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京津塘高速车祸致5名德国人死亡 德国大使探望--亲稳舆论引导监测室

中型旅行车已烧成黑色框架,车头部分严重受损,现场人员在清理事故现场。新华社发 Medium station wagon burned into black frame,Driving part badly damaged,The field staff in cleaning the scene of the accident.The xinhua news agency hair 事故发生后,周边一些游客拍下了客车燃烧的过程。 After the accident,Surrounding some visitors take the bus combustion process. 德国驻华大使施明贤(前)已到现场探望德国伤者。新华社发 The German ambassador ShiMingXian(before)Already to the scene to visit Germany the wounded.The xinhua news agency hair
  昨日8时30分,在京津塘高速下行54公里处,一辆由北京中国青年旅行社组织、载有德籍旅客的北京号牌中型旅行车(京B10475),与前方一辆河南号牌的大型集装箱货车(豫P06119)发生追尾事故,致使中巴车起火,造成包括5名德国人和1名中国人在内的6死14伤。 Yesterday at 8:30,In the beijing-tianjin pond high-speed descending 54 kilometers,A car by Beijing, China youth travel service organization/Passengers carrying German Beijing flapper medium station wagon(Beijing B10475),And in front of a car number plates of henan large container truck(P06119;)Behind accident happened,The ZhongBaChe fire,Cause including five germans and a Chinese - 6 death and injury.


现场 起火客车仅剩框架 Field bus fire with only framework


Reporters learned that rushing to the scene,The accident happened at high speed out of Beijing 54 kilometers direction qing period,Bus driving deformation,Then fire,Burned became black iron frame.According to the insider said,The German tourists from the capital airport was just off the plane,Namely in the B bus number to tianjin tourism.Accident happens,They take bus from the back into the front took container henan flapper trucks.Due to the fast,The crash buckled the bus driving was about half meters,The car's driver was killed.Bus must take 39 people.


Then the front part,Some passengers hurriedly mutual support to get off.At about 9,The whole body is surrounded by the fire.Traffic police after the,Will this road closed.More than ten a ambulance was also on the scene to pull on the injured passengers,Sent to the qing people's hospital.The police arrive,To be burnt black skeleton vehicles photos,And the car body left part of goods packaging away.Afternoon time,The German embassy staff came to know the situation qing people's hospital.


探访 多名伤者伤势严重 Visit more seriously wounded


In the evening,The reporter arrived qing people's hospital,The appointment of two ward before the door shut,A policeman sit inside,Pass in and out of the hospital people need to produce their certificates,But although reporter presented certificates,Or was told not to enter.


After several young students into the),They told reporters,They are tianjin foreign studies university senior students,German professional.Received the notice of the school,Temporarily be borrowed do translation work."The inside is three people a ward,Heard that they before the arrival,Hospital specially make a few empty house."The students said,The school has informed the students,It is strictly prohibited to outside will ward said.


The other according to xinhua news agency,The crash killed a Chinese driver/Five German tourists death.Another 14 injured,For the two Chinese/12 German.For the accident responsibility and the specific situation,The reporter asks the tubal branch area,But the other said is under investigation,Said too much inconvenience.


After the accident,Tianjin municipal party committee municipal government main leadership attaches great importance to,To cure the wounded/The accident put forward disposal is clear about the request,Leaders in charge and the relevant departments shall be responsible for comrades team to the scene immediately command accident treatment.

  晨报96101现场新闻记者 袁显峰 张十月

The morning paper 96101 field journalists YuanXianFeng zhang October


最新进展 The latest progress


伤者对救治表示满意 The wounded to expressed satisfaction with treatment

  据新华社电 收治伤者的天津市武清区人民医院一位姓张的负责人接受记者采访时说,医院在第一时间共接收了14名伤员,目前,有11人在武清区人民医院接受救治,没有生命危险,伤情平稳,主要是烧伤、骨折、肺挫伤和外伤,其中有3人仍住在ICU病房。另外3名伤情较重的德国伤员,被分别转到天津市人民医院和天津市第一中心医院救治。来自天津中医药大学的德语翻译付德超告诉记者,从他接触到的德国伤员情况看,他们伤情比较稳定,但仍惊魂未定,年龄多为中年以上,对天津方面的救治表示满意。

According to xinhua treated the wounded wu qing tianjin people's hospital of a man surnamed zhang's person in charge told reporters,The hospital in the first time received a total of 14 the wounded,At present,With 11 people in wu qing people's hospital for treatment,Dangerous without life,Smooth injury,Main burn is/fracture/Pulmonary contusion and trauma,There are 3 people still live in the ICU.Three other injury heavier Germany the wounded,Were turned to tianjin people's hospital and tianjin first center hospitals.From tianjin university of Chinese medicine German translation FuDeChao told reporters,From his contact with the German injuries look,They injury situation is stable,But still still badly shaken,Age for middle-aged above,The treatment of tianjin satisfied with.


后续反应 Subsequent reaction


市旅游委启动联动机制协助善后 City LvYouWei start linkage mechanism to assist rehabilitation

  晨报讯(记者 吴亭)此次追尾事故发生后,市旅游委迅速与天津方面启动应急机制,相关负责人紧急赶赴天津,协助处理善后。

Morning news(Reporter WuTing)The car tracing cauda after the accident,City LvYouWei quickly and tianjin aspects start emergency mechanism,The relevant person in charge of emergency to tianjin,To help cope with the aftermath.


Yesterday 9:15,City LvYouWei JiaRiBan duty room sounded a rush of the bell,This is the Beijing QingLv calling alarm telephone.This alarm telephone instantly pulled tight JiaRiBan staff nerve,Three working staff of the mobile phone suddenly busy up,The two desk phone to break out."hello,How do you do!Please send a few tourist guide hurriedly to tianjin people's hospital of qing,Help where the doctor do translation,Treatment of the wounded.""How do you do,The national tourism administration JiaRiBan?I am JiaRiBan Beijing.Now send tourism monitors."City LvYouWei members ZhaoGuangChao told reporters,Received after the alarm,LvYouWei has ZuTuanShe contact/Tour bus leasing company and other related units,Qing as soon as possible to.


At about 11,JiaRiBan not spacious office has full from the municipal LvYouWei safety and emergency place/Coordinate with regional cooperation place such as the head of the department.After the necessary communication,JiaRiBan decision immediately to tianjin,Assist in tianjin treatment of the wounded.


City LvYouWei director LuYong said,After the accident,City LvYouWei quickly start six provinces and cities linkage emergency mechanism,Assist to tianjin in the aftermath of the accident processing.In addition,This year the city LvYouWei start mechanism,Namely meet travel emergencies,Jiangtai insurance company in accordance with the principle of first first settlement,Disbursements wounded treatment cost,Ensure that the wounded to be effective/Timely treatment.


LuYong said,In this sudden accidents and highway traffic pressure,In the city LvYouWei yesterday afternoon to the tourism enterprise issued traffic safety emergency notice.Notice requirements,Each big tourism enterprise need to enhance the traffic safety awareness,Remind the driver in the course of driving shall not impose slew,Choose clear road,A serious accident happened to the first time.

  作者:吴亭 (来源:北京晨报)

The author:WuTing (source:The Beijing morning post)
