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  在过去的九月里,Pacific Coffee于中国内地之分店数量突破一百家!第一百家门店——北京秀水店的开幕,预示着Pacific Coffee中国内地发展迈进新的里程。为此,各分店特推出一系列庆祝活动,包括:百店开业首日首位客人获免费咖啡、百店开业一周内满百得限量礼品、寻觅带有“100”的元素与Pacific Coffee外带杯合影上传至微博,既有机会获赠全年一百杯免费咖啡。进入十月,Pacific Coffee再度迎来喜事。

In the past in September,Pacific Coffee in the mainland branch number of a breakthrough!The first hundred stores - Beijing silk shop opening,Indicates the Pacific Coffee mainland China development towards new milestone.therefore,Each branch, launched a series of celebration activities,including:The shop opened the first guests first free coffee/The shop opened a week with the limited gift/Search with"100"Elements and Pacific Coffee to go cup photo upload to micro bo,As both a chance to receive annual one hundred cups of coffee for free.Into October,Pacific Coffee wedding in again.

  本月中旬,紧贴咖啡潮流的Pacific Coffee,于中国内地隆重推出首部自家品牌的“胶囊机”以及多达9款不同口味的饮料胶囊系列,并与著名设计师画家艺术家刘野先生共同推出最别具艺术家设计风格的产品,参与苗圃行动“助学计划”的慈善义卖活动中,于2012年10月17日举行产品发布会。

In the middle of this month,Close to the trend of the Pacific Coffee Coffee,In China mainland roll out ceremoniously first their own brand"Capsule machine"And as many as nine different flavors of beverage capsule series,And a famous designer and artist LiuYe artists together with Mr. Most don't have artists design style products,Participation sowers action"Student plan"The jumble sale activities,On October 17, 2012 products conference held.

  活动开始,Pacific Coffee首席执行官汤国江先生(Raymond)揭幕刘野先生设计作品“匹诺曹”胶囊机“新装”,并对此次慈善售卖活动进行说明:每售出一部设计师艺术家作品胶囊机,Pacific Coffee便会捐助100元人民币之善款,助力中国贫困山区失学儿童。同时,活动还邀请西班牙籍调酒师现场进行“美酒+咖啡”的胶囊特饮调配表演。技艺精湛的调酒师,可根据现场嘉宾的不同需求,进行个性化的调配,现场演绎“中西融合”的产品特质。

Activities began to,Pacific Coffee chief executive officer Mr. ShangGuoJiang(Raymond)Mr. LiuYe unveiled design works"Pinocchio"Capsule machine"New clothes",And for the charity sale that activities:Each sold a designer artists capsule machine,Pacific Coffee will donate 100 yuan of funds,Help children China's poorest regions.At the same time,Activities also invited Spanish international bartenders site"Wine + coffee"Capsule special drink mix performance.Highly skilled bartender,According to the different needs of the guests,Undertake personalized deployment,Field deductive"And combination of Chinese and western cultures"Product characteristics.

  “Pacific Coffee胶囊机”由德国优质技术研发,操作简易、功能卓越、设计时尚,拥有红色、乳白色、黑色和银色供顾客选择。机身尺寸仅为150W x 378D x 297H mm,流利的线条与外形流线型外观,以及简约的操作按钮,可配合任何家居和办公环境。同时,胶囊机配备19-par bar压力大气压及自动胶囊排出功能,可以自动自行调校容量和放置杯位的高低,只需两个简单步骤,便可轻易调配出不同口味的饮品,让生活更添姿彩(售价:RMB2680)。

"Pacific Coffee capsule machine"By the German high quality technology research and development,Simple operation/Function of excellence/Design fashion,Have red/ivory/Black and silver for the customer choice.Fuselage size only for 150 w x 378 d x 297 h mm,Fluent line and shape streamline appearance,And contracted operation button,Can be used with any household and office environment.At the same time,Capsule machine equipped with 19 - par bar pressure atmosphere and automatic capsule discharge function,Can be automatically to adjusting capacity and placed a cup of high and low,Just two simple steps,Can be easily allocate out different flavors of drinks,Let the life more add a colorful(price:RMB 2680).

  Pacific Coffee首创“茗茶”胶囊系列 混合无限创意 咖啡茶香飘逸满室

Pacific Coffee first"Mingyuan tea"Capsule series hybrid infinite originality coffee tea scented elegant full chamber

  除了推出自家品牌的先进胶囊机,Pacific Coffee更一口气推出9款令人拭目以待瞩目的饮料胶囊系列,包括:哥伦比亚咖啡(Colombian Supremo)、浓缩咖啡(Espresso Blend)、早晨精选咖啡(Breakfast Blend)、红茶(Black Tea)、柠檬味绿茶(Lemon Green Tea)、洋甘菊茶(Camomile Tea)、薄荷茶(Peppermint Tea)、牛奶(Milk)以及朱古力巧克力(Chocolate)。

In addition to launch their own brand of advanced capsule machine,Pacific Coffee more breath out of 9 a wait and see outstanding beverage capsule series,including:Colombian coffee(Colombian Supremo)/espresso(Espresso Blend)/Selected coffee in the morning(Breakfast Blend)/Black tea(Black Tea)/Lemon taste of green tea(Lemon Green Tea)/Chamomile tea(Camomile Tea)/Mint tea(Peppermint Tea)/milk(milk)Chocolate and chocolate(CHOCOLATE).

  9款饮料胶囊不但可以独立使用,更可以mix & match 不同口味的饮料胶囊,随意组合出变化万千的美味饮品,由意式咖啡、奶泡咖啡、朱古力摩卡咖啡到英式奶茶,顾客在家中或办公室均可享用仿如咖啡专家用心调制的饮品。同时,顾客更可以花点心思,加点创意,利用不同的饮料胶囊和食材,创造出与众不同的特饮。

9 drink capsule not only can be used independently,More can mix & Match different flavors of beverage capsule,The optional combination ever-changing delicious drinks,The Italian coffee/Milk coffee/CHOCOLATE mocha coffee to British milk tea,Customers at home or the office all can enjoy imitation such as coffee expert attentively modulation drinks.At the same time,Customers can spend bit of idea,Add some creative,Use different drinks capsules and ingredients,Create different special drink.

  Pacific Coffee的饮料胶囊选用的均是品牌最受欢迎的优质咖啡豆、上等茶叶、牛奶和朱古力巧克力。咖啡豆经过悉心烘焙、研磨,并立即密封加工,保证顾客开启时才释放出原来的香气。扑鼻的香气在高压的热水浸泡下,随意散发,而质感更是无比的幼滑。(RMB88一盒/每盒16粒)

Pacific Coffee drinks capsule selection are the most popular brand of high quality Coffee beans/Classy tea/milk and chocolate chocolate.The coffee beans baking after carefully/grinding,And immediately seal processing,Ensure that the customer is open to release the original aroma.Tangy smell in the high pressure hot water soak down,Optional send out,And the texture is very smooth.(RMB 88 a box of/the magazine and grain)

  凡于2012年12月31日前,亲临Pacific Coffee中国内地各门店购买品牌首部“胶囊机”,即可享受“上线特别套餐”优惠,可获赠K-fee胶囊(20盒,4种口味每种口味各5盒)。,另还可以八五折购买PCC品牌系列的胶囊产品。

Whoever in before December 31, 2012,Pacific Coffee to mainland China each store to buy brand first"Capsule machine",Can enjoy"Online special package"preferential,Be given a K - fee capsule(20 box,Four kinds of taste every taste every 5 boxes).,The other can also purchase price rise of PCC brand series of capsule products.
