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  日前,法国普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸大区在局长Bruno JAMES先生率领由阿维尼翁市旅游局、艾克斯市旅游局、阿尔勒市旅游局、马赛市旅游局、毕欧林城堡代表及一星米其林厨师Lionel LEVY先生一行12人来华举办了一系列的品酒会、业界研讨会、晚宴等多种形式的深度推介。普罗旺斯是一片受上帝眷顾的土地,拥有丰富的自然资源,多样的文化遗产和独特的法式的生活艺术,一直是中国游客向往的旅游目的地。

a,The French provence - alpine - blue coast region in chief Bruno JAMES led by Mr Avignon city tourism bureau/Aix city tourism bureau/Arles city tourism bureau/Marseille city tourism bureau/Burt orin castle representative and a Michelin chef Mr Lionel LEVY a line of 12 people in china held a series of wine tasting/Industry seminars/Dinner and so on many kinds of forms of depth to promote.Provence is a visit by the god of the land,Rich in natural resources,Variety of cultural heritage and unique French life art,Has always been an attractive tourist destination for chinese tourists.

  这片地区濒临地中海(Méditerranée),随处可见它的身影,这片大海是阳光、香气、千年文化的代名词。它兼具各种面貌:保留原始风貌的卡马格地区(Camargue),真实的小海湾(Calanques),受到保护的雷兰诸岛(îles de Lérins)、克罗港岛(Port Cros)以及波克罗勒岛(Porquerolles),时髦的蔚蓝海岸地区海水浴疗养地,以及颇具港口风情的城市!甚至内陆地区也受到这种地中海文化的影响,它造就了这片地区的特点并且吸引游客前来造访。

This area is on the verge of the Mediterranean Sea(Mediterranee),can be seen everywhere on the scene,This piece of the sea is sunshine/aroma/In one thousand the pronoun of culture.It has all sorts of appearance:Keep the original style and features of "lattice area(camargue),The real small bay(calanques),Protected LeiLan islands(îLes DE Lerins)/crowe Hong Kong island(Port cros)And the wave g basil island(Porquerolles),Modern blue coast sea bathing resort,And a port city of amorous feelings!Even inland areas is also affected by the influence of the Mediterranean culture,It made the region's characteristics and to attract tourists to visit.


In order to make chinese tourists feel fully the area,;Provence regional tourism committee recommended priority is worth visiting"Top ten"scene!


Began to travel,What could be better than visit our city landmark more appropriate way!Every city are unique,They each are not identical,Bring the most happy:

  马赛(Marseille)具有地中海气质。这座法国最古老的城市充满活力而且五彩缤纷。 从老港(Vieux Port)到市中心,途经具有代表性的篮筐街区(quartier du Panier)以及风景美不胜收的滨海大道(Corniche),所有元素都齐聚一堂令您度过五彩斑斓的旅程!

marseille(marseille)Have a Mediterranean temperament.The France's most ancient city full of vitality and colorful. From LaoGang(Vieux Port)To downtown,Through the typical basket blocks(Quartier du Panier)And beautiful scenery of the binhai avenue(corniche),All elements are gathered here make you have multicoloured journey!


Provence by region(Aix en - Provence -)Is different with marseille neighbors.Its charm lies in the Renaissance private mansion.People here walk leisurely garden.People along the cezanne(cezanne)Footprint walk,He was born here and here draw creative inspiration.

  古老的阿尔勒(Arles)并非一座城市而是一种精神状态,体现了近在咫尺的卡马格地区(Camargue)的精神面貌!这里拥有杰出的古代遗产。这座曾经被人们称为“小罗马”的城市吸引了梵高(Van Gogh)、毕加索(Picasso)以及高更(Gauguin)前来作画!如今,这里举办的摄影展迎接世界各地最知名的摄影师前来参展。

Ancient arles(Arles)Is not a city it is a state of mind,Embodies the kamakhya lattice area near at hand(camargue)Spiritual outlook!Here has outstanding ancient heritage.This was known as"Small Roman"The city has attracted van gogh(Van Gogh)/Picasso(Picasso)And more high(Gauguin)Painting to!now,Here the exhibition held welcome the world's most famous photographers to exhibitors.

