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尼泊尔坠机19人遇难 遇难者包括5名中国人(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  28日,尼泊尔西塔航空公司一架载有22人的飞机在首都加德满都机场起飞后不久坠毁,16名乘客和3名机组人员遇难,另外3人重伤。尼泊尔警方宣布,有5名中国人在空难中遇难 28,Nepal west tower airlines plane carrying a 22 people in the capital Kathmandu airport plane crashed after takeoff,16 passengers and three crew members were killed,Another three seriously.Nepalese police announced,Have five Chinese in plane crash victims.   28日,尼泊尔西塔航空公司一架载有22人的飞机在首都加德满都机场起飞后不久坠毁,16名乘客和3名机组人员遇难,另外3人重伤。尼泊尔警方宣布,有5名中国人在空难中遇难。 28,Nepal west tower airlines plane carrying a 22 people in the capital Kathmandu airport plane crashed after takeoff,16 passengers and three crew members were killed,Another three seriously.Nepalese police announced,Have five Chinese in plane crash victims.

  中新网9月28日电 综合报道,当地时间28日,一架小型客机从尼泊尔首都加德满都特里布万国际机场起飞,不久后坠毁,造成19人遇难。法新社、美联社报道称,这次事故的遇难者包括5名中国人、7名英国人和7名尼泊尔人。 Beijing on September 28 -- Comprehensive report,Local time, 28,,A small aircraft from Nepal's capital Kathmandu terry cloth international airport,Soon crash,19 people were killed by.AFP/The Associated Press reported,The accident victims including five Chinese/The seven British and 7 Nepali people.


Earlier reports said,Five Japanese/Two Italian and a British people in the accident were killed.But Nepal police later fixed this information,Says the foreign passengers including five Chinese and 7 britons.The otherwise 7 Nepali people were killed,Name three passengers/4 called crew.


Nepal police say,Shortly after the plane takes off,The pilot is reported the plane problems,Kathmandu airport official said,The plane seemed to the original plan to return.Earlier reports,The captain seems to have been trying to safe landing near MoLuo hara and to the river bank,But the plane burst into flames,Cause disaster.


The wreckage was found in the river bank.Local television pictures showed,Dozens of military personnel already to the crash site,To the fuselage for fire fighting work.The report also says,Currently, some of the victims of the body has been found.


It is not clear the the cause of the accident.(According to China news network reported more than)    尼泊尔坠机最新消息:目击者称听到遇难者死前尖叫 Nepal crash the latest news:Witnesses say hear victims died screaming          据法新社报道,尼泊尔一架小型客机今天在加德满都机场附近河岸坠毁。飞机失事后引发大火。最早到达现场的目击者称,“我们可以听到机上人员尖叫,但因担心爆炸不敢向飞机泼水。”机上19人全部遇难,包括5名中国人。事发时天气晴好,目前尚不知坠机原因。

  According to AFP,Nepal a small aircraft in Kathmandu today near the airport river bank crash.After the plane crash caused the fire.The first on the scene witnesses say,"We could hear the people screaming,But because of fears explosion dare not to the plane over water."The 19 people onboard,Including five Chinese.The sunny weather,There is not a plane crash reason.


Appear in the crash accident whether you recently and to Nepal travel plan?

  • 太可怕了,不去了
  • So terrible,Not to go
  • 坠机是小概率事件,还是会去
  • Crash is a small probability event,Will still go to
  • 原因不明,不知道
  • Reason unknown,Don't know
  • 从没打算去尼泊尔
  • Never going to Nepal
Check results>>

 近年来全球重大空难一览: In recent years a major global disaster:


2011年 In 2011,


On September 7,,Moscow time 16 02 points,A plane Jacques - 42 aircraft in yaroslavl state fall off,Which 35 people died,Two people survived the accident.


2010年 In 2010,

  1月25日, 一架埃塞俄比亚客机25日从黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特机场起飞后不久坠入地中海,机上载有85名乘客。

On January 25th, A plane Ethiopia airliner 25 from the Lebanese capital Beirut's airport shortly after taking off fall into the Mediterranean Sea,Machine was carrying 85 passengers.


 2009年 In 2009,


February 12,The continental United States airlines and a commuter plane crashed near the city of buffalo in New York state,Deals 50 people died.


On May 20,,Indonesia a military plane carrying more than 100 air force officers and soldiers and their families and crew hercules C - 130 conveyor in east Java and g Dan crash,Left 96 people dead/15 people were injured.


June 1,,Air France flight a plane carrying 216 passengers and 12 crew members of the airbus A330 aircraft from Rio DE janeiro airport three hours and a half,In the Atlantic ocean wreck over the sea,On-board.


On June 30,,Yemen airways a fight airbus A310 airliner in the comoro islands nearby fall the Indian Ocean,All 153 passengers and crew in,In addition to a 13 year old French girl outside were rescued,onboard.


On July 15,,Iran Caspian airlines plane map - 154 passenger plane in the northwestern city of add this temperature near the village crash,All 153 passengers and 15 crew onboard.


2008年 In 2008,


Feb. 21,Venezuela Santa Barbara airlines an airliner crashed in the andes desert zone,The 43 passengers and three crew onboard.


On April 14,Congo(gold)A private airlines jet in the eastern city of goma crashed near the airport and cause fire,More than 50 people to death.


On August 20,,Spain airlines frame Douglas type 80 passenger plane when from Madrid airport runway and fire,Left 154 people dead/18 people were injured.


On August 24,,A Boeing 737 passenger plane in the kyrgyz capital, bishkek, near the maner international airport crash,Killed 65 people/22 injured.


On September fourteenth,Russia international airlines plane carrying 82 passengers and six crew Boeing 737 passenger plane in the ural mountains central BiErM crashed near the city,Killing all 88 people on board.
