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游诺贝尔获奖作家莫言故乡 高密旅游实用攻略--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  【导语】:高密市隶属于潍坊市,位于山东省东部,胶莱河和潍河之间,已有2200多年的历史,古称夷安,春秋名相晏婴、汉代大司农大经学家郑玄、清代大学士刘墉(刘罗锅)、2012年诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言都出生在这里。… [Guide language]:Gaomi city belongs to weifang,Is located in the east of shandong province,Glue lai river and between WeiHe,More than 2200 years of history,Stone yi Ann,The spring and autumn period and the name YanYing phase/Han dynasty big company nongda hsuan cheng/The qing dynasty grand secretary liu2 yong(LiuLuoGuo)/The gainer of the Nobel literature prize in 2012 mo yan are born here.…
  【关键词】:莫言 高密 山东旅游 诺贝尔文学奖
[keywords]:Mo yan densified shandong tourism the Nobel Prize for literature


densified:For mo yan a gun and red

  高密跟莫言相关的旅游资源主要有: High-density and mo yan are mainly related to the tourism resources:

  1、“东北乡”概念: 1/"Northeast township"concept:莫言作品和讲话中反复提到的“东北乡”泛指原高密市的大栏乡、河崖乡,即现在的高密疏港物流园区、夏庄镇以及姜庄镇。在“东北乡”概念里有2个省级旅游特色村:首批国家级非物质文化遗产聂家庄泥塑的发源地姜庄镇聂家庄村和首批国家级非物质文化遗产高密剪纸基本用材红纸基地夏庄镇东李家村。

Mo yan works and speech repeated"Northeast township"Referring to the original gaomi city big bar township/River cliff township,What is now densified dredging port logistics park/Xiazhuang town and JiangZhuang town.in"Northeast township"Concept have 2 provincial tourism characteristics village:The first batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage NieGuZhuang the birthplace of the clay sculpture JiangZhuang town NieGuZhuang village and the first batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage densified paper-cut basic timber red paper base xiazhuang town east LiGuCun.

  2、莫言文学馆: 2/Mo yan museum:莫言文学馆位于潍坊市高密一中校园东南部,是一座三层小楼,总建筑面积1900平方米。馆名“莫言文学馆”为我国著名作家王蒙所题,门柱上的楹联“身居平安里心忧天下,神游东北乡笔写华章”由著名作家贾平凹题写。

Mo yan museum is located in weifang densified one southeast campus,Is a 3 f,With a total construction area of 1900 square meters.GuanMing"Mo yan museum"The famous Chinese writer wang for the problem,Post couplets"In peace in the heart sick,Fugue northeast township pen write hubei"The famous writer jia ping-wa inscribed.

  3、莫言旧居: 3/Mo yan former residence:城里南关村——莫言结婚及青年时代生活所在地,莫言婚后在此居住多年,他前期的部分作品便是在此创作完成。

The city NaGuanCun - mo yan married and youth life is located,Mo yan married live here for many years,His early works in this creation is complete.

  4、莫言老屋: 4/Clearing mo yan:东北乡——莫言出生地和少年生活所在地,位于高密市东北部胶河疏港物流园区平安庄村,距市区约10公里。

Northeast China township -- mo yan birthplace and the young life,Gaomi city is located in the northeast glue river dredging port logistics park zhuang village of peace,About 10 km away from downtown.

  5、《红高粱》拍摄基地: 5/[Red sorghum]Shooting base:也是孙家口伏击战旧址青纱桥、公婆庙惨案红色旅游纪念地,青纱桥位于高密市东北部胶河疏港物流园区孙家口村村后,距市区约20公里,为著名电影导演张艺谋拍摄电影《红高粱》的主要拍摄地之一。公婆庙即公婆庙村,现改名东风村,属高密市胶河疏港物流园区,距市区约20公里。

[ jia is also mouth site green yarn bridge/Parents-in-law temple tragedy red tourism memorially,Green yarn bridge is located in gaomi city northeast glue river dredging port logistics park after every jia mouth,About 20 kilometers away from the city,For the famous movie director zhang yimou film[Red sorghum]One of the main shooting.Parents-in-law temple is temple in the village,Now renamed dongfeng village,Gaomi city of glue river dredging port logistics park,About 20 kilometers away from the city.


6、其他跟莫言相关的和作品中反复提到的影像: 6/Other related with mo yan and works repeated image:高密炉包、高密剪纸、高密茂腔、高密九儿特酿酒、高密白干酒。

Densified furnace bag/Densified paper-cut/Densified alum cavity/High-density nine son's wine/Densified white dry wine.


readings:Mo yan introduction


 莫言: Mo yan:(1955年2月17日- ),原名管谟业,生于山东高密县,中国当代著名作家。香港公开大学荣誉文学博士,青岛科技大学客座教授。他自1980年代中以一系列乡土作品崛起,充满着“怀乡”以及“怨乡”的复杂情感,被归类为“寻根文学”作家。其作品深受魔幻现实主义影响,写的是一出出发生在山东高密东北乡的“传奇”。莫言在他的小说中构造独特的主观感觉世界,天马行空般的叙述,陌生化的处理,塑造神秘超验的对象世界,带有明显的“先锋”色彩。2011年8月,莫言凭借长篇小说《蛙》获第八届茅盾文学奖。

(On February 17, 1955 - ),Formerly known as GuanMo industry,Born in shandong densified county,Chinese contemporary famous writer.The Open University of Hong Kong honor doctor of literature,Qingdao university of science and technology visiting professor.He since the 1980 s with a series of works in the local rise,Full of"homesickness"and"Quarrels with his country"Complex emotions,Is classified as"Root-searching literature"writer.Its work by magic realism influence,Write a happened in shandong and high-density northeast of the country"legend".Mo yan in his novel structure unique subjective feeling the world,A powerful and unconstrained style of narrative,Defamiliarization processing,Shaping mysterious transcendentalism object world,With obvious"pioneer"colour.In August 2011,Mo yan with novel[frog]The eighth maodun literature.


On October 11, 2012,Won the Nobel Prize for literature.Sweden college of liberal arts the Nobel Prize committee announced,Chinese writer, mo yan won the Nobel Prize for literature.The reason is"Mo yan's magic realism paintings combine the folk story/Historical and contemporary",Mo yan becomes the first of the Chinese writers.Mo yan is full of a series of local works"homesickness""Quarrels with his country"emotional,Is classified as"Root-searching literature"writer.

    延伸阅读:探秘莫言出生地 传说中的高密东北乡

    readings:Quest mo yan birthplace legendary densified northeast township

    news:Shandong densified to make red sorghum cultural attractions

  下一页:搜狐旅游推荐高密游前须知 The next page:Sohu tourism recommend densified swim notes before
