speed.


4. By the east rings into the airport two high speed to the flat high speed,In the Beijing dense road(G101 beijing-shenyang line)Export to put off,Along the G101 beijing-shenyang line direction to chengde.


S32 Beijing high-speed flat round line:Since S201 is smooth and round S305 ShunPing road or S331 downtown ShunPing to pinggu direction.


 G1京哈高速 G1 with jingha


易拥堵路段:白鹿收费站出京方向绕行线路:1.南部、西部车辆走东五环上S11京津高速—六环路—G1京哈高速。 Easy road congestion:White deer toll station out of Beijing direction round line:1. The southern/The west vehicle go east rings S11 the beijing-tianjin high-speed - six loop -- G1 with jingha.


2. Northern/The eastern vehicle take six loop -- G1 with jingha.


(3) the northern/The eastern vehicle go G103 Beijing pond line -- G1 with jingha.

  预计拥堵程度会怎样 Is expected to congestion degree would be how

  29日晚可能最堵 29 night may be the most plugging


LiXiaoSong:According to the past 3 years of prediction,September is the most congested month,Half a month on,1/3/10 all appear different congestion degree,And the degree of congestion and prediction results.Half months,and/28/29 evening peak will be very congestion,Because of holiday pay to have a meal before the possibility of more.the,29 evening congestion index should mean in 8.0,Peak may reach 9.2,We all know that congestion index to 10,The whole road will become the parking lot.

  拥堵情况是否会实时发布 Congestion will real-time release

  下周发布拥堵指数 Congestion index released next week


ZhangJingChun:Tubal branch has begun to related congestion prediction,Since together next week,Tubal branch will through the media to citizens for"Congestion forecast",Such as congestion index and the circumstance such as traffic.In addition,In the toll free time,For highway traffic growth and congestion index may also enter the forecast range.


LiXiaoSong:According to the highway roads in the free time,Citizens through the transport administration commission official micro bo"Traffic Beijing"/Beijing traffic radio/Beijing TV channel such as news channel,To timely obtain the city transport administration commission issued real-time traffic information and service information.Beijing TV news channel spot every day eight times daily traffic information service,In the morning and evening rush hour,Traffic radio also twice a day the rush hour traffic tooltip.

  高速路拥堵严重时咋办 Highway traffic congestion or serious when

  严重拥堵时断路 Serious heavy traffic break


LiXiaoSong:When in the peculiarity of toll roads main appear serious when congestion,Toll highway operation management unit should cooperate with the public security traffic departments to take temporary break/Guide line measures.Through the open plugging point near the head back valve,Will the vehicle from a recent export derived.When toll highway service severe congestion,Cause traffic service flow backward Toll Gate area,The public security traffic department personnel should be in plugging point and it increase counseling,Avoid the Lord/The auxiliary area congestion.If the Toll Gate happen congestion impassable,In the nearby toll station for shunt,Lead to other road;Congestion serious,Enable more toll station at the same time shunt scheme,And timely through the network variable information board, release the shunt information,Through the media release congestion information.


In addition,Toll free period,Public transport department will strengthen the main traffic toll roads bus line capacity deployment,Take timely temporary scheduling measures accelerating turnover of vehicles,Ensure that line operation order,Formulate toll highway local sections sudden congestion situation bus vehicle emergency replacement or round plan,Ensuring public traffic capacity.

  市民应该做好哪些准备 Citizens should do what preparation

  出行前查好路线 Trip before check good route


ZhangJingChun:Have the following several should pay attention to.For example,In the highway mouth and out besides the mouth place,Original import and export and narrow,Have other vehicles,Makes inward and outward more plugging.In addition,Many owners put in and out of the mouth place as waiting or rest place,This is not only dangerous,And more aggravate congestion.The second is when the traffic accident,After taking pictures and collect evidence in time to move the car,Otherwise delay 1 minute may congestion three or four kilometers.Proposal citizen trip before,Must find good route,Reference prediction of heavy traffic,And other traffic information service,Arrange travel.

  记者黄海蕾 (来源:京华时报)

Reporter HuangHaiLei (source:Jinghua times)



9月北京现7天最拥堵日 重点日期等可弹性上下班 September 7 days Beijing is now the most congestion day key date can be elastic commuter


    In September possible serious traffic jams,Beijing transport administration commission yesterday issued a series of measures to reduce traffic pressure.On September 21,/26 and 28 such key working day and night peak rainfall special weather,Enterprises and institutions can adopt flexible working time.


    the,September this year there will be seven time need special attention,respectively:September 3, early peak(On Monday,The primary and secondary school)/On September 19(On Wednesday,WeiHao 4 and 9 limit line)/On September 21,(On Friday)/On September 26(On Wednesday,WeiHao 4 and 9 limit line,Preganglionic the fourth day)/On September and,(On Thursday,Preganglionic on the third day)/On September 28(On Friday,Preganglionic the next day)Late peak,And on September 29,(On Saturday,Unlimited line working days,The last day before)Peak sooner or later.…[详细] [detailed](新京报)

(The Beijing news)

不收过路费 十一黄金周自驾游省钱秘笈 Don't accept toll 11 golden weeks leading save money secret


    This year the Mid-Autumn festival holiday and National Day holiday connected,"Golden week"From September 30 continued to October 7,,8 days;And in early August 1,,The state council issued a notice,The Spring Festival in the future/Tomb-sweeping day/Labor day/Such as the National Day four national legal holiday,Small bus highway toll free.[详细] [detailed](搜狐旅游综合)

(Sohu tourism integrated)


Eleven golden week special planning project

■十一旅游最佳方案 一路向北捕捉秋色

S eleventh tourism optimal scheme journeyed north capture autumn scenery

■黄金周玩自驾 免收过路费咱high起来

"Golden week" s play drive will be exempted from toll za high up

■黄金周出游 绝妙旅行大片拍摄指南

S golden week travel excellent travel large shooting guide


Eleven golden week s popular tourist routes recommend

■美食游天下 十一自驾游饱食海鲜大餐

S food swim all 11 leading repletion seafood dinner