  马赛、普罗旺斯地区艾克斯、阿尔勒共同属于马赛-普罗旺斯都市圈(Marseille Provence),这里将成为2013年的欧洲文化之都(Capitale Européenne de la Culture en 2013) 。

marseille/Provence by region/Arles all belong to marseille - provence metropolitan circle(marseille Provence),There will be 2013 years of European culture(capitale Europeenne DE la culture en 2013) .

  阿维尼翁(Avignon)这座教皇城拥有普罗旺斯城市的幸福生活。教皇宫(Palais des Papes)每年都会举办著名的阿维尼翁戏剧节!

avignon(Avignon)The Pope city have provence city of happy life.Teach palace(Palais des Papes)Will be hold each year famous avignon festival!


SAN, el cantante(Saint - Tropez)Is plute people during the summer meeting place,When slack season may revert to a small fishing port of peace,There are those in the leafy small square/Ball games/The cafe open seat and fine sand beach!

  距离热闹的圣特罗佩若干公里处就能见到满眼绿色的葡萄园。这里出产普罗旺斯葡萄酒(vins de Provence)以及著名的桃红(rosé)葡萄酒,可以在一座葡萄棚架的阴影下凉爽饮用!在地势更高的沃克吕兹省(Vaucluse),人们能够品尝到罗讷河谷葡萄酒(Côtes du Rhône)(红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒)以及教皇新堡葡萄酒(Châteauneuf-du-Pape)。在参观酒窖和酒庄以及遍访独特风景时值得品尝葡萄酒。

Distance lively holy, several kilometers el cantante can see eyeful green vineyard.Here produce provence wine(Vins DE Provence)And the famous pink(rose)wine,can in a grape frame under the shadow of a cool drink!In the higher ground WoKeLvZi province(Vaucluse),People can enjoy the rhone valley wine(côTes du Rhône)(Red wine and white wine)And the Pope fort new wine(châDu - Pape teauneuf -).During a visit to a wine cellar and wineries and unique scenery inconvenience when worth tasting wine.


These scenery especially including large blue lavender garden.Lavender flower in June to August,They adorn scenery from the provence alpine province(Alpes - DE - Haute - Provence)After WoKeLvZi province(Vaucluse)By the alpine province(Hautes - Alpes)!

  沃克吕兹省境内拥有一片特别的地方,因为它的真实、宁静、风光以及遗产而深受人们欢迎。鲁西永(Roussillon)的赭石颜色、美不胜收的戈尔德小村(Gordes)、旺图山(Mont Ventoux)只是其中几个给人们留下深刻印象的景点!彼得.梅尔(Peter Mayle)通过他的散文让普罗旺斯的这部分地区为人们所熟知!

WoKeLvZi province have a piece of special place,Because it's true/quiet/Scenery and heritage and popular.Luxi ever(Roussillon)Of ochre color/Magnificent al gore's village(Gordes)/Prosperous diagram mountain(Mont Ventoux)Just a few impress people scenic spots!Peter. MEL(Peter Mayle)Through his prose let provencal part of this area is known!

  吕贝龙地区天然公园(parc naturel régional du Luberon)保护着这片大自然,以便每个人都能充分享受自然风光。

LvBeiLong area natural park(PARc naturel regional du Luberon)To protect the this piece of nature,So that everyone can enjoy the natural scenery.


WeiErDong river(Verdon)Is also a piece of protected areas,Here is the world famous geological scenic spot,Surprise is here turquoise color of the river and deep canyons!In order to be able to fully experience the charm of here,People in this hiking hiking or carry out rubber dinghy movement.

  最后,为了抵达山峰,沿着环法自行车赛(Tour de France)知名冠军们的足迹出发,比赛途经的6个著名的典型山口就位于这片地区!可以骑自行车穿越以下山口:加利比耶(col du Galibier)、洛塔雷(col du Lautaret)、瓦尔(col de Vars)、阿洛斯(col d’Allos)、博内特(col de la Bonnette)、凯约勒(col de la Cayolle)!

finally,In order to arrived at the peak,Along the tour DE France(Tour DE France)Based on the famous champions footprints,Through game six famous typical mountain pass located in this area!can ride a bike through the mountain pass:BiYe galilee(col du Galibier)/Los tare(col du Lautaret)/val(col DE Vars)/O lowes(col d’Allos)/Bo nate(col DE la Bonnette)/Kiah about le(col DE la cayolle)!


To feel provence - alpine - blue coast region,Experience exchange/share/history/food/culture/Motion and many other things!
